Colorado Baker

Why do you believe that it was Jack’s right to refuse service to Charlie and David based on his belief? What does the supreme court ruling mean for other religious shop owners?

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Because the government can't violate a persons right to religious liberty, which it would be doing if it forced him to bake a fruit, a cake

He’s a victim of lawfare. It’s a common tactic of SJW’s. Christian Knights need to rise once more and destroy these faggot vermin.

Faggots don't deserve anything nice.

The gay couple went looking for someone they could sue. There are tons of Baker's that would've happily baked their cake, but they purposely went after one they knew they could attack. It was malicious from the start

the tranny nigger faggots could have gone literally anywhere else, but noooo they go to the one they know is a Christian to piss him off

hes back niggas

This. The fags had an agenda, and even if they didn't it's still his private business and he's not obligated to serve anyone.

In the not so long ago, every business that you went into had a sign hanging there. " WE reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"

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>Be even more mentally ill than the people who sued the baker for not baking them a cake and expect a different result

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Could a baker in burgerland claim to be an esoteric hitlerite and refuse to serve non Aryans in his store?

The baker should be able to refuse to serve any customer he wants, especially if they haven't paid anything yet.

Only critical businesses shouldn't be able to restrict their services to anyone (public services, transportation, non-recreative food etc) as long as you respect their code of conduct while using their services.

Even though those signs aren't there services can still be refused. It's just not for the reason of something immutable.

Only tech companies get to refuse service

based Colorado man

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If he loses, I'll be ordering Star of David cake from a Muslim bakery, and Swastika cupcakes from a Kike.

why do leftist fagoots always say conservatives are stupid yet never have a fucking clue about any of the facts of arguments they engage in?

I don't know. I know the Baker won, but I don't know the condition. I'm guessing it's for religious liberties.

the fags didnt sue him, they posted the story on face book and that state sued him.

Post a thread for it when you do. I will pitch in

He deserves to lose and you deserve to have your cake and eat it too.

[spoiler]And they deserve the money for it.[/spoiler]

1) Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion nor prohibiting the free exercise of religion.

2) No one has a right to demand your services.

3) To legally compel service is holding a gun to their head.

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>Force Christian bakers to begrudgingly make cakes for gays
>Now they just spit in the ingredients, don't practice proper hygiene while making it, and do other things to subtly get back at those goddamn heathen queers
I am 100% fine with homosexuality, but I honestly don't know why a gay person would even want some person who's opposed to their lifestyle to handle their food.

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You can't always tell what Christian would be opposed and which wouldn't. There are some progressive churches out there. But, in the general sense you wouldn't. But, it's more to the point that it shouldn't be the case that there are places that would refuse services that would refuse service on that basis. That's one of the things about the civil rights movement that got carried over to the lgbt+ movement. So, while you wouldn't want to, it's good to know that you could.

Also, doing shit like that is bad for business. Also, that is very un-fucking Christian to do shit like that. I think it's more likely they'd proselytize to gays and hand them Chick tracts or some shit.

>implying that fags care about hygiene

if they cared about hygiene they wouldn't ram their genitals into the most disgusting part of the human body.

>go to artist
>ask him to create an object that goes against his moral code
>sue him when he does not comply

If I asked a mural painter to paint a picture of Christ on the Cross for my church and he refused, I would simply find a different artist.

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Because I don't like fags. I don't have to like fags. If it were up to me I'd throw you off a roofe. Unfortunately, throwing degenerate homos off of rooftops isn't constitutionally protected. My right to refuse service is. I'm sick and tired of you forcing your degenerate shit on people. If someone asks me to leave their business for whatever reason I politely leave. I got cucked into going to a gay bar the other night because my best friend from childhood found out he had a long lost fag brother living in San Francisco after he took an online (((DNA))) test. And let me tell you something, it didn't make me more tolerant. It disgusted me. Hundreds of worthless "men" walking around with no desire in life other than to have the instant gratification of casual sex. Nothing but bright lights, degenerate behavior, and a lack of morals. I watched my best friends half brother go in a bathroom to suck a strangers cock on the toilet, then he came back and asked for keys so he could snort cocaine. After which, he talked about how much he loves fucking 15 year old straight boys and the dude is 32. Make no mistake. I want to make your, and every other degenerate faggots life the biggest living hell I can before you drop dead and spend eternity with satan. Not only do I not want you in my place of business, I don't want you on earth. Can you even comprehend what a total failure and rabid scourge you are on society, or does that not cross your backwards pathetic mentally unstable mind? Nobody likes you. The only people that like you are the same people that need to be eradicated from our civilization. Fuck. Off.

who is this woman

Why does anyone have the right to Jack's service?

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>Jack’s right to refuse
No one needs a "right" to refuse -- merely a reason.
Jack had a reason to refuse, and that should be that --
but no, feelings were butthurt, and now Jack is the bad guy.

No, because the constitution is dead

On this point for instance, we do actually discriminate against religions that the government doesnt recognize, like voodoo. One cannot come up with a new one.

The real problem is that the government exercises unconstitutional control to the point where you would need to invoke the 1st amendment during every day business in the first place
You should be allowed to discriminate against whom you want. I would argue the freedom of association and implied right to contract cover that already but its beyond saving.

Someone forced to work for someone else against their will is a slave.

It's not. If that were the case then all jobs are slavery.

its his store, he can do what he wants

Forcing people to perform certain tasks is called slavery. End of.

Again, no. Being possessed as property by someone else is what makes someone a slave.

US law also indicates that if there is only one baker in town, then it would be illegal to not bake the cake. Is called the commerce clause, which didn't apply because there were other bakers that would accommodate.. The gay couple just wanted to be the Rosa Parks of the gay community. But they failed in that, but they did manage to cost the baker a lot of money in legal fees.

I heard he is suing for damages though, and there is a go fund me page.

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The worst thing about this coward tactic is that it's always against christians because they know they are not supposed to retaliate.

No, because Shlomo Shekel and Nose LLC wouldn't take his case

Because faggots have special rights