The jews are not the enemy

pol will have you believe that the jew is behind mass immigration, indoctrination or degeneracy. But I ask you this, why would the jew want to get rid of the white man?

What would the jew gain from creating third world shitholes of advanced countries with low IQ arabs, beaners and blacks? Some might point to control since shitskins are easier to manage than whites but doesnt this mean that they will lose income because most 3rd worlders are unproductive and violent?

The jew is not the enemy

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Jews are not the enemy
Yes they are.

The first girl on the left looks like glenn beck

WTF i love jews now

I hope each and every jew in this pic, is captured and raped over and over again by a Palestinian, then afterwards, i hope they are force fed pork, and after they have been force fed pork and killed by random palestinians, i hope pigs blood is poured on thier corpses, and they get set on fire..

Fuck off kike scum

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The satanic law of reversal Sabbatai Zevi & Jacob Frank

they feed off our fear, literally
>if we are too woke we can just not be afraid
>white people are too woke
>time to mud that blood

goyim are the enemy

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The Jew hasn’t the courage to admit that it’s been killing us out of hate since we let them scurry into our nations

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Look kike scum... Your psy ops are a failure, nobody is buying your kike jew fuckery you understand me. Sooner or later Palestine is gonna blow you shovel nosed fucks off the face of the earth, and i will be celebrating that day, I promise you!

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I hope bleach is injected into their blood.

Kek hehe

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The Zionist Jew is the only enemy

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> What would the jew gain from creating third world shitholes of advanced countries with low IQ arabs, beaners and blacks?
A world of their own.

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the west might be fucked
and we aint going to make it bra
> but we got nukes
and i'll find one and sell one to an Muslim
> and now you know the rest of the story

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> goyim are the enemy
See this OP ?
Half your people know they've been found out and all they can do is rub it in our faces.
Making your subversive shit not work at all.
You only have yourselves to blame.
It's too late now. Everyone knows what you are.

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roll for the oven

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Some of the enemy are Jews.
Some of the enemy are American.
Some of the enemy are British.
Find the Masters.

Rothschild is the obvious.

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We all know what the shekel sniffing kikes are up to

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Jews fear Christ. Whites are or were predominantly Christian.

I wouldn't fuck one of these kike fuckers with a stolen dick. They are lower than swine in my eyes, only a jew woman is lower than a black woman. I wouldnt piss on any one of them if they were on fire. Fuck the whole lot of them.

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>I ask you this, why would the jew want to get rid of the white man?


What kind of jewry is this?!
You cannot lure us into your bullshit white jews they will be sent too the graves of when Nemesis returns with Kalki

wow you almost convinced me there

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Fear of White and Asian IQ, sense of freedom, desire to be free, ability to rebel, strategic and tactical thinking, physical prowess, rebellious nature, violent nature, unwillingness to submit to extra-racial authority and control.
(((They))) are going to wholesale feed us Weed legally soon in an effort to secure our docile complicty, just as they tested pharmaceutical control through the 40s-60s with LSD and Dope.
Do not succumb.

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Holocaust is big business

I doubt it's even revenge. They just fucking hate us.

I wish a horrible painful death on all Jews. A curse on the filthy demons.

It's easier for them to know who to genocide if they're brown

trips please
rolling to kill them all

First Post Best Post

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But the guy in the photo isnt Harold

>it's not the jews
You're right. The enemy is israel, europe and america. i wonder what these three have in common?

>glen beck looks like a fat chick in the Israeli army

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>not the enemy
Then why did the kikes attack the U.S.S. Liberty, then?
Your heeb-loving ass can go right into the oven with (((them))).

The jews are evil incarnate. (((They))) are the enemy of everyone in the world.

Jews did 9/11

Hello fellow white people!

Seriously though there are some bad jews out there. Barbara Spectre, Soros, etc.

The every day jew is not your enemy though. There is no reason you can't live in peace with the common Seinfeld.

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armored corps > red boots , yeah no>The jew is not the enemy
look at this faggot lie

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are you fucking retarded how are the jews not the enemy you fucking cuck >

>The jews are not the enemy
we love the American people

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Women are not born to be soldiers and they will never be cut and made to be soldiers you degenerate motherfucker you are just buying to jewish leftist propaganda on muh women can do whatever because 0 differences between men and women fuck out of here with your bullshit cuck faggot

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Based. When will Jow Forums realize that Mohammed, not Moses, is the enemy? Islam is the enemy, and bluepilled nazicucks don't get it


>pol will have you believe that the jew is behind mass immigration
jews support military efforts in the mdle east. they demand it. they demand to have congress listen to them grand stand about every one else having to fight their battles for them. they say things like they will use all the lives in america to destroy their enemies

wars create refugees. it doesnt matter if they intended for this to happen they are to blame. they wouldnt shut up for years. they just had to address americas congress on national television to keep us in a war in the middle east

