Does this faggot ever stop crying?


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Mueller's specialty is the perjury trap. Since all the FBI guys involved are corrupt it makes it even easier.

>Trump: “I could run [the Mueller probe] if I want.”
What a fucking boss

It’s a legitimate concern when the investigation is completely unfounded.

the easy answer is of course, that drumpf could tell the truth and take his lumps like a man.

we both know that won't happen though, he would have to have a modicum of integrity for that to be a viable option

No because libshits like you keep talking about dumb shit like Mueller and muh Russia rather than the upcoming election so ofc Trump will keep the spotlight on bullshit non issues.

cry moar leftist faggot
every gator ey worth his shit knows it's a perjury trap.
even God damn Never Trump Shapiro warned Trump against giving an interview. There's just no reason for Trump to do it. Burden of proof is on the accuser, we have the 5th amendment for a reason you fucking statist boot licking fascist leftist filth. Fuck you and fuck all leftists posting on Jow Forums. Day of the helicopter ride is coming soon you mother fuckers.

mmhm, yeah, go on?

Does the media ever shut the fuck up? Lobbying for censorship on the internet while they cry victim because of CRITICISM! Lobbying tech companies to push for more censorship. Perpetuating lie after lie scandal after scandal because if there was even just a tiny gap truth would spread and youd be fucked.

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Ali Watkins along with MANY other journalists are going to prison. Deal with it.

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oh good lord, that word salad

Omarosa works for Trump. Deal with it. So does Avenatti, Cohen and Stormy daniels.

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Jim Acosta is legitimately a terorrist.

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So is phil mudd

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i'll give you all the journalists in the world, in trade for drumpf and his brood


Jake Tapper and his wife fuck kids.

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The DOJ and FBI have both shown tremendous biases to the point it can’t be left in their hands alone to decide who is lying and who isn’t. They have shown to be overly process focused and willing to indict anyone close to Trump on even the most unrelated charges while being generally lenient to an extreme degree with Democrats or more accurately political allies of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama (and both of them as individuals specifically)

I don't blame Trump, I'd be thinking the same thing if I was him, considering the illegitimacy of the Russian investigation, and how desperate Mueller seems to be at getting ANYTHING at this point.

blah blah blah
>muh politicians always tell the truth
you know as well as anyone the man is prone to hyperbolic statements and isn't the most eloquent of speakers. Knowing this, you exclaim that he should just take his lumps like a man?

How fucking evil are you lefties? How the fuck do you sleep at night with that much beelzebub flowing through your disease ridden veins?

1899548315d chess, huh?

Trump is taking down the ZOG big boi.

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So? Liberals love perjurers now. Ding ding ding! So much this.

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Yeah, and you get played. It's so funny because it's true!

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phone posting you shitlib
gator ey = attorney
now suck my dick

do you people think that God doesn't know you "people" are liars and degenerates?

why do you hate truth, honor, and integrity?

Why does the media never report on the awan case?

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mmhm, go on

Or the real scope that Mueller has gone into manafort.

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Or the heinous bullshit the tech companies are complicit in.

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how fucking Jewish do you have to be to cry out in pain as you strike? $10 says you're Jewish.

it's getting to him

okay, my east of the urals failed soviet republic friend

>Flynn got got on a bullshit perjury charge
>Trump is worried they'll try to pull the shit on him
>this us Drumph crying, REEEEE IMPEACH

Why does the media protect pedophiles and attack US citizens?

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stop being a degenerate nigger and making excuses, or does typing correctly spelled words too high impact for your little soiboi wrists?

>Walking into an obvious trap for no reason is how you prove you're a real man

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Why does the media pretend they're morally superior or that they get to decide what the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES can and cannot do.

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>projecting his giant hook nose around the corner this hard

Why does the media protect HIllary Clinton?

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let the man lead the country, this fucking bullshit 'muh Russia' probe is an absolute disgrace and an embarrassment

He’s scared

>far-leftists are all about talking to the police now


>making excuses for people who would throw you under the gulag given the opportunity

sure kid, sure

Aww look the little babies ran out of shit to spew

>up is down, the post

suck *clap* my *clap* dick *clap*

>valid opinion

you know what to do

Tits or leave bitch

Ahahaha gotcha rabbi
too easy
you fuckers are so easy to spot, it's the way you write and the things you say.

you can't suck imagination, my FTM future waifu

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>doesn't know how greentext works

get off my board, little boy

nice mspaint meme there, ivan


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I'm on your side you illiterate fuck

>I'm proud of wasting millions of dollars on a probe we all know is absolute horse shit
typical leftist

I love how you unironically think that Russia did anything when it's aleady a known fact that ISRAEL is behind the all the internet bots and spam and Vault 7 showed you can feign another country to false flag as them.

