A remarkable number of the most prominent purveyors of right-wing snake oil, from Alex Jones on down...

A remarkable number of the most prominent purveyors of right-wing snake oil, from Alex Jones on down, make their money by hawking actual snake oil, i.e., supposedly magical dietary supplements. Why do you suppose that is?

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It's just a cover to distract from the fact they have billionaires fudning them behind the scenes and they're shills

So... Not actual snake oil then? Retard

These supplements aren't magical; they are real dietary supplements that can improve your health if you do not eat a balanced diet. However, these supplements are available everywhere and the Alex Jones ones, while they do work, are simply over-priced.

those are actually good vitamins, you should try them

once a day does the job

Because leftist faggots hate free speech and will target big companies that advertise on conservative outlets. Ask David Hogg and many others.

The vitamins, especially super male vitality, are legit. I basically take SMV in pill form and I really don't like certain ingredients in SMV but they are legit. Do your research before buying it.

I suppose it is because there are thousands of paid activists who organize harassment campaigns against any business that takes out advertising with them, campaigns that are coordinated hand in hand with the mainstream media and big corporate government. They see the legal prohibition against the government censoring speech as an invitation to work with corporations and non-profit political activist groups to achieve the same end of silencing free thought.

Anything else you need spoonfed for you lil' babby?

because their followers are gullible low iq retards and will buy anything

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i mean, at least they are selling a PRODUCT that claims to help people. it might even help people. what do the liberals sell? usually like a t-shirt store or coffee mugs. they mostly just sell bad opinions


Seriously, how hard is it for retards to understand this, snake oil salesmen made outrageous claims like their medicines would cure blindness and arthritis but they were just sugar pills. These things are supplements with actual herbs, vitamins, etc in them, they are just super overpriced. The term snake oil salesman is overused and is the sure sign of a retard.

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>caffeine and amino acids are snake oil


Manlet kike on your advert is a sure fire way of getting no one to buy your shit.
Look at that goofy motherfucker trying to be Jones. Those bottles are in scale with his rat faced mug.

Because the left has deprived them of advertising income. Find Sleeping Giants on twitter for confirmation.

>snake oil
my senpai i was a dumb russian IDF tank driver when i first ordered BrainForce , i have a PHD in physics from the technion now .

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Because right-wingers are retards who will buy anything their leaders tell them to.

Tbh I got X-2 survival shield and it’s fucking awesome. I felt like a faggot, but I’d been jewing alex for free entertainment since he was on public access. Figured ya know what dude, here’s some money. I’ve been entertained over the years so I said fuck it. It tastes terrible, and I went in with zero expectations, now I am almost out and want to get auto ship.

Would never buy shit from kike Shapiro. While I respect his debate skills, he gets no bucks from me.

OP, supps aren’t regulated by FDA so anyone can make and brand a pill without approval like a pharma company would need. Jow Forums could make and brand a supp.

Always do the opposite of what jews say

Shapiro and Jones are exactly the best spokesmen for health supplements.

Shapiro is a weak pencil-neck nerd, and Jones is a fat fucking wide load.

they know the people that would listen to them are gullible. stupid even

>i mean, at least they are selling a PRODUCT that claims to help people. it might even help people. what do the liberals sell? usually like a t-shirt store or coffee mugs. they mostly just sell bad opinions

t. Alex Jones

In the free market you need advertisers, unlike PBS which steals money from me to indoctrinate idiot liberal babies.

Does it contain onions like Brain Force?

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"last place for (((free speech)))"

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If I would rather pay a little more to support AJ than some big ass global conglomerate and he does charge a little more, what's the issue? I mean, I'm supposed to take Tumeric for my psoriatic arthritis anyway.. why not support le Based Vitamin Merchant? I certainly can see paying extra to support something I believe in rather than some bullshit faceless multinational corporation who has ass for Quality Control and purity
(Unrelated to reply)
Actually had to buy some Tumeric today b/c my Bod Ease was on backorder. Here is a pic of the bottle from CVS... Like they fucking spilled this shit on top of the pills, absolutely no quality control IMO.
>Plastic Bottle
>Tumeric all over inside of bottle & pills
Quality costs... and I'm sure AJ's stuff is better purity to boot.

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Because the left is fueled by the secular Jews, which are more prominent than the practicing Jews in America.

No, it's the opposite. People like Ben and Alex really are not funded by Jews, but CNN and MSNBC actually are.

>No, it's the opposite. People like Ben and Alex really are not funded by Jews, but CNN and MSNBC actually are.

It's not snake oil, just really, really overpriced. You can get similar supplements on Amazon for less than half the price.

What products or services do you think they should be advertising? What corporate jew goods and services are OP approved? Or are you just mad they get money from advertising?

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You are wasting your money buying it in capsule form, as the bioavailability is extremely low. You need to cook golden paste and take a few teaspoons of that daily. Buy the turmeric in bulk, then Google the recipe for it.

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