Has the crackdown on bullying in schools made our society weaker?

Has the crackdown on bullying in schools made our society weaker?

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I've seen this anime

>let's fuck people up mentally when they are still young!!! What a great idea, so MANLY!!!
Kys faggots.

>big bullies...
>stuck in locker...
>gay sex...

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I'd say it's a lack of ability to publicly shame bad behavior. We're a social animal, and shaming is a great tactic that shuts down shit that has no place in society. Tolerance is the problem.

What's that from?

Whatever life lessons and personal growth the victims may be able to gain from being bullied, the act of the bully is not a noble one and it must be stopped.

Tbf there's a difference between teasing and bullying. Shit-talking and insult trading between kids is normal and builds conflict resolution skills. Bullying a friendless autist or a mental case that can't fight back only psychologically damages them even more.

w-w-what happens next

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The problem is not bullies themselves, but that people are taught to never answer and just ignore. If we actually taught our kids to stood up for themselves that wouldn't be the case

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>can't fight back
shall not be infringed

no. our society is weak because of low standards, narcissism and absent/spineless fathers (among other things). there isn't anything good about bullying. stop reacting to stupid leftists shit (bullying is horrible! stop bullying! anti bully laws!) by mindlessly adopting the opposite position.

This is really the issue. So few boys have fathers that pay attention to them or teach them anything. Extracurricular and after-school activities run by men that promote some sense of community and pride are incredibly important. Of course kids aren't going to know how to protect themselves or how to resolve conflict if you never teach them.

Not really. When your social status is low, no matter what you do, you will lose whenever a high social status person decides to be a dick to you.

I'm okay with shaming people for doing dumb things, but don't humiliate and abuse people for no reason.

I don't know about women. I don't know what the fuck they did or didn't do in high school and how bullying came into play.
Male bullying teaches boys how to be men however. Enemies, fighting when young, physical conflict, establishing dominance. These are all important. Removing bullying fags up society and now we have a bunch of trannys wandering around unchecked.

A Netflix show called Everything Sucks.

Blonde gets Brunette to touch her boobs then accuses her of doing it uninvited. The whole room laughs at her and calls her a lesbian and she runs away crying.

Kinda hot tbqh.

Yet again I have to disagree, if kid is raised right, he won't be lonely autist, he most likely will join some social group of people like him, with closer social status etc. It's really hard to bully group of people, even if your are in group as well. Not the same as bullying 1on1

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>crackdown on bullying
Bullying is worse than ever because physical altercations are heavily punished (even if the victim punches the bully) while psychological and emotional trauma is ignored by teachers.
Gone are the days where you could fight a bully and force him to stop, now you get tormented at school and then tormented even more online. This leads to kids either taking pills to fight their hopelessness or simply checking out of life and no longer giving a shit.

Teacher here.

The crackdown on bullying has only allowed more passive aggressive tactics to emerge. There are some pros and cons.


1) Kids really are genuinely safer
2) Kids have better relationships with teachers. Kids can come to counselors to report real issues.


1) Kids still bully but tactics are different. They are not beating up kids after school anymore (as much) but may be torturing someone online through social media.

2) Promotes excessive PC culture.

3) School does not prepare them for real life. No one is going to care if they get bullied as adults.

4) It is superficial. Kids are still as mean as ever - just more subtle about it.

Does it make kids weaker? No. I would say cracking down on it is mostly good...

But the "everyone gets a trophy" thing is probably of even more concern than this issue.

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>everything was better in the past
Oh yeah people were such shining examples of humanity before. Fucking moron.

And how will bullying exactly help the autistic loser? Bullying and ostracizing the kid will only isolate him further. Fuck off with that "we should fix people by abusing them" shit.

bullying has exponetionally increased with social media.

Yes. Kids are too sheltered these days because an entire generation has grown up not getting faggotry beaten out of them, not facing discipline for negative actions while speaking down to elders. A decade or two ago, if you dare spoke down to a teacher the way these college cucks do, you'd get the shit beaten out of you by your parents. Now you can't even clap your hands because it gives these cucks 'nam flashbacks or some shit.

