Gov't Psyop

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ESPN is owned by Disney you fucking kike.

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TSN shares
80% Bell Media
20% ESPN

That's the Canadian national motto

problem goy?

ESPN does the graphics you fucking retard.


wtf is TSN? toronto sports network?

jesus christ canada

Sportsball is for idiots. Only unenlightened cattle watch it.

Yet you guys are more diverse than us

The leaf's version of the Packers? Look at that nose btw.

Football never not looks like a setup to a gay porno. I bet if they just fucked after they could be more famous than stupid flag kneelers.

was hoping someone would post this, they even have all the coaches wearing shirts with literal liberal party slogans

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Jesus, that is so bizarre

Canada is down to 53% white and Trudeau is hell bent on making it 0% white with him as the last white "man".

>entire team is black guys with a white guy telling them what to do.

my fucking football sides.

It's fucked. They focus on past players who are not white. |Further proving "diversity" means no white people. Fucking sickening forcing this anti white propaganda down our throats. I guess Hockey is the only sport left not filled with this shit ... for now

>nipples protruding

The NFL has got so kike, anons stop supporting that trash

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Q predicted this.

The eskimos have been around longer than the fudge packers

The Eskimos used the colors first. They got them from the U. of Alberta.

100 years?

Chesse. Youre thinking of cheese

Do they not realize how creepy and Orwellian that slogan is. It’s so devoid of meaning too, not once have I ever heard anyone explain a tangible benefit to the actual people of the host country

canadians are cucks
and they allow this shit
when enough of them are replaced the country will collapse and the remaining canadians are going to be eaten alive

Diversity is strength
Diversity is peace
Diversity is freedom.

What, did you think it was a meme?

This is deadly serious.

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found the kid that got beat up everyday for his lunch money in high school

Reminder that the Colts are going to have a turnaround season and Andrew Luck will win MVP

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>le tip, good sir

thats a big guy

If you're not underaged kill yourself for that cringy comeback

nah i'm good hoss


I bet you weigh 300 lbs and think alcohol and weed use is insanely degenerate while you pound a large pizza down every day and don't work or contribute anything to society

God he looks like such a fucking kike


Shocking report.

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very disrespectful

is that kid rock?


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The NFL is a nonprofit and stadiums are taxpayer funded. You're deluding yourself if you think zog doesn't have a hand in this.

so pathetic and its amazing how people are trapped in this brainwash.


>Do they not realize how creepy and Orwellian that slogan is
yes, hence the need to repeat it endlessly

made me lol, thanks man

Diversity is strength. Look at Poland compared to a diverse nation like the US. Ones a poor slavshit ethno state shithole the other is the most powerful nation on Earth and the center of the worlds technology and entertainment

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what do canadians play? cuckball?


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There you have it folks

It's like American football except with white people, if you can picture it.

It is a pathetic attempt at having a sports channel. If america were to invade us all our companies would fold under free competition.

Both Jews how do you tell the difference

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It really is for mouth breather assholes. I always laugh when I see some idiot wearing jerseys especially basketball KEK. Playing sports is cool but watching nogs play sports? No thanks.

My dad called it Toronto Sports Network because the top story is always about Toronto, and that's mostly what they talk about.
>tfw they got five channels and then lost the rights to the NHL.
There could've been five hockey games on at once but Rogers fucked it all up. Now it's just sports net and Communist Broadcasting Corporation

Imagine being this retarded.

sports is for fucking retards to replace their sense of tribalism and community of their own ethnicity with some meaningless fucking game of some random fucking niggers who would spit on you and fuck your girlfriend given the chance

sports fans are all fatass retards who eat garbage and die young after being divorced 5 times and losing everything like the pathetic brainlet cucks they are

Why are you here?
Go jerk off to your anime porn

>implying i watch anime either

imagine being so pathetic you think everyone has to be a sportsnigger or an animecuck

We won't invade you. We'll just wait for your federal government to collapse and then accept Alberta and Saskatchewan's applications to statehood while leaving the rest of you to devolve into a tribal society.

You realize 4ch is for beating off to anime right? Hope it was bait and I fell for it
Also hockey is the only patrician sport outside of motorsports

I can't because I don't watch retard box and have never seen a game of football

Stop supporting the NFL. Cancel your cable. You will finally be free.

I love nigger ball. Nothing like watching a full team of niggers in tight spandex hugging eachother on the ground.

The only thing CBC is good for nowadays is the 10 minutes of Don Cherry we get per week during the season. Past that, its funding should be nuked into oblivion

Right out of fucking They Live! Fucking insanity up there. Not much time left. Canadians really have to start propping up theur replacement candidate and get memeing like we did for Trump.

>Non argument ad hominem
Typical white trash

got me hard, thank you

Based and assclown-pilled

Nose knows

It's The Sports Network, but yes, outside Toronto we often call it the Toronto Sports Network. Especially when they blow Maple Leafs smoke more than usual.

Yeah that Diversity Is Strength is everywhere in the CFL, it's Orwellian.

Acoutic BRAPS vs. the Steamy BRAPS tonight on sportzball action!

>it's Orwellian.
It seriously is. God damn I can't wait for this liberal age to be over. Thank christ we're almost there.

Damn this is pretty awesome.

hadnt seen that. keked and checked.


Can somebody post the copypaste about why NFL is fucked now?
Interesting points, even if I don't follow football.

is that faggot trying to look like aaron Rodgers

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found the fat ass that needs to watch others exercise to forget his life is meaningless

Stop watching grown men chase a ball.

I was at a bar this weekend where ESPN was on and it was insane how much diversity shilling there was. Also there were these atrocious ads about "redefining masculinity." Never seen that kind of shit on any other channel.

delightfully orwellian

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also, Mike Reilly is based and he does have a big nose, but that OP image is shopped

>Canadian football league
You're right, but try to at least just be semi retarded.

what in the fuck does ESPN have to do with this

When something is true it becomes self evident. Things that have to be repeated over and over again are not truths.

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>"acustic defense"

TSN is the leaf version of ESPN

>yfw you realize a leaf version of something american is better
TSN actually shows hockey, the best sport on the planet, and doesn't obsess with commercial ball (nfl)

Aaron Rodgers is a faggot.

Mad Max timed things perfectly. Nicely played.

>best sport

pick one


oh nevermind.

You probably like basebore, you faggot

I don't watch sports. But anyone that says the word "sportsball" is immediately identifying themselves as a bitter, "holier than thou" nerd who clearly has deep seated issues with people who do.

>Jewish Aaron Rodgers crosses into this timeline

Canada was a government psyop and also the biggest mistake in human history.

The origins of the franchise date from the 1890s. However, the green and gold colours didn't come about until the forties.