GET IN HERE Emu forces have invaded Broken Hill, New South Wales

It is believed that the emus are blaming Australians for causing droughts across the country, causing their food to diminish and now they are seeking revenge.

“They’re actually walking down our main street. We’re seeing mobs of them,” wildlife worker Emma Singleton said.

Emu commanders across the country are working together to gather battalions for future assaults on several new areas.

Attached: emu soldier.jpg (1485x1185, 486K)

Other urls found in this thread:

delet this


it is being reported that the Emu forces will not except anything other than an unconditional surrender. can anybody else confirm this?

Get out of Australia.

We'll sik the coons on em and this time we will win the war!

After hearing the news that 5 emus have been hit by cars, new troops have been sent to the front lines

Attached: Emu Assault Force.webm (694x386, 1.16M)

Make the Maori in the GC take care of it. They extincted the moa, so are the most qualified.


that's true

Attached: Moa.jpg (350x366, 23K)

my da always said broken hill was a shithole

Attached: every street.png (640x357, 357K)


Your politicians are actually EMU people that organized the Port Arthur shooting to disarm the cunce so that they couldn't fight against the final offensive!

Attached: 1534520261689.png (858x612, 2.01M)

Attached: Emu war.jpg (618x446, 47K)

What's the deal with Australia and their oversized birds.

Our chicks don't give us shit.

Attached: ostrich.jpg (584x415, 59K)

Protect the wamen

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Do those big ass chickens harm people?

Australia is akward...


It's astounding but the reporter named the group of emus as a mob. Which is correct.

thats a big bird

Attached: image.jpg (784x464, 80K)

For you

Shit shit shit shit

Attached: ohFck.jpg (698x678, 54K)

That's because they were dinos n' shit m8

Attached: moa size.jpg (500x295, 36K)

We will hold the line against the tides of Xenos!
Know no fear

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Meanwhile, in Oudtshoorn.

Couldn't help lolen hard. Emu Forces aiiiiii

Attached: 1533940657270.jpg (220x293, 19K)

Met with Emu Representatives today, they will settle for a case of Victoria and birdseed.

Attached: AC578225-00D6-47EB-A638-E5D2E2582B2C.jpg (1000x1000, 164K)

Why do emu threads have so many B&W fotos, tho.

Australia isn't even real

>Emu forces have invaded Broken Hill

Attached: FO02_NPC_Marcus_G.png (803x414, 483K)


Attached: emu3.jpg (1280x1024, 366K)

more real than kekistan will ever be

Attached: cancer.jpg (1080x720, 91K)

Attached: Emu Kingdom.jpg (549x800, 333K)

get a machete op.
are they tasty? they look like proper cunts.

Australia lost the last war against them.

>Melbourne je Emuija

Unironic emu refugees welcome

Metal slug cassowary edition.

Stop posting this fake news. Emus are harmless and are not invading Broken Hill. There's nothing to worry about, why would they even do something like that? Emus are seriously harmless.

Yes they have a huge thumbnail that can gut your stomach.

Attached: 1325947658769.jpg (500x400, 32K)

Emus are harml-aaaaaaahhhhhhhrr kkrrrrlgt ded.

Attached: 1517937667913.jpg (1200x900, 201K)

be careful not to flick on the news anytime soon

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the egged monklet is you

This is the Emu Commander
Remember your three Fs human dogs
Front Lawn
Face Up
Feet Together

emus are fucking retar

I like Aussies, I like Emus, but who's better? Only one way to find out! FIGHT!

Attached: 121436873214.gif (316x237, 929K)

> (OP)
>I like Aussies, I like Emus, but who's better? Only one way to find out! FIGHT!

I like Aussies, I like Emus, but who's better (now)? Only one way to find out! FIGHT AGAIN!

Attached: 1530844342477.jpg (1300x875, 161K)

Wrong. That would be the cassowary

An emu just flew over my house what do i do anons this might be it

dude weed lmao


I'm telling you, call up Colonel Sanders. How do you think we manage the masses of birds here?