This is why these chucklefucks can't make decisions for themselves and have to rely on groupthink for all their opinions.
Actions should have consequences. Weaker people are usually made stronger later in life by bullies and some learn to stand up to the asshole you're going to face in life and overcome that obstacle. It's not about "fucking people up mentally" it's about teaching young people to be independent, problem solving, strong of will and strong of mind.
Absolutely this. Life isn't fair, it really isn't, you're going to go through life and meet MANY assholes, it's a fact. If you aren't prepared to deal with them and overcome, you'll get steamrolled (as we're seeing in this generation). We don't want these people to fail, we don't get enjoyment from it. We want them to succeed, but they have to want to succeed.

There is no crackdown on bullying. Public schools are as shitty or even shittier than they've ever been. My 7 year old nephew just had his collarbone broken by another kid.

There were clearly defined groups in my day.

I'm not kidding, I really feel bad for you younger white guys these days. You just stopped beating up the people who needed those beatings desperately and they turned into monsters. I don't even think it's possible to regain control at this point.

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They won't be autistic losers in the first place if raised right. I've never said that bullying is good, btw. But no matter how you want it, it will never go away, kids are just cruel. So the best you can do on your end, as a parent, is to raise your child healthy, strong and some basic social skills.

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>in before people who were bullied and internalised it so much they try and pretend it was a social good for them and they were trying to be "helped"

Everyone dislikes confrontations especially when it's at their expenses, but it definitely keeps the trash away from society, as you said at least that's how it works between men.

Failure is what teaches human beings lessons, not daily harassment.

What exactly does a boy learn when a kid verbally harasses and embarrasses them every single day?

Kids need to fight each other.

"I swear those Mexicans that held me down and forced something up my ass were just trying to make me tougher". Bear in mind this actually happened to a teacher's kid at a school nearby.

Blame yourself. Your generation inherited the mantle and you dropped it.
You fucked up as hard as any generation could fuck up.

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Being bullied didn't teach me shit except resentment for the world.

there is no crackdown. what fucking school did you go to?

>If we actually taught our kids to stood up for themselves that wouldn't be the case

I tried that in school, what happened was I got in more trouble than the 2 people who jumped me in the bathroom because I managed to hurt one of them worse than I got.

Pretty much so. I was bullied until like the third grade, and then my Irish temper kicked in, and I beat the hell out of the fat kid bullying me. After that I was considered crazy, and do not disturb. I grew up in Detroit as a whitey, so it was inevitable that I had to strike back, or suffer the coonsequences.

lol sub humans are like animals they always go for weak targets like woman, children, and elderly.

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This isn't the 90s, grandpa. Physical confrontations are harshly punished in schools now, and you will likely get expelled for beating a bully up in today's time.

I'm starting to think is right on with everyone in this thread praising bullying. This is just your way of fooling yourself into thinking you became a better person because people tormented you for no reason. You feel like you "paid your dues" despite doing nothing wrong, because that's the only thing stopping you from killing yourselves.

>Weaker people are usually made stronger later in life by bullies and some learn to stand up to the asshole you're going to face in life and overcome that obstacle.
No, weaker people are prevented from making friends, develop mental health issues, end up resentful and bitter with low self-esteem which cripples their social life even further etc.

It really has no pros. Make kids compete in a healthy way: by playing sports, having more challenging programs in school that encourage competition, extracurricular activities etc. Abuse doesn't create the kind of people you'd want in a healthy society.

Did they attempt to bully you afterwards, and if they did, did you defend yourself again?

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>Jow Forums after mass shooting:
This what happens when normies bully depressed kids on prozac!

>also Jow Forums:
Bullying is good for society

>He's never made a bully regret bullying
>He's never taken care of injustice himself.
Momma is not the law. I am the law.

