A remarkable number of the most prominent purveyors of right-wing snake oil, from Alex Jones on down...

A remarkable number of the most prominent purveyors of right-wing snake oil, from Alex Jones on down, make their money by hawking actual snake oil, i.e., supposedly magical dietary supplements. Why do you suppose that is?

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It's just a cover to distract from the fact they have billionaires fudning them behind the scenes and they're shills

So... Not actual snake oil then? Retard

These supplements aren't magical; they are real dietary supplements that can improve your health if you do not eat a balanced diet. However, these supplements are available everywhere and the Alex Jones ones, while they do work, are simply over-priced.

those are actually good vitamins, you should try them

once a day does the job

Because leftist faggots hate free speech and will target big companies that advertise on conservative outlets. Ask David Hogg and many others.

The vitamins, especially super male vitality, are legit. I basically take SMV in pill form and I really don't like certain ingredients in SMV but they are legit. Do your research before buying it.

I suppose it is because there are thousands of paid activists who organize harassment campaigns against any business that takes out advertising with them, campaigns that are coordinated hand in hand with the mainstream media and big corporate government. They see the legal prohibition against the government censoring speech as an invitation to work with corporations and non-profit political activist groups to achieve the same end of silencing free thought.

Anything else you need spoonfed for you lil' babby?

because their followers are gullible low iq retards and will buy anything

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