Salvini’s Italy

Anything interesting happening in Italy since the election? I know of them BTFO’ing of migrant ships but I want to know the attitude of the average Italian on migrants and the current progressive hell hole this world has become

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Italians are realising they elected a useless gorilla.

>Any interesting happening?
>attitude on migrants and progressiveness
On migrants it's exactly like it was before, extremely hostile, the only difference is that now people are slightly less ashamed of showing it in public.
Regarding progressiveness I don't know what you refer to. The "modern world" never made an actual breach here, we still live pretty much like 30 years ago nothing changed, we don't have actual sjw or stuff like that, and even if you find them they are seen as crazy.
The only difference since eg 10 years ago is that you find niggers in central station in Milan or Rome or whatever drinking beers and trying to sell you stolen phones or whatever. But that's just my two cents living in the woods outside of big cities, I'm sure if you ask people who live there there must have been other episodes.
All in all nothing changed, people don't realise Italy is still 97-98% European, we really didn't witness the hell they have abroad, not that the situation is perfect, in my unpopular opinion on this board, Salvini was not able to do anything of actual impact since he took office, he just says something based only to be turbo blocked by the M5S and back down, maybe he stopped 500 niggers from coming, so I'm rather reserved on the potential results this government will achieve, we'll see.

The country supports Salvini 100%

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fuck this cunt bocchi

???? Salvini is probably the most loved politicians from decades

>we don't have actual sjw or stuff like that, and even if you find them they are seen as crazy.
they are starting to come up in milan

The germanfag is hinting at something a little true though. I love Salvini, the point is that he's been useless until now. Talking about doing stuff is useless if then you can't do it. We will never get rid of niggers until there is the nationalistic civic scum Conte, DiMaio and Mattarella are.
I receive a lot of hate on this board for saying this, but in your heart you know it's true. We are engaging in extremely dangerous narratives, and half of the government area is bluepilled scum. Salvini is as good as it gets but he'll never be able to do the good stuff in this government. I hope for new elections soon.
Sending migrants ships to the rest of europe is not a solution.
Distributing migrants to take less is not a solution.
Accepting a non european as Italian citizen is madness.
Civic Nationalism is a crime the M5S are guilty of.
All it would take is for the rest of europe to open their borders and the current narrative would crumble, forcing us to take more niggers again. The idea of opening centers for immigration in Africa is madness, it would help them come. The only acceptable model is to deny rescue to anyone coming by sea, exactly like they are doing in Australia.


Pick one, that city is unironically the most jewed part of the country together with emilia it really doesn't surprise me if they would turbo cuck

she reports on more obscure facts you don't read up on journals

>we don't have actual sjw or stuff like that
We do in the new generation, my sister is a stereotypical SJW, hangs out with LGBTards, trannies and goes to pro-migrant anti-Salvini protest.
If you think we are somehow magically sheltered from SJW BS you're not paying attention.

>people don't realise Italy is still 97-98% European
That's not true lmao do you live in the south?

So Milan is 19% non-italian and has SJW's? Is it the Barcelona/London/California of Italy?

Read below:

hans seriously, you still have merkel when you could have had based qt Frauke Petry. your nation is cuck central

arent people assaulting niggers in Italy all the time?

We kill gays

Attached: Italy_anti_gay.jpg (2560x1408, 363K)

A reminder that there was a terrorist attack on a Lega building in Treviso and the international media memory holed the shit out of it

>That's not true lmao do you live in the south?

Don't fall for the /pol propaganda and look at data. Italy is currently ethnically 93% italian, and another 4% european. Niggers amount for 0,7% and muslims for 2,5%, including the niggers. Here's the data
if you want to look for muslims look on religious statistics.
I live in Latium btw, away from big cities like Rome.
>We do in the new generation
Never seen them or heard of them, but again, I live in the woods in central italy, I live every now and then in Rome as well but in my university (LUISS) they do not exist. Maybe the north is different by now in places like Milan but definetely not here. Also, you have to realize that if she's young, 90% of those kids change their ideas 180 degrees by the time they are 21. I've seen it with my own eyes. There were some kids who were left leaning in my high school, by the time they were 21 they either became full blown fascists or just wishing to send every non white back. It's just because the school system brain washes them but usually everyone recovers later.