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Shut the fuck up you pussy. The lack of fighting is what created weak vagina men like you.

Touched a nerve?
You didn't fight shit, you got picked on and did nothing.

During the 90s when I was at school. Teachers used to tell us "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" if anyone went narking on bullies.
Also we were told to defend ourselves and if you punched a bully and explained yourself to teachers, you almost never got in trouble.

But that was a time when parents stood up for their children, and wernt teaching them that the world was all unicorns and rainbows.

Kids learnt to deal with bullies themselves. If a kid didn't stand up to a bully, then the other kids did it for them. The bullies always learnt their behaviour was sub human and they would have no friends left if they continued.

What we are now doing is raising a bunch of kids who wont know how to deal with confrontation.

zero tolerance policy is what lead to those prozac kids to never fighting back
sometimes you need to smack people in the teeth

>when a kid verbally harasses and embarrasses them
See, you're talking about the 'nu-bullying' faggy shit that has come about since they cracked down on REAL bullying. Used to be you'd grab the weird kid and flush his head down the toilet. It was physical abuse, not verbal/emotional shit like women do.
Eventually that weird kid might fight back and gain a tiny bit of respect. I mean yeah, he usually still got his ass kicked but there's a lesson there too.

Anti bullying shit is basically women imposing THEIR societal rules on men. This kind of crap is why we're living in a thotocracy.

Has the crackdown on school shooter breeding made our society weaker?

Holy shit is that my sister?

Something tells me you are puking out your life story here.

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Yes. It used to be that kids that even LOOKED or ACTED effeminate got a beating, let alone kids that actually WERE gay. You either physically suppress gays and the gay agenda or they will take over and ruin the whole society as we see happening now. There is no middle ground and their agenda never sleeps. They will keep pushing unless they are all holocausted.


>zero tolerance policy
Bullshit excuse. What reasonable parent actually gives a fuck if their kid gets some suspension for fighting back?

R34 version?

Of course they did, I'd say they were emboldened after noticing that their punishment was less than mine. They each got a week suspension for jumping me, I got 3 because I broke ones nose. I still walked out of it with a concussion, and they continues afterwords.

Kept you out of society then

Oh so you are in Juan Grivallia's district in Tuscon. Mr the illegals are good dindunuffin representitive.

It's not your fault. It was never your fault. I'm sorry, but getting mad at others won't change the fact that you failed to stand up for yourself.

Were you asleep for the last 25 years grandpa? One post ago you were against bullying and now your advocating kids punch back?



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this. pussy parents make pussy kids. kids who only have parents with pussies turn into pussies, its not rocket science.

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No, it just blackpilled me at an early age.

Yes I am against bullying and for fighting back against a bully that will not stop.

>It's Russian gypsy girl as far as I remember
Romania for fuck's sake
I'm sorry to hear that, It's actually fucked up that you got punished harder for defending yourself, did you dad praise that you defended yourself at least?

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Is this show worth watching or what? I'm assuming there's hardcore lesbian action at some point

>pay the toll

Yes. The year after I finished elementary school the school banned dodgeball. It was literally the most alpha activity you were exposed to in government education.
>Everyone is forced to play.
>The Chad athletes get to hit beta Leftists in the face with a ball.
>Girls watch on, seeing which males are worthy of possessing them.

You are part of the problem then.
Let people be and let human behavior run free. Sometimes it might include things you don't like (like bullying) but tough shit you don't have a right to take away those life experiences from another generation just because it makes you uncomfortable.

>did you dad praise that you defended yourself at least?

He's been out getting cigarettes for the last 20 years. Mom said good job though.

Dumb knuckledragger

meglomanija cigo americanci uvek to radu

Your dad needs a faster car.

Stupid naive fucktard.

I used to get picked on day in and day out until one day I fucking snapped and knocked three mother fuckers out cold. No one ever bothered me again.

