Why are libertarians like this guy all of a sudden ranting about being kicked off youtube and so on and how wrong they think it is? If you're a libertarian why would you want muh gubment to step in and stop these huge sites from running their business how they want? 'Muh house muh rules' right?
Or is it just because this whole thing with censorship proves how fucking bad the libertarian ideas really are because you will always get big monopoly websites who want to enforce an agenda by censorship and in reality you need some kind of big gubment rights to prevent them making life worse for everyone.
Libertarians are just conservatives who don't own guns yet. The minute SHTF they'll have one, but they'll still claim to be better than you.
Evan Sanchez
It's an ideology of selfishness, wanting to have your cake and eat it too. The annoying thing to me is that so many libertarians talk about the constitution, yeah well what's the point in even having a constitution if your entire city can get bought up by big business and now your rights are thrown out the window?
They can say whatever they want, too. It'snot like they're threatening anybody. But I agree that libertarians are naive and they just learned their lesson I guess.
Blake Taylor
I've actually sat down and talked to someone very famous who is in libertarian circles at length and as you go down this rabbit hole further and further you'll realize they're actually advocating for a return to what they consider "the natural state of things" ie monarchy. Except that the monarchs in today's era are going to be bugmen like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos and Marc Zuckerberg.
Blake Gonzalez
Because Libertarianism is a lazy 'ideology' spoused by reactionary morons. There's a good reason why potheads love it - it requires no thinking to follow.
Brayden Russell
get shot
Hudson Johnson
I'll believe you when Stefan Molyneux pulls a maneuver like Nasim Aghdam
Ayden Jackson
Of course, they can complain about it but many are doing more than that, they're saying we need an 'internet bill of rights'. I don't have a problem with that idea, but I have a problem with the GLARING hypocricy when it's libertarians who want it. An 'internet bill of rights' would require that dreaded big gubment to be there to enforce it, to tell monopolies that they can't do something with their business (the horror!). How can someone unironically hold both these positions and claim to be intellectually honest?
That's what it sounds like, I wouldn't be so bothered if they just admitted it but it's this constant shifting of the goalposts that becomes tiring. It's like the adherents of the ideology only stand by it as ammunition for an 'easy win' in any argument against leftists, because it's easy to just blame everything on the government, and of course the government has done a lot of bad things too, most people agree with that. But it's like a cop out argument instead of actually giving a real solution.