AHAHAH good luck with the EU, you merkel shit-shill

Salvini is an israeli shill tho, like all the stupid right wingers that are too closedminded to understand that some muslims are /ourguys/ like shia Iran. If a war with Iran ever starts Italy and current government will become America's bitch just like in 2003

That happened before as well, the point is that now medias like to make cases of it to depict Italy becoming violent because of muh racists.
Milan by nowadays is an obnoxious place for obnoxious people. With Bologna is the worst place in Italy.

Lega and Salvini are Civic Nationalists too. Salvini has said dozens of times he doesn't have a problem with immigrants, only "the illegal trafficking of human beings". Watch this and see how the crowd of Lega supporters from Southern Italy reacts.

Milan is full of artsy fartsy people, gays and all kinds of deranged people from all parts of italy and europe, so it isn't your typical italian city.

Bologna is the Barcelona of Italy
Milan is not much better though

Milan isn't even European anymore

I'm proud to live in Lombardy for once

His actions and conversations recorded in private of the past pretty much tell you it's not the case with salvini. He has every now and then a token nigger, and bends his narrative depending on where he is for propaganda. The point is that he can't show his power level, not at this stage, and not with this government. Not that I approve of it of course.

literally NOTHING has happened, except they passed some bills that worsened everything

Here you can see the usual PD shill

How are you shill? Does Martina pay you well?

serious things will start after summer

what is this, a teen relationship?

Why? What are you talking about?

kind of

when this shitty government inevitably fails under its own promises I'll be recommended as a local administrator for my services to the party, while you will be among the first ones to be shot ;3

Are there many muslims in Italy? Are they also concentrated in small towns or only big cities?

You sure that data covers everyone who's in the country mate? Btw, it wasn't that long ago people here were saying "We're 95% British, stop worrying about Nazi conspiracy theories."

most italians absolutely despise non-whites.

they said they will start start for real after summer

People are DEAD, Italy is on its KNEES, 50%+ of the population is under EXTREME poverty
And Salvini is just relaxing on the beach RIGHT NOW spending our public money and spewing words against black people between a vodka shot and a stripper's lap dance

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No, she's pure.

and you are SEETHING

Is the muslim problem big in Italy?

I went to Milan and bergamo (gf lives in treviglio)

It surprised me that I saw Muslims in a. 30k thousand people village. There are luckily no mosques though and they are a really small minority but still. Milan is pretty white but there are many illegal Africans. However inside the city you don't see them much. More inside trains. Every coupe has like at least 1 smelly nigger. Bergamo which was like 95% white further into the city had so many niggers sitting around the station. It was an awful sight. I literally felt like it was 50% black there. I saw like 50 of them sitting next to eachother. Hope this just fuels more and more hate towards them and lega continues to grow. Funny thing is my gf and her senpai except maybe her brother are PD supporters

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That's the "I'll get to work after this summer I swear" mentality of middle school kids who can't do shit and take responsabilities, kind of fitting with M5S since most of them never got past elementary school

What do you mean?
Our msm didn't talk about it?
( i dont watch tv anymore )

every sane people would have done that,you can't change the world in one day

an anarchist set off a bomb,it's not that sepcial though

>a tiny firework placed by an anarco nigger in an empty place is now a nation-threatening terrorist attack for the STRONG AND FEARLESS RIGHT