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you're right, it isn't, i won't have an argument with a memeflaggot.

i thought that was clear.

stop being a coward/special snowflake and show your flag like a man

a probe so worthless it has netted how many indictments, guilty pleas, and turning as state's witness again?

dont forget your hat, chaim

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Jow Forums is a right wing board stupid leftard
maybe you should lurk moar

I guess the 1,000,000+ documents weren't enough? He didn't bitch out and claim executive privilege like Onigger did on Fast & Furious, did he? Nope... he sent a lawyer over to talk about anything Mueller wanted to.

Maybe he could just claim he couldn't remember anything... like someone else did. Y'know, like, when she was being investigated for REAL crimes?

Never forget, kiddies: Trump was never alleged to have committed any crimes, and under all guidelines, a SC can only be appointed if there was a crime!

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you dont run shit around here, guy

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oh shit, i gave this other guy your hat

a fucking negligible and pathetic amount of bullshit that had nothing to do with Trump colluding with Russia or even Russians swinging an election. indictments don't equate to guilt my room temperature IQ friend

>unironically arguing with dopple dopples

get the fuck outta here, you clearly don't belong

If he simply tells the truth, he will be fine


Do you not understand that this is what the FBI does? They sit you down, ask you inane questions for 18 hours and the second you make a mistake they arrest you for perjury.

i'm sorry, i didn't realize you were professionally retarded at first


wow, so they just sat john dillinger down and waited for him to tell a lie? capone? gambinos?

you wish it were as simple as a case of "somebody's out to get my boy"

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

nerd virgin
that's what the DNC calls people like you

>if i lie, they might prosecute me for lying!

The FBI just played a hand in bulldozing a jihadist training camp in New Mexico and also factually ignored a directly received “tip” about the Florida school shooter just weeks before he was arrested for it

wow, your crystal ball is just so accurate!

i could've been your daddy, but the dog beat me over the fence, youngster

the fact that the steele dossier was completely unverified and still used to get an illegal fisa warrant to spy on trumps campaign good enough for you? If you weren't a shill you would be outraged over the fact the obongo administration tried to entrap trump and spied on his campaign.

Jewish argument
you're a fuckin jew, I can tell

what does that have to do with the other jackass claiming all the FBI can do is wait for people to lie and prosecute them for it?

>unironically boomerposting
bruh, do you know where you are right now?


um, sweetie, no

This is the sickness of the left on display. They have already built so many lies into their “official account” of what happened that if Trump actually tells the truth, their version is so factually wrong going in to the interview that there is no doubt he will say something factual that they have already deemed a lie, such as the left’s unflinching acceptance of the Brennan-Clapper January 2017 “assessment” report despite no one besides Crowdstrike having ever examined the purportedly hacked server

>still projecting this hard

don't worry avram, someone somewhere might someday really believe you are a white person.

but no, probably not

the same place i've been since 2007, niglet

>yfw i've been a registered independent since before you were born

The fact you can’t cite an FBI “success” story that isn’t 80 years old says all that needs to be said about the modern FBI

>quoting james clapper's opinion about dossier


Bro you have no acumen for what you’re attempting. It’s not even close to convincing

seriously though guize, why does drumpf cry all day long about all the big bad people that make him feel all yucky despite supposedly being the most powerful man in the world?

its sad and pathetic

Lol gotta love this never ending circle of self dick-sucking.

>no americans indicted on anything SC was illegally formed to investigate
>the only russians that bothered to respond to fake indictments btfo'd mueller so hard he had to practically rescind his own indictment

When you indict someone, you're basically telling the court, "We have shit-tons of evidence that we know will get this guy convicted". When Mueller was challenged by the Russians, he had to beg for more time to build his case. Pretty retarded SC you got there, faggot. Pretty shakey case you got there, cocksmoker. The problem with Mueller is he spent his entire career steamrolling hapless dupes who never fought back.

He stood on the tracks too long.


these things aren't the same. unlike your worthless generation, i have real memories and life experience to draw on, so i can skip google and just name shit off the top of my head.

stay mad, limpwristed pussy

>unironically believes shitefart, bimbowars, and fuxt nudes

slow down with those scissors, edgelord

>muh crystal ball

Keep dancing nigger
You’re not even a little good at it but it’s amusing to watch