White women are destroyers of white culture and civilization

Reminder that as long as they exist, they will drag our potential down to the doldrums.

The solution is to.... remove...and replace.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>t.recluse incel, the post
t.drunk at bar in West L.A.

Why do you feel this way about women stranger?

women are merely a reflection of men.

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t. forever alone

He never struck me as a man who liked expensive, super cars. Weird.

They are a feedback loop on the changes men make to their enviornment. Change the men and the women will follow.

It's called being a guy user

reminder: hating white women is hating the white race
youve been jewed

Too busy flying on his expensive, super plane

what kind of jewry is this OP?

He's a New York jew he's probably afraid of driving

Kill yourself yourself kikelstein.

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>Yessss Goyssss yessss, it's your evil White Women!!!!

You know we can just subjugate them right? It is what they desire.

>white women are destroying the white race
>lets remove white women, ensuring the destruction of the white race
low fucking quality shlomo

>Look over here Goys!

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Artificial wombs

Exactly. Man holds the power, always. If men change their act, women will do the same. Stop hating women, it’s not their fault.

ITT: white knights defend women like pathetic beta faggots. Women have had a serious role to play in what has happened to our nations ans they need to get their share of the blame.

If men change their act, white women call 911 and have him thrown in jail.

pathetic woman defending here. They NEED to be blamed just as much as leftist men.

unfortunately that part of them is being haywired by completely uncontrolled media under the guise of 'free speech'

You sound like a pussy beta male.

Work to reduce government funding of the police.
Men handle increased crime just fine.
Women, not so much.

Stop paying men to keep you from your women.

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>stop paying men to keep you from your women

Problem solved. Gg, world fixed.
Guess im going to bed now

>all these cucks literally absolving women of their decades/centuries of absolute horseshit and blaming men
They sure as FUCK won't improve if you keep letting them get away with it.

We have no choice but to remove white women from our society and colonize the asian races if we are to survive in any meaningful way. The white woman will only betray us

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Go fuck your Ching Chong then, and have your genes wiped out of existence.
Won't be much of a loss.

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yea... (((white women)))

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In medieval times, a man hooked his wifes head up to a torture device called the scolds bridle, if his wife ever talked to him out of turn or yelled at him.
Adultresses were set on fire and cut apart.
Crossdressers as well.

But today, white cucks like the betas ITT think feminism is manly.
>are you afraid of strong independent womyn? Sound like an incel to me.
They argue like women also. Applying ingroup shame tactics to shame you into conforming to society. Is there anything my jewish?
The pussy worship is the most retarded thing about the so called "right wing".

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>and replace
With what, pray tell?

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a real man wouldnt need to torture his wife to love him, hed lead by example and forgiveness, thus allowing her to become responsible and pleasant. youre a beta male

>yo let's torture the bitches
Are you, by any chance, a Muslim?

I'm still waiting.

Found the shitskin virgin.
You know nothing about women retard

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Artificial wombs you illiterate cunt.
>must be muslim
Maybe islam really is our future.
This used to be christian custom, but now atheism has turned the west into cucked white knighting soibois.
Its truly over

you know nothing about yourself. youre just a bitter beta male who will continue to live in hell unless you change your act and stop blaming women

Say what you want about Muslims... but their women don't destroy their society. It's only until the immigrate to Western countries before they start causing problems. Correlation? Causation? You be the judge, faggot.

>Women are actively working against you.
>"Dude, virgin, stop blaming women who want you to treat them like men and "equally" blame them."
Nothing you say makes sense.

>stop blaming white women for their actions
Ultra s o y
Or roast?

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Lick this tight little pussy daddy

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>Women are actively working against you.
they arent though. stop being a paranoid beta male

AHAHAHAHAHA yes, sexbots and babies born in plastic bags, exactly what I thought you'd say, Shlomo. Really, you need to up your bullshit game, this one's about played out.

And what about western society is different from Muslim society which allows women to behave like sluts? Bet you can't figure it out.

So you agree with me? Women are in alliance with Jews? k then

>they arent though

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Won't exist much longer desu.

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Collect their frozen eggs and toss them into a bonfire.
Another good solution

>take responsibility for literally anything

pick one

It's western men that have become weak.
Women are children, they aren't accountable or responsible for anything.

Fuck off to r9k all you faggots do is talk about women it's like an issue of Cosmo. Fuck you mods

The only redeeming quality of white roasties is their genes. We need to find a way to break the monopoly they have on producing white children then they will become obsolete and finally be left behind

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White women have become such whores because their choice is between numales who will put up with anything & manchild MGTOWs who cry about it.

