Why are Asian countries so poor despite having such higher IQs and successful cultures in comparison to europe?
If you thought white people were just smarter, I have some news for you: they're not. Everyone accepts that they're not and that it's a ridiculous position to have to believe they do.
Like wow, a bunch of peninsular nations excelled at world conquest during the centuries when naval shit was the most relevant. what a surprise.
Asian countries have higher IQs, rapidly growing economies (europe has been reduced to shaky economic unions nobody is genuinely happy with which constantly resorts to a humorous blame game and the US is obviously on the decline), and incredibly high social cohesion. Westerners are forced to tell themselves that china will collapse if the economy ever has a bad moment. Wow what a great insight westerners thank you. If the economy crashes horrendously people will be unhappy. Well spoiler: we support our government because our government supports us.
Even by your own ridiculous nazi meme standards we are siginificantly better. The nation is dominated by Han chinese. Even in western countries the closest thing you can come up with to an ethnic group is something vague like "german" or "french" which is really just a political state of being as there is no coherent ethnic group in these countries.. and dont get me started on muttmericans....
last but not least im sure you will say china lies about iq, then explain how japan and south korea both have high ones compared to the west? explain how these countries are significantly more economically powerful than any white country outside of the shitty op one which is just a imperialist state which enslaves foreigners.
europe stole gold and silver from the americas and africa. europe colonized india to get free spices. vasicall white people are gib me dat hungry niggers and asians stayed on their side of the planet mostly through history. mongols excluded
when not killing native americans the white devil was cutting hands off of niggers. the worst behaved off all the races of man. niggers are just annoying and deserve to die but whitey deserves to be erased from history
Caleb Murphy
Its the largest continent in the world with a lot of different regions and cultures. You're generalizing with "all asian countries are poor". Which ones? Singapore? Vietnam? India? Uzbekistan? Malaysia? Japan?
Connor Perez
>flag >wall of text >chinks im not reading that you kike
Anthony Fisher
one thing that always gets me about you anti-white types is, are you not thinking about how whites (western euros, mostly) are by and large responsible for the majority of inventions, ideas and whatever else formed the basis of modern civilization? do you really think just removing all "whites" (such a nebulous concept) will just magically usher in a golden age of prosperity and peace among all of remaining mankind?
Liam Jenkins
Being able to do long division in your head is impressive, and definitely a skill that's useful to have sometimes
But the kind of IQ that really built society is abstract mathematical reasoning and visual intelligence
Asians are smart, they're just not a "build a new kinda thing" sort of smart.
Liam Brooks
Europe is the seat of the best system or better yet certain Western European countries, western imperialism has deeper implications than race my friend despite it being the superficial interpretation. This guiding force doesn’t have a military of its own so it hijacks national sovereignty of these countries and uses it as a proxy for its own purposes