Brazilians are kicking the Venezuelan refugees out

A bunch of literal jungle savages from one of the poorest states in Brazil are kicking the Venezuelan invaders back to their shithole. When will other people learn to do the same?

Attached: brasil-imigrantes-venezuelanos-expulsos-20180818-0008.jpg (920x613, 53K)

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Based macaconiggers

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> "We rather die of starvation than to be attacked here", says family heading back to Venezuela

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Why they all don't join army / police, just to get hand on guns and grenades, and take their country back?

If you're not willing to use vioence to get rid of invaders it will never stop. And white people have become lazy and think it should be the governemnts job instaed of theirs because they are to comfortable and don't care anymore.

Not in English, but the footage already tells you enough

KEK this is gold

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Lovely numbers
Also KEK

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Some Venezuelans robbed and beat up some old guy, so people from his city decided to kick all Venezuelans out, and apparently the sentiment is spreading throughout the state of Roraima.

what's the woman saying in the 2nd video?

On a technical level, this doesn't make any sense.

The Venezuelans will work hard to survive, and they will never enforce their socialist ideals on anyone because of it forcing them to leave their homeland.

Nice bait

Socialists take their socialism with them

She explaining that the population went to the immigration office and protested there until all the Venezuelans went back to their country.


oh look, a retard figured out how to get on the internet again.

When you nearly starve to death, you will beg for the righteousness of capitalism. Those guys are harmless.

This only makes sense on an intelligent population, but not on them. You have to keep in mind that while they hate the term "socialism", they still love socialist policies under another brand.
Those Venezuelans are all there camping and complaining that the government is not giving them enough handouts. This when they are not selling drugs, robbing, or prostituting themselves.

>the army is ensuring that the venezuelans cross back the border (to Venezuela) without suffering any physical harm
and she is also supporting the deportation

But Handouts are mandatory from de gobernment

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Their not like antifa, those Venezuelan people are desperate.

The worst thing is media. I watched "Bom Dia Brasil" today and Chico Pinheiro said something like this:
>"It's an absurd that a country which always welcomed immigrants to behave in such a xenophobic way. Mainly Roraima, a state which is formed basically by Brazilians from other parts of the country"

we do the same in Spain with Brazilian immigrants

It is your fault! Your spanish speaking colonies always fucking other countries!

Chico is another retard who thinks Lula was arrested for no reason.

The good thing is that Bolsonaro is most likely going to get elected thanks to him being the only anti-refugee candidate.
Just last week during a military event he also vowed to leave the "Communist UN" in case he is elected.

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You wish.

they don't even speak Portuguese

NOt only by a anti-refugee, but against all minority bullshit.

lol you know well this wouldn’t be happening if it were in any large city full of cucks like São Paulo

there a lot of you in my country,retard

They’re bringing back diseases which were long eradicated from Brazil. Nah, fuck them.

Based jungle monkeys

No you dindt. We dont have half of the balls we have, Torero.

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Your socialist government is too busy welcoming subsaharan africans to bother with us

despite being full of cucks, our big cities are full of poor people who would be willing to kick them out.

Freedom and liberty is almost exclusive to whites. Drone races do drone things.

When you experience South American poverty, you will know what I mean.

>t. son of an immigrant

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Fuck you guys why are you so racist?

Are you fucking brain damaged? Did you forget who rules Sp? PCC will never allow this shit, gourmet guy.

you don't but you should. every european country should kick non-whites

Is that a picture of Jair? lmao, saved

If only we can do the same in our county.

Godspeed Brazil and good job!

So what if they are not like antifa? They are still committing crimes non-stop and will vote for socialism if they manage to get citizenship in the future.

We do the same in America with Spanish immigrants

You know what us funny, you guys are complain about Br, but we are doing the same we did in Portugal, buying the most expensive houses in cash and rent they back to your people. Kek.


nobody moves to America from Spain, macaco

No, we have balls, try come here...

Desperate for some nice Brazilian frogs to rescue them before the frog they stung to death sinks into the river.