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And when we say that the solution to this is to institute hardcore 19th century style patriarchy you white roastie lovers call us larpers betas and manchilds

holy shit I want to murder this woman

No one wants to see that

1 Corinthians 7:1
Now concerning the things about which you wrote, it is good for a man not to touch a woman.

If you are a virgin, you're better off for it in today's world. Life means more than breeding.

>20 sexual partners on average

>they will drag our potential down to the doldrums.

With illiteracy like that, you're there already.

>Replacing your own people
Women are easily impressionable, they think what they are told to think. Regardless of if they think they are independent; they will always have the ideals of moronic idols soldered into their brains.

>Its men's fault women are subhuman
Kill yourself.

how is this white hate thread still going?
stop bumping it you fagmagnets

Ethnicity isn't even a factor, and you're a retard if you think it's only white women that destroy civilizations. The only reason women have become a problem is because we gave them the same rights as men, which was a mistake because women are nothing more than overgrown children.
What we need is a day of the cage, i.e. women being put back in their place.

kill yourself white knight. GOddam americans are so cucked to women.

your fucking retarded please shoot yourself in the head.

Remove and replace? Wtf is wrong with you?
Abuse and enslave!

and yet we need them to perpetuate the white race, funny how that works. Hapas are not the future of the white race unfortunately.

Abandonment of the church is what has destroyed us. A society will not degenerate if men are taking their families to service on Sunday. Whether you believe in god or not, you cannot deny that Western society began degenerate only when we turned our back to Christ.

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Nah he loves driving. Now that he is potus the secret service won't let him drive anymore.

OP is right. It's white women's fault Trump got elected. Self hating bitches.

Yep that’s right

And white men let them do it.

This is the one. White men before commanded respect and were feared. Why would our women want to be with us if we are cucked?

All women are destroyers of culture and civilization if left unsupervised.

>when you realize that freezing your eggs is basically thowing them into a bonfire
feels good man

he's always had cars but never really flashed them like most celebrities do

I think most of his cars were bought as investments

This is a slide thread

>The solution is to.... remove...and replace.
t. Jew

This. White women are the worst degenerate whores on the planet. Everything that is going wrong in Europe/USA is because of them.

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If You really belleave this.. Joint the movement that has no name. a Movement with Bleached ideas, A movement with out a name.. a rebirth of White history on an individual basis.

Join the Pride, Embrace Everything that has shaped Your White life, Your History. Embrace What You are, Embrace Your Destiny.

You are not a killer, You are What You are. Your ancestors Created history. It is time. It is a good day for the White Man, We must relearn our True Nature.
We Must Fight, we must be Brutal We Have to guarantee the survival of the Whites.
Iran Turkey. War is in my Blood White man.

Women follow the lead of men always.

You know you're onto something when the faggoty communist larper is upset.
Literal nigger shills hating on white women.

ITT: Shills agreeing with OP, who is a faggot, and the confused lurker, who wants to agree because muh group think.
Women will always follow the lead of a strong man, and when groups of strong men gather, women will follow in droves.
In short, only weak faggots hate their own women for something they themselves are in control of.

this is the weirdest neocon propaganda post ever

pic strongly related. kill yourself, 3rd world shit stain.

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I'm in Japan atm and white with blue eyes but I just cannot fathom white women. For 35 years they have been awful drama queens, fat pig and self centered childish babies obsessed with making your life more cumbersome.

I'll be marrying a Japanese girl, or searching for a Russian bride.

russian women can be extremely attractive. find an orthodox qt user.


Women cant be expected to fight this war. The blame lies in the men who refuse to fight.

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So you agree that we must institute strict 19th century style patriarchy and completely roll back women rights and their sexual agency?

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White men were the first to abandon religion en masse. We can reverse everything if we return to Christ.

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I dont think women are the problem. I mean they have been around for quite some time. Longer than any culture has surviced to be honest! The problem is jewish monetary system that no one but the elite benefit from.

Learn the finance. This is a good 30min video to start from.

It is true that white women are among the most liberal people on the planet. These titniggers have damaged us forever and allowed our contries to be flooded with muslims. OP is right.

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factual truth. But it's easier to just blame all civilizational ills on women

>defending the degenerate white roasties
Seriously, why do you guys cuck so much for women?


if you hate white women you are part of the problem and should leave western countries

>all white women are roasties

get yourself a black chick and go to africa if you hate white women

no, but we definitly have to ristict them more than right now

ah ha, a picture meant to make an evil tingle in the jew circle scar on my mutilated pen15. Be wary user

example of a man.

if you dont agree with him you are a virgin beyond help

People will say that “over half of all white women voted for trump” but it’s literalt just old boomer women. White women under 50 are all bleeding heart liberals.