How do we make America a White nation again?

How do we make America a White nation again?

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They need more white people that have a lot of children, like north africans or other MENA people

Were Mexicans counted as white in that census ? Bc I really can't believe that the U.S Mexico border was ever 90% white

hey jackoff go mind ur own shit

having a lot of children isn't affordable for most any more like it was for boomers
Africans pop them out like it's going out of fashion because they don't care if 2 or 3 of them die

it is a 1940 census, mexicans began emigrating to the US around 1970's

Government should frankly go out of its way to make having children as expensive as possible, as a deterrent. We desperately need a smaller population.

Most of the territory that America took wasn't very populated, only northern New Mexico and parts of Texas had an important Mexican population.

Also, what this user said

Too late ,faggot.


Burger, drop the proxy

>Were Mexicans counted as white in that census ?

White like this guy??

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Bit rude of you

People with native american blood were counted as WHITE until 1970

Southern and eastern europeans were counted as non whites

We actually had competent border guards until the 60s

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they weren't
why are you making stuff up?

Contrary to popular belief, Latin Americans were not prohibited or limited from immigrating under the 1924´s law. In most states and under federal law, persons of mixed white and Native American ancestry were considered white; this principle was interpreted under the Act to allow Latin Americans to immigrate as "white persons." Moreover, unlike Eastern and Southern Europe, no nationality-based quotas were placed on Latin American immigrants. Thus, the law allowed unlimited Latin American immigration, just as it allowed unlimited northwestern European immigration. Ironically, the 1965 immigration law that replaced the 1924 Act, though abolishing racial preferences and national quotas, would effectively place greater restriction on Latin American immigration.

I'm gonna need a source muttcaco

Miscegenation was illegal
If you look white you are white, regardless of DNA which they didn't even know of back then

>quoting wikipedia
>In most states and under federal law, persons of mixed white and Native American ancestry were considered white
[citation needed]

they probably didn't prohibit latin american immigration for the same reason they didn't prohibit african immigration aka hardly anyone went there back then

Americans are a bunch of MUTTS

I just believe in the bullshit of "America used to be 90% white" when each "white" american take a DNA test.

>he thinks there is a direct contradiction between being white and being "mixed"
Brazilian intellectuals at work


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Read the Turner Diaries.


America used to be white?

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It's impossible without actual genocide. It's completely unrealistic that will occur within our lifetimes, but it really is the only way now. It worked when America was 0% white.
We peaked above 90% for a good while. What nonwhites we did have were subservient, and not real citizens. I think it's more than fair to say we were a "white nation", unless you prefer to take the black-supremacist point of view.

Imigrantion reform (favor eastern/southern euro nations) and grants for couples (who aren't on welfare and meet several other criteria to filter out non-whites) to have children. Either that or violence, both would probably work.

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based beaner

Bring all the white bogs, swedes, and krauts over as refugees once Sharia law is declared.

Literally cutting gibs would bring us to 80% white

Holy shit lol

So this is what happens when you have 6,829,000–7,160,000 Jews.


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They already did that you fucking mutt. Then those same Jews said oh population too low you need more nignogs and bix nood

Yes warn your people...

You don't, it's over.

Rat kike

Racist socialism. Uplift the white trailer trash and poor, push down the middle class nonwhites that cheaply fill expensive jobs to the benefit of shortsighted corporations.

Shut up nigger

In that census they were considered "white", the Rio Grande valley of south TX was never 90% white for example

simple, have Jow Forums autists spam the fuck out of federal/state level legislation into pushing bills that execute repeat offenders and conscripts juvenile felony offenders

This thread was moved from Jow Forums, that's why you niggers have flags. Anyway in 1930 Mexicans were considered non-white by the Census, but because of the Mexican government's bitching in 1940 they were considered white.

Realistically the Southwest was somewhere between 10-20% Hispanic.

white trailer trash = niggers. literally no difference. stay in your containment zones with the rest of the trumpcucks.

looks pretty white to me

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This, I want this to happen so badly. $50 a month per person, large open shelters with 7pm curfews and mandatory work to stay in them. That's all the safety net anyone needs.

You want the whites to be the top dog, you need to uplift the poor (white)dumb fucks instead of paying Pajit to do everything.

Sterilize minorities. I believe felons should all be sterilized. Also receiving welfare for women should come with automatic sterilization. This could hurt poor whites too. For Mexicans it’s a bit harder. Spain was in the West first.

i cant believe nyc used to be white, lmao

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Good question.

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Cut the welfare incentives for poor people to have more kids.
In fact. Make it where people who can't afford kids, don't have kids that are subsidized by the federal government. That will be massive.

Keep in mind that these other groups (except Asians and a fair amount of Latin Americans) are being propped up because of government aid. If you go by race in the census, many ethnicity are actually a net drain on the country.

>tl;dr take away incentive for poor people to have kids. If you cannot afford to sustain them on your own, then you can't have them.

European people don't plan on having more kids then they can support, but other groups may have a different mentality.

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If I recall, caucasians weren't the first ones here. We were the ones that invaded.


Yeah. Cut new welfare for poor families with more than 1 child. Flush the current ones out of the system and you'll start getting effects. Also implement drug testing (some will try to cheat but whatever). We also need to keep drugs out of their community since sitting around smoking weed and crack is more appealing than having a job. Granted, a lot of them don't want to work, but if they're going to starve to death they need to get their asses off. Incentivize hiring poor people by giving tax breaks if there is a factory located near a ghetto area, so that people without cars can access it. We've got a lot of shit to untangle.

Oh, right, if they're busy working and being fed into the higher education system, they'll be too occupied to have kids.

>Build greatest nation ever

Give it away in a single generation for nothing

Kys proxyfag