Check Salvini's insta

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Doing what?
they do, illegals range between 60.000 and 400.000 according the different estimates, even if they were 500.000 thwy would still account for less than the 1% more. The data are accurate, and most important of all realistic, I live outside of big cities and usually I see a non white every two months. That is still the case in pretty much all of rural Italy, immigrants here are romenians, poles or ukrainians not niggers or muslims. The point is that there is a huge divergence with the big cities. According to the estimates rome is 25% non white, which again, if you go in Rome, is pretty realistic, that's how it works sadly, countryside is practically unspoiled except for those places who use niggers as slaves to pick up tomatoes taking their passports. I trust those numbers 100%. Also, most niggers go to england, france, sweden, usually immigrants never want to stay and always go north since here there are no gibs. Of all those that came in the last years, maybe 5% stayed here.
And before you say anything, I would eradicate that 3% as it is too much, but still, compared to the rest of western europe we're still in heaven

He's exactly a step ahead of where the Overton window is. Why do you think Fontana said "fuck gay people, there is only one type of marriage" and he said "civil union are not in the contract govt?" Because Leghisti are pushing the Overton window. Have you seen last polls? Forza Italia (the right wing "moderates") are at 5%. PD is around 12-13% There are no more moderates in the country. We will go full Jow Forums in 5 years.

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i learned about it 2 days ago ( 2 days late ), here on Jow Forums.
Why the fuck didn't they talk about it?!
It's relevant news!!

I don't look at that shit, Zuch is selling too much data for my tastes..

The problem in Italy are the magistrates, the judges.
I'm not French, I'm phone-fagging

They did talk about it.
Was fucking nothing

I've never seen one. The only problem is we have still not banned sharia.

He has just picked up on the anti-EU trend and has been since trying to keep up with it, although in a pretty moronic manner, i.e. by trying to imitate Trump in his explosiveness and "extravagant" loud claims.

Lmao good job triggering Jow Forums

No, they account for 2,5%. Mostly residing in the north and big cities in their gated communities, impossible to find anywhere. Besides, most of them are not even middleasterns but form philippines, bangladesh or whatever, it's not really a paramount issue at the current state, and it shows, we are the only country where there was no terror attack. Don't get me wrong, they are still too many, but again, compared to the rest of western europe it's still heaven.

>bridge broken
>(((Benetton))) will probably lose their rights on our highway infrastucture
>a (((NGO))) rapefugee ship is going to go back in Libya soon
>left at 13% in the polls
>everyone love the government
>everyone hate the left
we're winning, big.
you're right, (((Italians))) and turkish are disilluded.

>Trusting (((statistics)))
Go outside and look around. 2.5% my ass.

>Imitating Trump

This guy and his party were on the news every day for chanting about genociding gypsies and burning neapolitans since 15 years ago. The country just was not ready until recently it's not like he ever changed rethoric or way of presenting himself.

>what I see is what everyone sees everywhere
You could’ve made it more difficult to guess who you voted for

In France, we are repeated every day that muslims account for only 7% of the population while the realty is 30% of the newborns have an Islamic name.
I demand that the figures displayed on pol account also the non practicing muslims.

I've never seen a muslim, not even once here in my hometown and the whole area. In Rome it happened, but they are quite hard to find, last time a saw a muslim in italy was maybe six months ago. What are you trying to get at? They most likely are concentrated in certain areas giving you a distorted perception if you have the misfortune to live near it. From my experience muslims are non existing in Italy, perhaps the north is different.
Also, we're in Italy, not US or Sweden, ISTAT is still a completely reliable and serious source, it's not been politicized.

Alright, my bad.
But what has significantly changed since they officially stepped in (even though it's only been a couple of months), apart from the immigration policy?

I visited milan a month ago, its far worse. Milan only seems like 60%european, and its much worse in the younger brackets

I'm Italian not French, just phone-fagging. I've been to Milan, Rome and Palermo this year and there are Muslims everywhere. Impossible to not see them. In Palermo for example there's voting flyers taped on the walls of the city center written in Arabic.
While Istat may be "not politicized", ((((statistics)))) are easy to manipulate. For example the whole "crime is diminishing" debacle while in fact the reports of crimes are diminishing because the police station won't accept your report, not because crimes aren't happening. The problem with Italy is the Magistrates.

