What is the appeal in temporarily inducing schizophrenia and psychosis for recreational purposes?
>in b4 u never tried it mannnnn I've done both mushrooms and acid and I've read Huxley's The Doors of Perception, Tim Leary's The Psychedelic Experience and portions of the Bardo Thodol. I know all about the reducing valve that is normal consciousness and how psychedelics attempts to loosen that valve.
>he thinks they're recreational and not a tool never going to make it bub
Logan Rivera
because its temporary...
Tyler Williams
no, you dont. "reading" (skimming) is not understanding.
Oliver Perez
>What is the appeal in temporarily inducing schizophrenia and psychosis for recreational purposes? >I know all about the reducing valve that is normal consciousness and how psychedelics attempts to loosen that valve.
you answered your question in your own post. People enjoy loosening the valve.
Ethan Nguyen
Brain damage feels good
Cooper Hernandez
This. Anyone who doesn't take these with goals in mind is wasting their brainpower.
Landon Thomas
What is the appeal in confusing your brain and marketing it off as a deep, learned experience? All the signs point to a typical schizophrenic episode right down to the auditory hallucinations and yet, I don't see people with actual schizophrenia hailed as geniuses or mystical Yogis but sick people.
They are recreational for a majority of the public that uses them.