>be a result of race mixing
>confused about where I really belong
>don't relate to white people
>don't relate to my other race either
>weirdly only relate to one ethnicity that makes up a small percent of my genetics
Amerimutt thread. Get in here mudbloods
There is only 1 race, the human race you fucking nazi bigot
hapa or what?
>There is only 1 race
im a sasquatch and i find this highly offensive
this. the word "mutt" doesn't tell us much. op you mystery meat or something?
Central Asian here. Am I a mutt?
Oy vey, that's wrong think comrade.
Go say 70 Hail Marx and repent for your white guilt and suburban upbringing.
everyone treats me like I'm black
I'm purebread carribean
>Begins typing anti mutt comment with cheeto stained fingers
>Begins crying after thinking this will change the fact he's 70% black.
Sorry amigo. We will try to be more nice to you.
I'm hapa. All praise the glorious elliot rodger.
> tfw no mud in my blood
Not even part native
Why are they all so ugly
Honestly dude, you probably don't need to try all that hard to fit in with either Whites or Asians.
The part about being unable to relate is in your head.
>half italian/half german
>look italian as fuck
>brown hair and eyes
>germans in my family say I look greek
>am protestant because the mother's religion overrides the father's
Fucking S
What a loser. S
He deserved to die
Fucking retarded kikes
It's not normal at all for white, old stock Americans to have indio blood or Cherokee ancestors. The colonists didn't fuck the native savages like the Spaniards and Portuguese did.
Look at these sluts
IDF is full of so᠌yboys
What you mean like Medditerraneans?
If you guys are going to shill this hard, please make up your mind on what Americans and Medditerraneans look like.
True but deep down I feel strong repulsions to certain cultures. White culture is so deeply annoying to me.
It feels the same as if you took a white kid and dropped him in a black family and told him he is black now.
Switch to Catholocism or Orthodox and go full Mediterranean Master Race
That isn't true 'white culture'.
take the meme flag off or kill yourself you fucking nigger faggot. Sage
Something tells me that you're focusing too much on negative aspects of "White culture" while at the same time White culture also encompasses the vast overwhelming majority of your entire experience here on earth so far. You speak a European language, often associate with Whites, know when traditional White holidays are coming up, etc.
Anyway, there's enough cultural diversity among U.S. Whites alone that anyone can find something that appeals to them.
>meme flag
opinion discarded
>is Mutt
>White culture is so deeply annoying to me.
Checks out, every Mutt I have see has some bone to pick with their White Family for having a hand in their creation
Their tears of anguish when Trump won were hilarious
A bagged a pretty good one for ya op.
This pic made me laugh so hard I woke my bf
Why are Europeans such stuck up twits towards Americans? The average American has done nothing to you people
i am white supposedly my family is irish and norwegian but there is no proof
>The average American has done nothing to you people
Except dismantling our empires and forcing your degenerate culture on us? Oh yeah let's not forget how you normalised the concept of mass immigration
niggers and kikes can have fake fights all day. im still white and it feels good. no guilt and much pride
Well, actually, here it is. I live in Oklahoma (Choctaw for Red Man's Land) and there are a lot of "white but not white" people here. Damn near everybody in this is state is at least partially Indian. Luckily for me, my family is not from here. I'm first generation in this mutt infested state.
> Pick related is the Cherokee Nation's chief. Yes, Elizabeth warren cherokee
I already knew this was a thread made by a memeflag before i even clicked.
And obviously first post is another memeflag trolling.
Sprinkle in a little white d&c
Add that to the faggot dumping pics of literally retarded jews and you've got yourself a great shill thread.
I don't like white culture on a genetic level. Everything european I don't like. I hate it's religion, I hate democracy, I hate rome, I hate britain, I hate france, I hate germany, I don't like the mythology such as lord of the rings, I hate the self righteousness, I hate the over regulation, I hate white people manners, I hate the low iq, I hate the party culture, I hate their do gooder attitude.
kill yourself faggot
you obviously don't hate our tech or you'd be banging sticks together like a good lil boi
Supreme Gentleman
Yeah, because the average American is really responsible for what their leaders have done. You don't know shit about us.
I will give back your tech if you give back all your tech that were dependent on having the compass, gun powder, paper and printing.
op you’re nonwhite. you relate to your nonwhite side. those are your people.
A petulant child such as yourself has no place making demands.
Sick of these fucking threads.
>*doesliterally anything*
"you're good"
>letting you watch themplay single player games while you telepathically try to get them through rainbow road you fucking black icer
the tight-lipped smile
being afraid of GRAPE FUKING SODA
the list goes on and on
what made whites this way?
Can someone interpret this post?