Philosopher, Bard, Father, Husband, Landlord, Farmer, Warrior, Mechanic and Shaman you name it.
A polymath like da Vinci/Aristotle, a true renaissance man. So why is there so much hate towards him?
Philosopher, Bard, Father, Husband, Landlord, Farmer, Warrior, Mechanic and Shaman you name it.
A polymath like da Vinci/Aristotle, a true renaissance man. So why is there so much hate towards him?
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Because he thinks illiteracy gives you magical powers.
>Comparing an e-thot to Da Vinci and Aristotle.
I like Varg. But c’mon dude.
>A polymath like da Vinci/Aristotle
cuz he raped an underage gril and burned a church down
because he praises eugenics yet he has autistic children
Did he ever acknowledge his first daughter in his videos (the degenerate one)? Or he hides that shame?
I get the feeling that she is the one who shunned him.
Do explain. He writes and speaks eloquently like a bard, in such a sophisticated manner kings would have taken him into their court in the old days. How can you even say such a thing? You must be a butthurt christian.
I dont think he has mentioned it in a video, but iv'e seen him mention her in the comments. He said he lives her own life or something like that.
You missed out "murderer" and "arsonist", yes, a true Renaissance man
Warrior pretty much covers that sweetie.
He is clean of pesticides and polluted water due to living in a permaculture farm so he sounds energetic and healthy. Everything he says is stupid however.
You forgot idol worshipper
Varg is the epitome of pagan wisdom and spirituality, prove me wrong
>pro tip: you can't
>"chinese civilization was really created by europeans"
>"ancient egyptian royalty was made up of western europeans"
>"hide innawoods and let the jews and niggers and muslims have their way with your homeland"
>"autism is a superpower"
gee i wonder why people think varg is an idiot
murderer, retard
there your list is finished
this guy is a total fucking moron, full stop
spends all his time worried about the jews but none of his time actually doing anything of note. 'I let my wife run the house because patriarchy is jewish!!!' -- aka 'my wife figured out she can have whatever she wants if she can convince me the opposite is jewish'
>tfw no autistic wife to go innawoods and start a family with
>go with a friend to literal faggot's apartment
>leave a friend to watch the street while you do business inside
>stab a literal faggot 20+ times in his own apartment
>dispose of murder weapon and clothes at a lake
>get caught
>claim self defense
is he, dare I say it, a literal nigger?
it was a communist or faggot like you say so who cares
>t. brainlet
Varg resides on a higher intellectual plane than the likes of you plebeians
You forgot "state dependent slave".
lame thread, sage & pass
You forgot murderer.
Qin Shi Huangdi was white, this has been proven multiple times. The swedish national newspaper just confirmed that kings and elites of egypt had the same haplogroups as they have in todays sweden, come on man.
It was self defense, you are an american and should know this.
Varg is a smart and talented guy. "renaissance man" might be a bit of a loaded term, but he would be somewhere in the area imo. I don't always agree with his topics, but I still find his unique perspective on things pretty interesting.
I still find it strange that people bring up shit that he did in his youth. No one can say he didn't walk the walk.
>Do explain. He writes and speaks eloquently like a bard, in such a sophisticated manner kings would have taken him into their court in the old days.
Bait. Funny bait, but bait nonetheless.
I always wonder, does Varg have any friends?
Varg certainly cared so much that he decided to murder him in a nigger manner and get caught with it ruining half of his own life.
Also, anyone noticed he never mentions his first book Vargsmal in his videos? Ashamed of the utter nonsense he scribbled when he was edgy youngster?
>every poster with a USA IP is an american
lmao, beyond the fact that he is obviously a murderer and a dumb edgelord he has nothing of importance to say. I don't know what to call these people but it is like they are a magnet for idiots. Joe Rogan, Varg, Sargon of Akkad, all the same kind of fucking retard that even bigger retards will defend.
For a Vikang larper, sure. Come on, you people are mutts of Europe. Vikings raped women from all over the continent for generations. That is why Scandinavian women are beautiful.
>So why is there so much hate towards him?
he and his entire family are using their own feces and fertilizer to grow plants they eventually will consume. using human feces for fertilizer for plants that will eventually be consumed by humans causes serious diseases, thats why human feces are not used for fertilizer. he should not be doing that but he keeps shitting in a bucket like the autist he is.
He has a Norwegian Jow Forumstard that ironically worships him daily for the lulz and (yous).
The spirits of his ancestors
He wanted to break the contract because Euro was a horrible business man also he had access to firearms why would go to his apartment with a pocketknife?
>using human feces for fertilizer for plants that will eventually be consumed by humans causes serious diseases
Is this based on a modern diet or a "primitive man varg diet" though?
I'd sooner eat a plant grown by vargs shit than my own. My diet is fucking rubbish.
Like a true Jow Forumsio autist. No wonder people thimk this is a containment board.
growing plants for consumption with fertilizer from cattle is fine but not from humans.
We did not marry our slaves or have children with them, we used them as field women. The reason we are so good looking is because of natural selection at its finest, harsh winters, a lot of internal strife made it so that only the hardest survived. The viking culture was such that they did not marry outside their culture, they put ancestry as on of the ground principles in the society, this is the reason we have "son" and "dottir" names, to honor the family line.
Wait...Hes growing crops using his own shit? UH OH. Wheres his compost pile? Or cattle?
No lol. You dont eat food contaminated by carnivore or omnivore shit else you will get sick.
Having women be in charge of the household is pretty traditional, I believe.
>t. Guy who never made a DNA test
Stop larping and take the christianpill.
>compost pile?
he doesnt have a compost pile because he says its not compatible with permaculture. he and his wife and seven children shit in a bucket that has some kind of organic absorption balls in it. they just plant plants all over the place in an attempt to make a self sustaining system (permaculture) and wherever he thinks plants should get a helping hand the shit is poured on.
