Will we ever get another 2008 level crash again?

Will we ever get another 2008 level crash again?

Banks were falling like dominoes and bringing everyone down with them.

>Lehman Brothers
>Washington Mutual
>Northern Rock
>Merrill Lynch

Literally no one was safe.

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You're gonna get way worse the next go round. Banks are running on vapor and taxpayer bailouts.

Then how come my friends in banking are clearing £100,000+ a year at 24 years old?

>tfw audit

Companies will always need auditing done. It's a statutory requirement.

So I consider myself quite safe*

Of course we will, what you should be asking is how you can benefit from it

Enlighten me my friend. How can we get rich from such a scenario?

literally everyone was safe and ended up richer because the elite look after their own

Jow Forums told me to buy high and sell low.

I don't actually know I was just suggesting we should look at who benefited from the last one, maybe cutting our foreskin off and getting a rhinoplasty would help

Yes, the jew economy is one of crashes and spending sprees.

Of course. The business cycle cannot be destroyed, only minimized.

>>Lehman Brothers
>>Washington Mutual
>>Northern Rock
>>Merrill Lynch
>He doesn't know who's behind it all

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Not if there are no banks piling up tons of IOUs from niggers who managed to get house credits

When people have to make rent they sell their personal possessions at bargain bin prices. If you bought up power nine and reserve list magic cards you would have experienced a 1000% ROI.

Pinball machines could be had at half their actual value. So did houses. Keep your job and you live great while others struggle.

short sell bank companies
short sell everything

2008 crash was widely predicted in the summer of 2007, it takes a while for pieces to start falling, don't start now, wait for the herd and it becomes self prophesying

Also look at things that people view to be luxuries. If the company has massive tangible assets then the company has value, even if they don't have paying customers.

Go look at a chart for Sirius XM. It went down to a nickel since people thought of satellite radio as a luxury. It might be a luxury, but the satellites alone cost a quarter billion to launch and they has over a dozen of them.

The same goes from cruise lines. The ships alone were worth more than the companies, even at 50 cents on the dollar. You couldn't lose money; even if the company went tits up and liquidated their assets your investment would be covered.

Yes republicans always ruined everything

We will in time. That whole crash was just people living way beyond their means and the banks knowing this, continued to give out loans, debts, and financed with huge risks. The correct answer was to not bail them out, instead let them and all their brainlet loaners wallow in their hole.
Now these very same debt accumulating fools and their even more foolish lenders are back for round 2, only this time they'll take down entire nations for decades. All currency is the same when its worthless but debt is special because it gives someone a reason to reclaim that debt, even if it can't be repaid in full.

Give it another 3 years. Society is about to burst.

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It’s going to happen again but bigger with the American student loan bubble.

Aren't luxuries the worst thing to invest in during a bear market? That's investment 101.

It sounds like you're tricking me m8.

Yes but probably not for a very long time

Major crashes like that are once in a lifetime events.

People claiming THE NEXT ONE WILL BE BIGGER!!! Are literal brainletts who read too much ZeroHedge

they're saying to recognize value and when something is undervalued

also you don't want to be invested in middle class luxuries, like that big chain of british pubs where people with disposable income go to

but real rich people don't lose much and keep consuming

>Companies will always need auditing done. It's a statutory requirement.

Yeah but there's one big four which is totally ahead of the other ones in automating their audit. Now mind you, automating audit does not mean fewer audit spots (except maybe at the associate level), but it does mean successful auditors are those who know 1) Statistics 2) IFRS/IFRIC rules in a lawyerish fashion.

t. Investment banker

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Cool, I work for one of the Big 4. What do you guys think of us?

It seems 20% of my intake are failed bankers who want another shot at it and easily 75% will leave after their 3 year training contract is done.

Also, I have a History degree lol. My maths is decent but not amazing.

>Cool, I work for one of the Big 4. What do you guys think of us?

Big4 are invaluable for M&A due diligence and tax advise. Mostly because every party in the transaction agree that the big4 will be independent and competent enough to carry out the task. When advising sell-side you know you can open a data room with sensitive information to them (and let them report a less detailed summary to their client). With anyone else it would probably be just fully leaked, details and all.

It's 100% about reputation.

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You fail to mention that is obviously a London salary.

You also fail to mention the number of hours they are working. Most banks have their wage slaves do about 70-80 hour weeks.

Hell most people on a average salary outside of London would be close to £100k a week.

Also, their are major concerning relating to an impending health crisis in young people working in banks - given the long hours and stress.

>£100k pa.

Luxury items take a dip because of panic, they become undervalued.

Success in finance is all about buying what and when people are eager to sell, selling what and when people are willing to buy. Most "conventional wisdom" is the exact opposite.

If you don't believe me just look at the charts for any cruise line, Sirius XM, Victoria's secret, Ralph Lauren Polo, PVH (Van Heusen). Massive oversized gains after a dip.

Many items people think are "luxury" either have intrinsic value or massive capital assets. People buy these things because they need to look good to feel good. It fills a psychological need.

You won't be able to name a single luxury/quality brand that died because of the crash, even though they all assumed the worst for anything but the "necessities", reality is that looking good and feeling good are very much necessity.

A credit crunch also has the wonderful side effect of keeping fledgling luxury brands from getting financing. Established luxury/quality brands are the only ones who can get financing and end up facing weaker competition.

Not to mention impending massive reductions in headcount as automation/machine learning really takes off. Those £100k salaries are an enormous target for rightsizing. It's already started.

As I said in that shitty jap thread about blockbusting in Sweden, Q4 is going to be a bloodbath.

The next crash is going to make 2008 look like a hiccup.

Think Venezuela, but with a lot more guns.

I hope you got food and petshop antibiotics stockpiled, anons.

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I hope you've stocked up on enough super male vitality.