I sure hope your kids get shot by the kid they bully

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>crackdown on bullying
as if it ever happened


public schools are run by gangs and no one does a thing

dont have kids, we already have a surplus of your kind
>implying a bully will still be a bully no matter how much you fuck them up

i guarantee you that if you take a bully and sodomize them they will back off,they'd get over an ass kicking, they wont get over a rape

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Teach your kids to stand up to bullies and hit them.
Bullies don't disappear after school you stupid fuck. They grow up and live in the same society we all do.
You have to teach kids how to deal with them because they will have to deal with them for the rest of their life. Do you get it now?

Goddamn, look at that onions beard.

Yes. Normal male testosterone production is stimulated by antagonistic male-male social interactions (aka fighting) in childhood and adolescence. Remove these natural interactions that all boys would engage in if not for their feminist teachers and parents, and you end up with stunted male development. This is the primary reason for the development of the current generation of pussies. Sure, environmental pollutants play a role, but you don’t see the onions boy face in adult males outside of the west, even though other cultural groups eat the same foods and use the same pesticides. Countless studies have proven a strong environmental and social influence on hormone levels. Probably this influence is strongest during development. We are literally preventing boys from developing into men biologically with this coddling bullshit.

I have a story for this
>Be me
>Be 14 years old
>Be freshman
>had to attend shitty camp if I wanted two electives
>chose welding and woodworking as electives
>expected woodworking teacher to be commie scum
>was a nice chad
>hung out with some of us at lunch, brought food for the class sometimes, never drank and such, and was as conservative as fuck
>lets us carry around wood working tools
>i bring tools with me around school, mainly chisel, as welding teacher lets me work on some of that stuff when i'm done with my stuff
>get bullied because I have T1D and am called "the drug dealer"
>these faggots have no idea what is coming
>i get sick of this one day
>grab out insulin pin
>stab it into one of these faggots as a distraction
>pull out woodchipper supplies
>find chisel first
>slash at some fucking moron
>hes left with a permanent scar on his cheek
>they all fucking scramble
>never bothered again
>dont get in trouble because it was self defense

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I went to a Christian private school and we didn't have a bully problem, faggot

You're missing the whole fucking point here then.

>Does bullying fuck up autistic weirdos worse?

Use your fucking head user. There are always going to be social misfits.

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Pol corrects the word s-o-y to onions. I don’t know why.

That's probably a good part of the reason you turned out to be such a pussy.
I didn't go to Christian school, but I did go to sunday school, and boy do I regret the time I wasted there.

bullying is impossible to stop unless everyone suddenly starts homeschooling. only solution is to tell your kid to punch back and hopefully earn some respect. Most men are lizard brained, it's just the way it is.

>What we are doing now is raising a bunch of kids who won't know how to deal with confrontation

And that's a good thing.

I wish I was in your school district. I got jumped in the bathroom, suspended for longer than the people who jumped me, and got fined for the mirror that I broke when I slammed one of their faces into it.

Okay, big boy

Think about it; 'Bullying' is an essential part of socialization. You need to go through a process of conformization, everyone has to. Of course some of that behaviour isn't at all constructive and more akin to status conflict, and that's the part that has to be regulated. But to just throw the entire process of peer correction out of the window is insanity. You can't just play social engineering with fundamental mammal behaviour. That never ends well.

you do realize that pic counters your point?judging by the hipster markers they possess those people weren't bullied as kids, this warped their perception on human nature and their naivety cost them their lives.


I wasnt trying to make apoint wth that pic. I just thought it was hilarious, retard

Sorry, I was talking about regular people who are told by their parents to never fight back, and stand for themselves, those who are born damaged, shouldn't be allowed to learn in public schools anyway, cuz we cannot end bullying any time soon, if ever.

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Ironically weaker AND more angry and violent.
You need to get that shit beaten out of you as a kid when it doesn't matter so much.

Good for our controllers sure. What a miserable slavish sheep you are. Perfect example of the type of faggot that needed bullying so as not to turn out to be a miserable sub human cunt. How does it feel to know you will live and die, never having experienced manhood?