Brazilian frogs: HUEHUEHUE NO

Gimme an example of how retarded they can be. I'm willing to see why you think you're right.

No fuck off you this is unacceptable.

Ah well - they had it coming.

Iv'e never understood why people continuously voting for Authoritarian Socialist and communist governments when they don't work - you don't need an exceptional I to figure that out.

This is nothing special, it’s just what any sensible people would do under the same circumstances.


We have plenty of you guys over here, and more coming. But you guys are cool so no problem.

You're right, moving requires the purchase of a house and land.

>they will never enforce their socialist ideals on anyone because of it forcing them to leave their homeland.

That isn't how low IQ works, friend.

>We do the same in America with Spanish immigrants
We do the same in Europe with burger immigrants

And we did the same in the UK with what later became American colonists.

So you see, the eternal anglo was behind it all along.

Good. Venezuelans should fix the mess they participated in instead of expecting handouts from other countries.

They are poor and uneducated and will live off government assistance and vote for politicians who promise them more of that once naturalized. We already have more than enough of that crap in Brazil, we can’t afford charity.

>you don't need an exceptional I to figure that out.

Turns out you actually do.

>die of starvation
>that ponch

Unless they're black

All the bordering cities are full of prostitutes, trash on the streets, drug dealers, teenage boys acting like american rappers harassing woman, invading houses, robbing people, complaining about not receiving welfare, some of the hospitals are denying to attend Brazilians thanks to the high number of refugees in there, which recently resulted in the death of an old merchant.
These people behave like animals.

Yes you can you filthy racists I hope the US will embargo you.

You don't have a heart, Paolo.

then why do Cubans and vietnamese in America vote republican?

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they dont look hungry

Tell that to the Brazilians dying in hospitals because they are too occupied attending to Venezuelan rapists, robbers, and prostitutes.


Cubans who migrated to America weren’t the bottom of Cuban society.

Fake news.
Fake and gay.

Because it's fake.

These venezuelans are legitimate economic refugees and the UN has said that you have to let them in and give them food, shelter, medical care, and a cell phone with free access to 4G.

Those are two chubby little starving bitches

You are the richest and biggest country in S America you have a duty to help them.

Fat people suffer more from hunger than skinny people because their bodies are accustomed to regular food intake, which is why you always feed the starving fat people first.

Don't they teach this in school anymore?

all refugee from all country are pussies, instantly abandon your country when crisis hits, they must stay and fix their country or the problem will never end. grow your own food, organize locals, remove shit politicians instead of turn tail and run at the first opportunity. you would do this idf you truly loved your country

Do you think that the Cubans in the US came from the poorest(AKA dumber) demographics in Cuba? Tip: They didn't.
Compare the Arabs who migrated to America in the 19th century with the refugees flooding Europe now. The ones who left first were the most intelligent and civilized, but they don't represent the average population.

>he says this while majority of regions in his country suffer from white flight

Not fake, friendly mutt.

Gypsy opinions are irrelevant.

>prosperity gospel
Kill yourself, neoliberal.

Dont try to mock me you have a moral obligation because honestly you are the only economy in that region to do so.

Speak human

Alright, why do you think our bodies store fat?

No we dont,they fucked up and their country will never be fixed unless they do this themselves,we already are at a breaking point here with enormous levela of unemployment and high crime,we already help a lot of countries but taking in venezuelans would break us,no country should help them with refuge,only with killing the commie fat cunt in charge

They can go to Colombia or the Caribbean. We have an economy crisis of our own to deal with.

You would probably do the same thing if you were a shitskin.

Can someone post the whole timeline of Venezuela image macro?

No thanks, the socialist candidate got 900,000 votes thanks to them getting fake documents

You and everybody else, ever since 2008 we all suffer from some kind of austerity but as it stands you are the richest country out there, also tell me with a straight face that you let women and children starve to death because you refuse to lend aid.

Woman and children will die no matter what is done, but if i have to choose between saving Brazilians and Venezuelans, i'll choose to save Brazilians.

Which US regime change organization is paying you, caipirinha?

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How are thing going in Belgium?