Nel dettaglio – e con le precisazioni che seguiranno – la composizione del 3,5% di cittadini italiani che appartengono a minoranze religiose è la seguente:

Tab. 1 – Minoranze religiose fra i cittadini italiani (stima CESNUR 2017)

Ebrei 36.600 1,9%
Cattolici “di frangia” e dissidenti 25.500 1,3%
Ortodossi 272.200 13,9%
Protestanti 471.300 24,0%
Testimoni di Geova (e assimilati) 425.500 21,7%
Mormoni (e assimilati) 27.200 1,4%
Altri gruppi di origine cristiana 6.600 0,3%
Musulmani 367.100 18,7%
Bahá’í e altri gruppi di matrice islamica 4.300 0,2%
Induisti e neo-induisti 41.700 2,1%
Buddhisti 179.000 9,1%
Gruppi di Osho e derivati 4.100 0,2%
Sikh, radhasoami e derivazioni 17.200 0,9%
Altri gruppi di origine orientale 4.200 0,2%
Nuove religioni giapponesi 3.200 0,2%
Area esoterica e della “antica sapienza” 16.400 0,8%
Movimenti del potenziale umano 30.000 1,5%
Movimenti organizzati New Age e Next Age 20.000 1,0%
Altri 11.800 0,6%
Totale 1.963.900 100,0%


Tab. 4 – Appartenenza religiosa degli immigrati (stima Dossier Statistico Immigrazione 2017)

Ortodossi 1.505.000 29,9%
Cattolici 910.600 18,0%
Protestanti 216.800 4,3%
Altri cristiani 38.300 0,8%
Musulmani 1.641.800 32,5%
Ebrei 4.600 0,1%
Induisti 150.800 3,0%
Buddhisti 113.900 2,3%
Altre religioni orientali 81.200 1,6%
Atei e agnostici 234.700 4,6%
Religioni tradizionali 59.000 1,2%
Altri 86.400 1,7%
Totale 5.043.100 100,0%

Numbers match 100%, the non praticants religions account for 230.000 people, even if they were all muslims, it would not change more than 0,2%. There are more orthodox and protestants in Italy than Muslims, yet I've never met a single one of them.

Nothing, only people are less ashamed of being racists and so maybe they come out a little more. Ships sent back were only a few, 90% of the influx was already stopped and so they are going to different places. Laws enacted were very few, the only important one was about the elimination of vouchers and other expiring contract jobs by multinational corporations.
Salvini never lost chance on spouting against faggots, gypsies and niggers but it's not like he got to do anything, he was turbo cucked every time by the M5S.
All in all, nothing changed, just the reassuring knowledge your government won't try to backstab you everyday pushing laws giving citizenship to niggers born on italian soil. I'm quite skeptic on what they will achieve regarding immigration and race, as long as the 5S and their civic nationalist scum are in the government nothing will happen.

>Don't fall for the /pol propaganda and look at data.
Don't fall for shady websites and look at the ISTAT data, look at naturalizations every year, and remember children of naturalized immigrants are not counted.

700k illegal migrants (most of them niggers)

60.5m residents, of which 55.5m citizens, of which 1.5m naturalized and possibly another 0.5-1.5m descendents of naturalized, and then another 300k German South Tyrolese.

Italians, including Greeks, Arbereshe and crypto-Middle Easterners who have been living in Italy for centuries thinking of themselves as Italians, are less than 87% of the total population.

According to myheritage (a DNA testing company) 33.2% of people who tested their DNA from Italy had 0% (!!!) Italian DNA.
Here is someone who got 0% Italian:

As for non-Europeans, we have 1 million citizens of countries in Africa, 1 million citizens of Asia and 370k citizens of Latin America (most of them non-whites from Peru, Ecuador etc.); now add 700k naturalized, 700k illegal immigrants and we are really above 4 million non-Europeans or 6.5% of the total population without even counting who knows how many children of naturalized immigrants

We have around 3 million muslims or 5%, around 1/3 have Italian citizenship, the rest don't.

