This young man has more bravery that all of NATO and the UN combined

Attached: C71AB1E0-E54E-4E1E-A835-1F9F023C4BFD.jpg (1242x834, 255K)

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>The (((Nose))) knows

The fucking noses on these kikes.

Those fucking noses though

>Sorry kid, your nose has to be this big to ride this ride. Nothing personnel.

Sure that isn't the IDF?

wow that is one yiddish money horn exhibit right there

It is the IDF

Nothing wrong with their noses, faggot OP just shopped them

Attached: img.jpg (1184x666, 218K)

The kid should be careful.. a lot of these Jews will just shoot you for chuckles. They literally have zero qualms about it... and they usually get off with a slap on the wrist. They will get charged and imprisoned, but as soon as the world looks the other way they just let them out anyway.