Single mom genocide when?

Single mom genocide when?

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True and bamp.

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Betamales, Liberal Fags, & Omegas are all the by-product of single moms

Never date a single mom. Is every single mom an irresponsible idiot? No, of course there are exceptions. Certainly a widow who's husband died who has a child has no reason to be ashamed and should be sympathized with. But that's not the majority of cases.

I dated a single mother for 5 years. Every fucking red flag you could name she had it. Her son was the only reason I stayed as long as I did. He was such a loving child and was crying out for love and affection. I hope he leaves her as soon as he turns 18. She was an evil witch who neglected him emotionally, preferring to play video games than help him with homework or playing with his cool Lego’s. Fucking useless mother

Single moms should be shamed and executed

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the issue is blecks. blacks make a lot of single moms because they can’t plan ahead. they are a large part of criminality because they can’t think of causality and consequences.

they are perfectly adapted to life in Africa where food literally crawls across their fucking feet and have never had a need for a larger brain that has a concept of the future.

I would have added this to my redpill folder but there's no source at all in the image so the image is worthless. Saging as well since it's a wasted thread.

After the kike gets slain