I hate the concept of working

Working is the waste if your energy during your best years and a waste of every day's best hours. You're basically making money for a company that will pay you say a 0.1% of what you produce. Moreover, commutes, waking up early and having not so much time to rest pretty much sucks.

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literally a pile of rocks on money

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The postmodern concept of employment imo seems to be more geared towards keeping society occupied (and hence away from crime) than generating labor that may actually help humanity.

I'm in the same boat, I only want to work the bare minimum and not buy into this economic system. Don't own property and fon't have kids so I can get by with very little.

The right approach to work is to start a hobby, become really good at tit and then monetize it. in your case it would be sucking cocks.

>Spanish flag
checks out

Cant argue much against your position. With all the rocket engineers flooding Europe, minimum wage making as much as welfare and immoral businesses that fill the pockets of greedy bastards. Worked in a deep freezer storage for 5€ an hour, was fun but slave work and a waste of my health. Telemarketing, I quit when I was told to sell ISP´s to ppl on their death bed.Our new doctors and elite factory workers will surely enrich the globalist high tech soon enough, they will invent a cure for cancer on their break. I am sure of it.
That is an good idea, but most ppl that are very good at what they do are often get bullied by the lazy hang arounds and you will still need a second income to maintain a family if you so desire.

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fuck off commie

>I hate the concept of working
Spotted the communist

>Working is the waste if your energy during your best years

Then you wonder why English based countries did better than Spaniards.

You fucking lazy niggers should of never had the luck of finding a hungry Italian to discover riches for you, you couldn't even do that on your own

Fuck Spain