Have you read the culture of critique yet?

the jew teaches its children that we are the enemy
they tell them that we led the pograms
they tell them that we kicked them out of everywhere for no reason
they tell them that we are all anti semites
they tell them the shoah was us
that the holohoax was us
that every bad thing in history was not their fault but ours
they clip our coins
they buy political power
they run media to corrupt the system
they run porn to increase degeneracy among us
they get us to fight and die for us
they create massive fake debt and saddle us with it
everything they do is against us
and yet they want us to believe they are friends while they curse Jesus Christ and talk about him stewing in a vat of excrement
they are lucky that we havent wiped every last one of them off of the face of the earth because of our merciful tendencies
but this last war that they are pushing to finish off the european nations and destroy the european races
is the last straw
people will wake up to their subversion and when forced to choose to protect their people or watch it die.... well you know what is going to happen
it says it in the bible
33% of people are going to die in the war
33% of people are going to die in the plagues
every last jew on earth is going to be forced to either go to israel or die
and then when they all get there and the world is about to exterminate them they will be forced to bend their satanic judaic knee to the King of Kings and renounce the synagogue of satan forever
at that point the world will be free of their evil subversive influence and even in israel they wont be able to jew each other anymore
and peace will reign

when assad was moving against the al nusra/al qaeda terrorists in the southwest of syria a few weeks back what happened?
israel opened up the border in the golan heights in their closed military zone and allowed the terrorists passage into israel
i agree islam is the enemy, but do not think for a moment that the jew isnt once again playing both sides of the fiddle
they are pros at it
i have read a bit on the rothchilds
they were working for napoleon at the same time that they were working for the english and the prussians against him
they are janus faced at every opportunity

Not all jews, of course but you cant dismiss what alot of them do.
>Around blacks never relax
>Around Jews, well why are there Jews around you. GAS GAS GAS, Ya gotta go with the GAS

Fuck jews and Fuck Israel

this bermuda bro gets it.

So many stormfags infesting pol now, posting garbage like this. Used to be an amusing place before got shut down and all the nazi larpers rushed in here

>But I ask you this
stop tryna bullshit us nigger

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Israel is the single greatest enemy of the US responsible for countless crimes against the US and other countries.

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I've tried to get this through their heads, but they're too into their retarded Nazi LARP bullshit. You have an Illuminati-esque organization dancing behind the cover of another group, and people just attack the group they're using as a shield. It's worked for 100 years, it'll work for 100 more, and there's nothing these idiots can do about it because they're all too stupid to learn basic tactics.

janus was not 'two-faced' in the way you infer.
janus could see both past and future at once; he was depicted with a face looking back and another looking forward.
duplicity was never an element of his deity.
>t. janus of ZH

rape her for a few days before gassing her
anal while suffocating her to death with a plastic bag
fuck her and stab her and let her bleed out
too inbred looking, a swift slice to the throat
breed her and kill her before she can give birth
rape slave to clean up the bodies.

Its in their religion to make a mongrel monorace of the goyim. They believe this will make the goyim easier to control since theyre more atomized than before, but it muds out the genetic docility of Whites. Yes Whites are much easier for them to control than shitskins they would never let it get this far. Basically it is a massive mistake fueled purely by their kike religion.

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>jews aren't behind mass immigration

Being this ignorant.

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>why would the jew want to get rid of the white man?

The deeply held belief among jewish influencers, in their own words, is that goyim were created to serve them. Goyim are like cattle. We, the non-jews, are goyim to them, over whom the are chosen to rule. Further, they believe the "best goyim" (those who challenge them the most) must be killed first, just as the head of a snake must be crushed. Thus, in their view, they need to genocide most whites and probably asians after whites, in order to rule over a dumbed down mutt race of goyim.

No, it's the senator who he was an aide to. Jacob Javits. I didn't make the image, maybe they were trying to imply he had a hand in his death.

Nature of Lucifer; at the moment everything slips from your grasp and is lost, you are exulting in your imminent total victory. Pumped hubris and ego to such an extreme that the victim is completely gulled by their personal illusion, flies too high, misses and is thrown down and destroyed. So went the old west in the last 100 years - "presiding government" in Europe, the ancient regime; Luciferic schools running on old declining powers. Albert Pike. Two big wars. But he missed.

The jew is the successive expression of Lucifer. A tribal Asiatic Saturn cult has overrun the institutions of the west, sacrificing them and their children (often literally) and consolidating power. This is a mere continuation of their schemes. They want civil war and destruction among the mass of the population. They currently stand exultant in their understanding and the extent of their control. Don't get me wrong I don't think Old Europe will rise again. More likely another successor will rise from among these new brown hordes to throw down ((())) with his superior grasp of reality.

Because we have exiled them over 300 times for everything from coin clipping to ritual sacrifice plus holocost plus jealousy plus pre disposition to all kinds of mental illness