
/ourguy/ Scheer has spoken

2019 will be the Year of the Scheer

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I'm going to expose OP as a MOSSAD propagandist in two posts. This being the first.

Please see #1 of pic related

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And here's the second.
Scheer is a Zionist stooge just like Trump.

And questions, class?

Attached: scheer zionist.jpg (771x685, 70K)

>he's against "open borders post-national Trudeau" so he must be a mossad operative

Imagine being this low IQ.

Reads exactly like a generic facebook post about obama in 2014


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That's a good goy!!

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YES YES YES! Although Add a few sprinkles of MAD MAX to keep them on their toes. Don,t let up 2019 cant come soon enough VOTE THEM OUT! vote them into No Party Status Oh The tears will be flowing so Much Salt. just listened to 2 CBC, Iheart radio call in Shows discussing Trudeau's 2019 reelection hopes the audience was literally 90% have had enough hes not a man, he is inexperienced and an International Embarrassment. Oh My Grin, we are going to do it!

no one talks like that here..

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2019 the year of the gay Cuban, the fat Jew, and the communist poo in loo; the absolute state of New York's fedora

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bump so everyone can see how impotent MOSSAD propagandists are


During the Asian trade summit last year, Trudeau instead of talking trade, went on and on about diversity and women in the workplace.

Apparently it pissed the Asian leaders off to no end and they didn't even want to deal with him. Even the very left NZ media were calling him a "man child"

>our guy {{{{{{{scheer}}}}}}}}

unfortunately he has his foreskin scheered off

>what Asians really want to hear about is israel

I would rather get my balls shopped off than vote for Scheer.

so who are you planning on voting for, or are you a 18 college girl who doesnt understand politics enough to bother voting?

vote 3rd party, small party, or independent

if you vote for the big 3, you are a cucked motherfucker

no IDU for me thanks, anything related to Theresa May and Angela Merkel, and you are just looking to sign on for more of the same Project Metropolis / George Soros politics

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this harper clone stole the PC lead nom from the real guy, maxime bernier

fuck schreer

>the fag who bummed out Bernier from PC leadership
Not even a serious Jow Forumsack or anything but fuck Scheer

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Agreed. But I don't care.
I'll never vote Liberal. I'm going blue for the rest of my life.

Fuck Sheer. Sheer is a fucking kike and a half. He even looks like a little bitch. Mad Max is the real deal.

Hope Trudeau wins, that way we seperate and Mad Max is crowned president for life.

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>he isn't hitler
>therefore jew

We can smell you from a mile away, muslim.

Scheer is a huge faggot though and almost controlled opposition with how little he differs from Trudeau.

>He's a Zionist
>Working with other Zionists
>If you oppose Israel you must be a Muslim
pic related. It's (((you)))

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>someone makes a thread about canadian politics

Literally what the fuck are you doing

No one on Jow Forums that actually gives a single fuck about racial replacement cares about Israel as much as you do, therefore you're probably a muslim since even racially pro-white politicians like Trump are bad according to you because he isn't hitler.

So fuck off my board and get out of my country, shitskin.

>Literally what the fuck are you doing
Proving Zionists are spamming Jow Forums with controlled opposition candidates. Mad?

>Israel is behind racial replacement
>No one cares about Israel

Why bother voting for a guy who will continue forcing everyone to endorse the idea that anyone can self identify as an 18 year old college girl who doesn't understand politics to bother voting.

t. self identified 18y/o college girl who doesn't understand politics enough to bother voting.

>our guy
Fuck no. This cheating sneaky jew needs to be replaced before the federal election. Bring back Bernier.

Justin announced he was officially running today

Then get informed and make a wise decision of your future

Im going to cancel my vote since none of the candidates seem to know what it takes to fix our fucked up country. They are only talking heads paid off by foreign interests.

Am I really a college girl if I wont tolerate this shit anymore?

You are if you feel you are. It's the law.

OK you musta made a wrong turn somewhere to land here. Go back.

all the running parties are absolute shit

Hello moarpheus