Straight people oppressive for reproducing

So now it's gonna be ENFORCED homosexuality and they're literally saying we should need licenses to have kids, guess we are all guilty of oppressing the gays, lads. Mandatory school trips to gay camps and the podesta mansion when?
We are through the looking glass folks
Here is an excerpt
>In an ideal egalitarian society men will fraternize with men and women with women. And what about children? The person who takes responsibility for the child – and someone must take responsibility for the child – needs to be obligated for certain criteria that the state should actually decide on. The state? No! What do you mean the state? Its us coming together in a democracy, we all decide what it means to be a good parent, explained Michaeli.
>Subsequently, in the name of progress, perhaps the primitive practice which served our forefathers will also come to an end. Babies will be born under ideal laboratory conditions, and only under state approval. The biological advantage of heterosexuals, namely their ability to reproduce, will be considered a violation of the equality principle of homosexuals. After all, how will the state be able to determine whether men or women meet the required standards for becoming parents as long as they are free to become pregnant without a license?

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How much of this shit has been let in by the laissez faire attitude of individualism and the "equality principle".. You give fags a little room because somehow being an oppressive bigot is a bad thing. Here watch this sitcom with the funny gay man being friendly with kids.

And then it infects the whole body of civilization. Same with multiculture and diversity, extend equality to those who don't deserve and get raped in return.

Great face, asymmetrical as fuck, severe mental issues. Apply zyklon liberally to prevent spreading.

You give them an inch, they'll take a mile folks, remember that

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Enjoying tranny camp yet?

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Its all so tiresome.

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why is it always women?

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>Subsequently, in the name of progress, perhaps the primitive practice which served our forefathers will also come to an end. Babies will be born under ideal laboratory conditions, and only under state approval. The “biological advantage” of heterosexuals, namely their ability to reproduce, will be considered a violation of the equality principle of homosexuals. After all, how will the state be able to determine whether men or women meet the required standards for becoming parents as long as they are free to become pregnant without a license?

I fucking called it. Sooner or later the State is going to take on the role of producing humans. We're on a very scary path...

C'mon anons, you know it's cool to eat maggots and insects these days, mr Schlomoberg told me so!

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Because they are inferior.