I went near a shopping center around Brescia and saw women with full black robe niqab covered from head to toes walking outside. The muslim presence is very strong around those areas. My neighbours are muslims from Lebanon btw.

Kraut nigger still angry that his EU shit project is failing and he'll soon be a minority in his own lands.

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I would guess it's 70% European from the looks of it.

srry for you, Palermo and Milan make sense, most of the muslims in Italy live there. Rome, not so much. Most likely you visited turistic places or low income neighbourhoods. I only go to Rome to my university which is in Roma Parioli and hang out either in Trastevere, Ponte Milvio or Roma Nord. Seing a muslim is really an event it never happens. Termini is a no go zone but 99% are niggers. Again, perceptions and concentration in certain areas. 2,5% is a really realistic, and in my opinion absolutely correct, estimate.

I saw some video in Italy of this badass old man chasing sand niggers with a shotgun shooting them. Are you spaghettis all violent towards the muslim invaders? If so keep it up pastabros

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I really hope you are right.

Im phonefagging right now so i cant look it up. Eurostat keeps statistics on thr percentage of non eu 28 mothers of newborns. You might want to look it up

>tfw gonna be an ita citizen in a few years

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I also hang around those areas and I see them every day! What are you on about?

Also relevant

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dude, dont trust myheritage. they have a tendency to lump population together. GEDMATCH is the most accurate.

i went up and down north italy for a while and i barely saw any muslims. lots and lots of fucking indians though.

Where the fuck m8? Viale Parioli and Piazza ungheria I've never seen a non white, maybe the asians walking the dogs of rich bored old white people.
At night again, both trastevere and ponte milvio are only italian people and turists, maybe some nigger trying to sell you lighters or shit, but definetely not muslims, I really don't know what to tell you I just don't see them.

fuck off we are full

ive already bred one of your women, its too late. the problem is that you italian men aren't breeding enough, i gotta take up some of the slack for you impotent beta males.

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>italy supporting a war against iran
I would be mad as fuck if this happens

i really hope this isn't true. why are all right wing politicians such kike lovers?

>why do right wing politicians support the only ethnostate in the world? Haven't they seen my infograph about the jews?? reeeee

you complete and utter fucking brainlet/

Attached: jewsbehinditall.jpg (825x960, 183K)

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2 million is not 2.5%, it's 3.3%, and in amy case it's not 2 million but 3 million, the "2 million" number doesn't count illegals, Pew Research counted 2.2 million muslims in 2010 and 2.9 million in 2016.

I'm on my phone too, this is all I could find...

Naturalizations of non-whites will doom us more than illegal immigrants. At least illegal immigrant can't vote.

>muh jews muh jews
Why do anglos are so retarded?

>ignoring the information posted
>resorts to typing like a retard

im not an anglo, FYI, you jidf piece of garbage.

Attached: jewugly.jpg (1024x721, 126K)

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Sup bro. /maltese/ American here. I just got dual citizenship. How's the motherland?

i sincerely hope you're just a kike shill, if you're an italian i would prefer you just killed yourself right now tbqh.

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Please fuck off with your retarded theories, you are polluting this thread with your stupidity.

GEDMATCH has an Italian ethnicity?
I know myheritage is not perfect, but looking at the history of migration to Italy and considering mutts are more likely to take the test it would make sense that 33.2% of Italian customers have 0% Italian DNA, especially when you keep in mind the line between Italian and Greek are very blurry.

I see Sri Lankans and Bengalis, not many Indians though

What's bringing you here btw? I thought Australia was a fine country?

You should take a trip to the North, come to Lombardy, Monza, Brescia or Milan or any city really and you definitely won't miss them


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speaking of salvini, post some italian fascist qts

The thing is you will never be able to outbreed growth of the australian desert so australians are going extinct anyway.