Leave Jow Forums and your life will improve dramtically

12 months ago I was broke, depressed and owned a Kekistan flag. Fast forward to present day...

>Self-taught Web Development within 8 months and got a junior position at decent company
>$2000 a month passive income
>Gained 30lbs and reached swole Ottermode
>Got a girlfriend with 32GG natural tits

And its all because I quit Jow Forums along with other mind poisoning media, took stock of my life and faced my fears.

Just came back to tell you all that you need to get the fuck away from here and sort your shit out. It can be done. I'm also an oldfag in my 30s so if I can do it, you certainly can.


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but you're still here

What did you do with the flag?

>I quit Jow Forums
>I’m back on Jow Forums

Kill yourself perma-virgin nerd

>and sort your shit out
and clean my room?

>got a fat girlfriend
Good for you I guess.

He's doing us a compassion.

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I agree.
I got banned for 30 days, and this happened:
>Got taller
>Lost weight
>Dick grew 19”
>Banged 1300 White virgin Christian girls
>Wom an Olympic gold medal
>Learned to engineer rockets
>Got 8 MIT Doctorates
>Had 18 kids
>Learned to become Super Saiyan

It’s so easy bros!
Why can’t you idiots do it?

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>owned a Kekistan flag
No amount of self-improvement can live down this, OP.

Thankfully I binned it