Why are Jews better conservatives than white people?

Why are Jews better conservatives than white people?

Attached: 170px-Ben_Shapiro_by_Gage_Skidmore_2.jpg (169x236, 12K)

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Because it’s an act

Because kosher conservatism is required to keep the goys in line.

Blessing of Abraham

Type "thou shall not covet".
I triple dog dare you.

Because neoconservatives took over the GOP 35 years ago. Actual conservatives, by definition, are not political activists, and you never hear from them

Kikes are just super conservative, man

Controlled opposition

>Ben Shapiro
>actually Conservative
pick one

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They are smarter and better at nearly everything. That's what you supremacists don't understand.

This is true tax cuts for his rich ass and wellfare for israel is not conseritism

Because progressivism and conservatism are two sides of the same Jewish coin.
>progressives push society further left
>conservatives "fight" this by maintaining the progressive position of a few decades ago
Take the reactionary pill.

You mean the fashpill. Revolution > reaction > cuckservatism

Wars in the middle east is not conservatism.

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>what are the crusades

Okay this is epic

Nope. All revolutionaries are cancer, since they give the masses the idea that they should deviate from the divine order of government (monarchy). A fascist has rejected God's will just as much as a republican has.

No. Becasue reactionary is a form of conservatism. Its just more radical conservatism. But i agree i genreral that most of modern conservatives are cucks, becasue they for example in some countries defend fag marriage laws

The fascist leader-figure is the monarch for the modern age. Restoring the Bourbons or your local Habsburg branch or whatever might seem like a good idea but those aristocratic families were degenerate at the time of the liberal revolutions and centuries of being figureheads and pretenders has only degenerated them further. They have to be swept away for the new aristocracy.

I'll give reactionaries a little more credit than that, because they often want to return to a feudalist system and reject liberalism, unlike conservatives who just fetishize a specific period of liberal decline. But you can't put modernity back in the box.

I'm not against the idea of a fascist leader establishing his own dynasty (every dynasty has to start from somewhere be it some warlord who won king of the hill or otherwise).