Help me Jow Forums! I'm about to get arrested because I told a girl off for being an SJW and now the police want to arrest me and put me away for 15 years for cyberbullying, along with completely falsified claims of physical stalking thrown in for good measure.
I could probably get my friends to speak up for me and get her to drop the charges, or I could Baker Act myself, but I really want to fight this thing so it gets national coverage and defend mens rights and put these SJWs away for good.
I contacted Jordan Peterson and Camille Paglia, if you guys can contact them too then they'll see it and help me for sure. We can build a huge case and get media coverage about how fucked up these dumb SJW cunts are. I'm willing to go to jail to fight this thing and stand up for free speech. please spread the word
in the tradition of great men i have written a poem:
Passivity our greatest crime, no time to sit on the sidelines. Avenging angels manufactured a death machine To correct the state of things. We asked for a world without kings On bastardized premises. In the police state panopticon we police ourselves But who will protect the little creatures from the scientist’s scalpels and their pills, From the social engineers that exploit their fears While wretched creatures proudly proclaim they feast on mens tears While the male suicide rate is the highest it’s ever been in years? The future is sterile and clean, Turning us into asexual machines Throwing everything away, believing there’s nothing left to save While your ancestors toss and turn in their graves. Everyone has turned trife from city life. I don’t like the these neo-human tribes, Warm smiling collectives that protect only by exclusion, Everyone is guilty of colluding. A Dirigible of nothingness, floating on ahimsa So that Only the second rate May enter the pearly gates While the rest of the outside world falls into waste.
That's nice sweety, I almost got arrested a couple months ago for running around town screaming bible verses at people. It's normal.
Henry Howard
Prepare your anus. Im dead serious
Lincoln Torres
Dumb LARP bait thread. This belongs on /b/ Sage this if you need to post in it.
Leo Phillips
only jews hate poetry, because words and poetry contain the truth of the human soul. who said no poetry after Auschwitz? oh thats right, a jew.
Alexander Gomez
What did you say?
Jack Reyes
bump for gaint butt hurt >but "I don’t like the these neo-human tribes, Warm smiling collectives that protect only by exclusion, Everyone is guilty of colluding. A Dirigible of nothingness, floating on ahimsa"
im not afraid of going to jail, i dont regret my actions. people should speak up.
Levi Richardson
2/10 poem, that shit is gay senpai, gotta agree with the sjw based off what you posted here, you belong in jail for being a faggot
Grayson Phillips
>poetry contain the truth of the human soul gay
Nolan Cooper
Aa much as I hate the kike for being an Israeli faggot, you could get the attention of (((Ben Shapiro)))
Josiah Nguyen
what country do you live in? us?
Eli Davis
who is that guy to the right?
Justin Taylor
Kill the police
Josiah Mitchell
lurk moar
Isaiah Gray
Hitler's brother
Carson Morgan
Isn't "cyber bullying" just free speech so long as you don't doxx or threaten someone? How can they try to arrest you for that?
Jose Carter
Police don't follow their own rules.
Nicholas Evans
File charges against her for cyber-bullying and maybe a civil rights lawsuit for denying you your Free Speech right.
Bentley Morris
Try getting into contact with Fox News. Also try contacting some of the smaller right wing YouTube channels so that they can spread the word so maybe you'll get noticed by the bigger ones. With that said, if you do so I hope you're ready to be a celebrity because the left will probably try to doxx you if your story gets big.
Grayson Reed
1. What State and local jurisdiction? 2. What section of said jurisdiction's code of laws have you been accused of breaking?