As an East Asian we have higher IQ than whites, niggers and brownies. It feels good that all 3 races hate us! Jealousy much?
And you idiots like to separate us but we are united
Crackers will not divide us!
East Asian pride thread
That's right, we Chinamen must colonize these territories.
>Implying Nepalese have a higher IQ than Dutch
Get a load of this mountain gook.
I love how you include yourselves with people who are civilized enough to shit in the street, and call yourselves "East Asains", as if you had any similarities with the Chinese and Japanese. Thanks for making me laugh, Nepoo.
Shut up cuck. At least my country isn’t full of Muslims. Did you look at Nepal? We are East Asian by culture and race
We aren’t brown we are quiet pale
The girl I posted is Nepalese she looks fully East Asian not indian
>East Asian
Pick one
Chinese is East Asian retard
They are not real east asians like japanese.
Weeb detected. Fucking retard. Nepali, China, Japan, and Korea are all East Asian Nigger