Cars blown up in Kållered Sweden next to where I live

Cars blown up in Kållered Sweden next to where I live

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that seems like a thrill anyone wanna go paint eachother brown and grow a beard and run around sweden setting cars on fire?
sounds like a hoot desu

No need to paint yourself brown lmao just grow a beard

is just part and parcel of living in sweden

lets see that flag you gypsie I know theres a romianian behind there

they are still at this shit?


But I thought the government was gonna have a nice talk with these young doctors-to-be and their families and put an end to this kind of behavior?

Yep. I thought a war had broken out, I ran to my car with a rifle then went to fill my tank. Came back in case I was overreacting. Saw this.

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Hope for afs 51%

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Fucking ethnic Swedes stirring up trouble again. Why won't they behave?

This always happens the week before school starts

dUBZ verify TRUTHfullnes of swencucks story. OC. Lets all gather around the fire and laugh at the sadness.

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Aren't grenade attacks as Swedish as acid attacks are British?
It's part of your national identity

Do you really think kids can blow up several cars in a row? Now there’s reports of three more attacks in molndal area

Holy fuck. 4 1 post suecos and now they are silent. Did swedenistan died or did sverje start shilling? And what would they be shilling for/agains?

Pop a few for me.

Rapefugee ”kids”

what the FUCK is going on neighbor?


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shitskins helping out SD in their election campaign, wasn't it last night they blew up another 10 cars in gothenburg too or was it the day before?

Why can’t swedes just do what Americans do when the police do not act?

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We have a huge refugee complex up the road from where this happened. It could be them, but could also be local gangs with Islamic agendas. The area is rife with skinheads and biker gangs as well, although somehow is a nice crime free area because the bikers keep it in check. Really strange.

>somehow is a nice crime free area because the bikers keep it in check. Really strange.
No no, its not strange, its Texas law user.

Fucking rekt

that's just normal user, there is never any problem where they live or have a club house

That's a movie retard. Fiction.
Americans do literally nothing when the police don't act.

Boy are you retarded. Where the fuck are you really from brainlet?

jesus christ this was last night
>Over 100 cars set a blaze in Uppsala

I didn't get this one before now

I guess you are going to see more fires tonight there Sven

>Sweden sets new world record, in the number of school fires

Last year there were 667 fires of whom 429 were the result of arson.
(doesn't mean the buildings burned down to the ground)

>local MC keeping crime down
Its because bikers don't like seeing their home go to shit and have a safe place to ride. 1% MCs also keep drugs out of their area by selling to other towns and such and removing drug dealers in their home.
>t. son of a couple from Wolfpack, who rode with the Warlocks in FL

its just local youth doing youth stuffs, go back your fucking house görån and stop being a little nosey racist.

as the old saying goes
>you don't shit where you eat

Part and parcel , old boy.

Sweden should unironically begin a purge of all browners

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Just looked out the window and a swede was flying by while being raped by a muzzie.

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So, what’s it like to watch your country turn to shit before your very eyes?
I ask because mine is not far behind you.

Is there anywhere that isn't?

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I’m actually from Belfast. Used to living in a shithole. If Swedes organize I’ll fight alongside them, otherwise I’ll just leave.

I took this pic in frolunda last week.

Btw the attack today was an IED/grenade. My brother in law and his pregnant wife live opposite, if we find out who did this their knees will be removed.

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>have pride in where you ride
Thanks, dad

"Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Scientist" Better let in more you never know which one could be the winning lotto ticket that cures some disease.

you'll do fuckin' nothin

Just someone testing their engineering theories.

((they)) planned all of this

It is very long swedish tradition to blows up de cars. It uh, is in celebrations of de harvest of uh, de things that grow from de ground.

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I sopose you’d know, leaf.
Honestly I don’t know how you cope with Trudeau.

Croatia, Slovenia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Czechia, Estonia, Italy, Austria, Lithuania, Latvia

I meant first world countries.

I hope you cucked twats get your auto insurance subsidized!

Taking insurance money from being culturally enriched is racist, you bigot.

Now you have culture bigot

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>Do you really think kids can blow up several cars in a row?
don't you have grenade attacks all the time?
not ruling it out
