>Insist on cycling on pavements because "the roads are unsafe" >Proceed to endanger pedestrians by cycling extremely quickly and ringing bells at people who don't get out the way >Run through pedestrian crossings >Only follow the bits of the the highway code that benefit them >Get angry at motorists for passing too close when they're riding two abreast in the middle of the road >Run red lights >Act like the victims when one of these many breaches of the highway code ends up with them getting seriously injured
some of the most self entitled cunts I have ever came across. Government should allow us to plow into these mongs with no consequences
Adam Ramirez
biking is a very popular sport in belgium and many fit senior citizens do it they sometimes ride 45 kilometers and hour racing all over the place like speedy gonzales lmao.
Matthew Jackson
Cyclists are worse than fucking Jews, they come to my town on their little faggy cycle holidays and take up half of the fucking road(these are small winding country roads), I'd rather be stuck behing a fucking tractor. FUCK!!
I kicked some onions boy off his last week as if I didn’t he probably would have broken my ribs.
Remember there are no laws to protect them like motorists.
Bike bastards
Sebastian Sanders
Me and my friend always yell at cyclists when we see them break the law. So many of those faggots don't follow road laws and we make sure to harass them after we see them break the rules. If you want to ride a bicycle, follow the fucking law, or you'll get pricks like my friend and I hounding your ass till you get to your destination.
Brayden Cook
None of the above, especially no riding on sidewalk, $189 ticket here. Bikes are traffic and deserve a safe spot on the road.
Aaron Hill
>1 post by this ID
How many times you gonna repost this? Did it come from your list of push-button topics to keep people distracted?
Benjamin Jones
Cyclists are the fucking worst - they don't follow any of the rules of the road, and yet constantly feel the need to play the victim.