Using less than 10 words and without mental gymnastics (ex. "jews are privileged!!!" even though Jews are white), prove to me that white privilege isn't real
Using less than 10 words and without mental gymnastics (ex. "jews are privileged!!!" even though Jews are white)...
so, you are saying that jews don't own the united states?
i don't care about your thread but i just wanted to drop in and say that you have good taste
Jews aren't white, Jews pass for white.
Most suicides are commited by whites. get fucking destroyed libtard
White privilege isn't real
The moment I saw that pic I knew it was that fag again.
I think the only cohesivness that can still be held on Jow Forums is in generals.
Jews are not white.
Anime is not something you can have a taste on.
You can't prove a negative.
Using your same conditions, prove to us it is.
"prove to me X under my unreasonable rules deliberately meant to stifle productive discussion, if you don't you lose hehe"
fuck off, it goes in all fields lads
Why do you always start the threads with anime pics?
>be white
>get around -150 on SAT for no reason
>10 words or less
fuck your rules im not a nigger
white privilege only exist in the minds of white people. its not what allows them to do things its what prompts them to try. the west has been punished more times than i can count on both hands in less than 30 years. they were forced to put that chemical in european drinking water for decades due to the american military spraying a small group of japs in 1 prefecture with the same chemical well after WW2. that water was sold to america in bottled form but was still present in the drinking water in europe. and many many many more cases. like when america tried to give china aids grapefruit. a entire state in america practically was given the same fruit and got aids. china had few casualties in that war and they were sent to the west
white privilege gives them the courage to be retards but reality always catches up with them
You are currently posting in a repeating, formulaic shill thread.
Thanks for your time, G*ytoy.
Fucking Kentucky, people living in literal shacks
White privilege doesn't exist in non-white countries.
Now go fuck yourself.
>It is up to you to prove to me that something doesn't exist goyim.
Ah, Kosher science again.
Are you the same LusoBro from the Pat Little thread? We need more of those for Pat's nationwide tour he's going on soon.
I was on the volunteer server helping out but got kicked by a TRSodomite who somehow became a mod and was attacking people who wanted to form an alliance with Paul Nehlen because of 'bad optics' ha ha.
I'm assuming Pat will sort out all that nonsense soon but he's a really busy man.
>proving a negative
also trolling outside /b/
Get banned