I will agree with this. The most healthy, beautiful people were born out of the harshest conditions. Those Russian women for example. WOW
He invents nothing just larps a lot and commits terroism.
Snow Nigger Comfirmed!
He's a murderer and an arsonist.
Fucking faggot neopagans
Because Christians have a really hard time when the observation is made that they revere semites, along with their mythology and a Jewish carpenter more than their own ancestors and their traditions. They tend to lash out.
Naturally Varg must be wrong. Because y'know, muh rabbi Jesus.
I love watching his vids. He has some pretty goofy views sometimes, though, like he doesn't believe in the moon landing, he thinks white people are Neanderthals, believes in an imminent economic collapse, thinks birthday cakes are pagan symbols of the placenta, etc. Still, very interesting guy and a soothing voice, chill ambient music.
I can actually.
actually the fathers of the catholic church reconciled aristotle's reason with the semitic idea of faith. while it is believed that monotheism originated with the jews zoroastraism is actually the oldest monotheistic religion. zoroastraism was and still is practiced by iranians/indo-europeans which makes the semitic idea of faith actually indo-european. we should reconcile zoroastraism with the philosophy of the greeks just like the fathers of the catholic church did but we should get rid of that jew jesus though.
I like him, I like his music and efforts in doing something with his life but personally, I prefer discreet people (as every Norwegian I met) keeping the best of himself just for his family and close friends, as a wise man should do. Maybe writing some books to publish later in life than ranting on a temporary web-platform being ridiculously prudish.
He’s just acting as a merchant of thoughts. Fitting perfectly with the modern world where everybody is trying to sell his own truth, in a time where we should observe more and talk less.
What was made by God, humans will never destroy. Every nation on earth fell while His church stood for centuries. Your hatred for the truth will only come back to bite you in the ass.
Varg has 6 white children. He raises them in the countryside in a small house so they are forced to play outside and shielded from modern degeneracy. What have you done for your people?
Thread theme:
Why did Varg kill one of his own, but won't kill invading shitskins? Is it because he's afraid of them? Is he afraid of going back to prison? Both? He kind of sounds like a pussy desu.
he probably is correct
literacy was an initial mind poison
Wait, he has a degenerate daughter? I thought it was meme.
What is her name? Y'all have some info?
Varg is an Israelite a descendant of Abraham. He is too stupid to know it though.
idk if anyone cares but hearing this music back in 2016 combined with the last of us made me fantasise about a post-apocalyptic world where europe had returned to paganism and feudalism.
This was before I knew about Varg btw.
Great theme.
>attacks christians
>defends muslims
>actually believes in accelerationism
Imagine if we still had festivals and celebrations where they played this with the town.
"intellectual plane" aka welfare
He is pretty much self-sustained.
Do you have any children?
Yes, 2.
>Travel 40 miles to guys house
>Knock on door
>When open, stabs person 22 times
>Claim it was self-defense
>Vargtards agree it was self-defense
Vargniggers are so retarded. Anyone who takes this faggot serious have a subhuman level IQ
Faggot, like every nordshit.
>t. mohamed
Varg is old fashioned. A real warrior of Odin.
>guy is planning to kill him
>wants to ruin his career and reputation
it was the viking way
I prefer listening to that song when I'm by myself, whether I'm reading or just watching the rain fall outside.
If I'm with my mates I'd want to hear something more lively.
This is also good
He has 7 kids so I got to respect that, but he seems to be a royalist anarcho-primitivist. He said that all the poor people who Norway sent to the Americas were "scum" and that low IQ people shouldn't reproduce and that the weak and dumb should be allowed to starve and die instead of allowing them to pass on their genes. This wouldn't work out well for anyone though.
What is australia?
What was the verdict in court? Seems to me the only one preforming pre meditated murder was Varg. And he even followed through.
beta nerds jealous of the alpha man of action
>raising a coal burner
He rather sees that Anarcho-primitivism solves all problems themselves.
A pretty decent country until diversity.
>So why is there so much hate towards him?
Yeah why would a bunch of effeminate, autistic incels who can only achieve new masturbation marathon records hate a guy who pioneered a new genre of music, wrote books about topics he loves, committed daring actions for what he stands for, is admired by hundreds of thousands, feared by even more, BTFO's christcucks and civilization absolutists, snagged himself a cute, fertile young white european woman who loves europe and wants to have a big family full of white children and teach all about their european heritage?
Yeah it really beggars belief.
A father and a husband? Oh watch out! Better put that on your resume!!! Wow such accomplishments!
>Yeah why would a bunch of effeminate, autistic incels who can only achieve new masturbation marathon records hate a guy who pioneered a new genre of music, wrote books about topics he loves, committed daring actions for what he stands for, is admired by hundreds of thousands, feared by even more, BTFO's christcucks and civilization absolutists, snagged himself a cute, fertile young white european woman who loves europe and wants to have a big family full of white children and teach all about their european heritage?
He also committed murder, so calm down with your fan-boyism.
So did Julius Caesar, Napoleon and Alexander the Great.
>a fucking leaf
Fuck off chink!
>Julius Caesar, Napoleon and Alexander the Great
All of them manlets btw
It's "This is war huh wow".
So are you though compared to us nords.
both Da Vinci and Aristotele aren't white
I'm 6' 2", better luck next time Aland
I'm referring to:
You seem to be referring to:
I like the rebel people, but according to my point of view to win, you should not do things like living without a bill in a badly grown reel, pretend to be in another age and things like that but try to involve people in a revolution, seize power and once seized power to subjugate people to your strange and questionable ideals
>A polymath like da Vinci/Aristotle