Im sorry white people

>Visiting family in Mexico
>everyone looks like me
>speak same taco speak
>everyone is either Christian or catholic
>men eat first, men work and make money, homes are so clean you can eat off the floor due to the women staying at the home.
>safe enough to leave doors unlocked
I have to go back to the USA to start school, and I nothing of the poison I’ve seen in the USA. I’ve only seen 2 niggers here in Mexico, and they were begging for pesos at a speed bump. When we were driving home my cousin called them a nigger in Spanish, and the whole family laughed in the car. Good times.
I have to look at the ugly damn Somalians that were imported, and tons of ugly immigrants from all over the world.
Inb4 “you go back spic”. I was born here in the USA and a part of the US that used to belong to Mexico. It’s a part of history that needs not be forgotten. Anyways, the USA can only be great with Mexicans and whites united together. I’m just sorry for the beautiful predominately white nation that was destroyed by niggers and Jews. I almost don’t want to go back. Mexicans are pretty red pilled and know a little bit about what’s going on in Europe. Sometimes I browse here and think you guys are just edgy fags, but after coming to Mexico to visit, I cringe at the thought of seeing nigger culture plastered everywhere.
I fucking hate niggers.

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>beaner cope
no one cares you fat stinky faggot lol

Dude, c'mon. Don't throw blacks under the bus to save yourself.

How is It beaner cope you brainlet

Not growing niggers under the bus. Mexican Americans have a rich culture in practically 1/3 of the USA. Niggers just have complaints and finger pointing.

I'm sorry as well. No matter how much you anti-nigger virtue signal, you will never be white or semi-white.

I don’t dare to be white. Just finally realizing how much white people deserve a land of their own, especially one like the USA that instilled so many awesome values around the world, giving México practically the same constitution.

White people in the US are retarted 56ers who think Latinos are the enemy when all it takes is to look at any inner city to see the real problem.

Also Latinos bring hot girls (although usually not Mexicans sorry bro)

Why is the nigress scrubbing the floor with chocolate and shrimp? This makes no sense

don't be
white people WANT to be replaced