This thread is for discussion about /ourguy/ the Godpiller E Michael Jones...

This thread is for discussion about /ourguy/ the Godpiller E Michael Jones. He is a Catholic historian who has written thousands upon thousands of pages of books on the Jews and how they have changed society for the worse.
His most notable works are:
>Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control
>The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History
>Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict Between Labor and Usury
>The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing
>The Broken Pump in Tanzania: Julius Nyerere and the Collapse of Development Economics

Great introductory videos:

Please support EMJ any way possible by visiting where he sells his books directly and issues Culture Wars Magazine of which he is the author.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Pretty much essential reading for Jow Forums

> deleting last thread
kikemods need some fucking logos

They really do. I saw that so I had to revive it. They must have deleted it because it got religious or something which is still bullshit I still consider religious topics to be political and politically incorrect in this environment.

I think I watched every talk/interview of EMJ that's on youtube.

I like these shorts edited from his videos, with added clips and music.

For example:

Goy Guide for World History is excellent as well.

>They must have deleted it because
they are mercenaries for the gay disco


you have 5 second to explain why you haven't read libido dominandi and converter to Roman Catholicism

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>He is a Catholic historian

but can the papists be trusted?

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This is all true

>Pic related

More than Hollywood would want you to believe

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pornography is closely bound up with technology, specifically the
reproduction and transmission of images. Just as the history of
pornography is one of progress (technological, not moral progress, of
course), so the exploitation of compulsion has been explored in more and
more explicit form during the past two hundred years of this revolutionary
age. What began as the bondage of sin eventually became financial control
and what became accepted as a financial transaction has been forged into a
form of political control. Sexual revolution is contemporaneous with
political revolution of the sort that began in France in 1789. This means we
are not talking about sexual vice when we use the term sexual revolution,
as much as the rationalization of sexual vice, followed by the financial
exploitation of sexual vice, followed by the political mobilization of the
same thing as a form of control.

(excerpt from Libido Dominandi)

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I once heard E.M. Jones say

>If you refer to yourself as 'white,' you don't know who you are. You don't have an identity. You're probably the type of person to, I don't know, take a bunch of pills and shoot up the local community college.

I haven't been able to listen to him since. As a 'white' person, all my life I've been made to feel unwelcome in this world (except for Asia, the white man's paradise), but to hear EMJ say it... unwelcome status: confirmed.

Every time the man opens his mouth, a ton of redpills fall out.

post a link and timestamp

EMJ can get alil cranky sometimes... and why do the iranians give him so much press?

Bump for M.J

He's right user. The only meaning of "white" is "guilty".
It's not about race. It's about culture.

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It is no secret now that lust is also a form of addiction. My point here is that the current regime knows this and exploits this situation to its own advantage. In other words, sexual “freedom” is really a form of social
control. What we are really talking about is a Gnostic system of two truths. The exoteric truth, the one propagated by the regime through advertising, sex education, Hollywood films, and the university system - the truth, in
other words for general consumption - is that sexual liberation is freedom. The esoteric truth, the one that informs the operations manual of the regime - in other words the people who benefit from “liberty” - is the exact opposite, namely, that sexual liberation is a form of control, a way of maintaining the regime in power by exploiting the passions of the naive, who identify with their passions as if they were their own and identify with the regime which ostensibly enables them to gratify these passions. People who succumb to their disordered passions are then given rationalizations of
the sort that clog web pages on the Internet and are thereby molded into a powerful political force by those who are most expert in manipulating the flow of imagery and rationalization. Like laissez-faire economics, the first tentative ideas of how to exploit sex as a form of social control arose during the Enlightenment as well.

That's because he was referencing atheistic stormfags and as a historian he understands that white people aren't a unified group. Different ethnicities in America would stake out territory and kill each other over it, even if they're both northern Europeans. I recall him responding to Patrick Buchanan that he wasn't white, he was Catholic, and in that respect I agree. When you get to having a unitive identity as strong as Catholicism I think in many ways that supercedes that cosmetic identity of simply being white. Does this mean we all belong within the same political borders? Absolutely not. I don't even want to share borders with Minnesotans and I'm a North Dakotan, let alone coastal whites. I think he's correct in his assumption that people, especially on pol, whose only unitive characteristic or political concern is having a white ethnostate is idioticy of the highest degree. It's building on a foundation of sand. YOU NEED TO BUILD ON LOWGAWS.

As the last example makes clear, we are not talking about freedom here but
a form of addiction or moral bondage - certainly for the individual but also for the culture as well. Which brings us back to the dishonesty of Heidenry’shook. The sexual revolution was not a grassroots uprising; it was not the coalescing of “particles of revolt and enlightenment”; it was rather a decision on the part of the ruling class in France, Russia, Germany and the United States at various points during the last 200 years to tolerate sexual bell avior outside of marriage as a form insurrection and then as a form of political control. Heidenry’s book is part of the general mystification on this subject and so not something that will explain things to the unwary: however, it is worthwhile as a classic expression of how sexual liberation has worked as a form of political control in this country over the past thirty-two years. Bernard Berelson, who worked for the Rockefellers, was a student of the Enlightenment and put those ideas to work in manipulating public opinion for them during the ’60s, most specifically in their battle with the Catholic Church over the decriminalization of contraception. Edward Bemays was the nephew of Sigmund Freud and the father of modern advertising. Both were part of the Illuminist tradition of controlling people through their passions, without the knowledge of person being controlled. And of all the passions - the illuminists make clear - the sexual passions are the most effective when it comes to controlling man.

To my recollection, he seems to have a religious-spiritual concept of race, wherein value systems define and gradually sculpt peoples into races, regardless of biological racial background.

The three races in the U.S.: the Catholic race, the Protestant race, and the Jewish race.

White identity was crafted by the Anglos, the most Jewish of the non-Jewish Europeans; black identity (or at least the """revolutionary""" variant) by the Jews.


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There's no way I can find the video in a timely manner, it's on one of the 'Israel' shows. I'll stay on the look out for it and post it if I see another of these threads up.

>He's right user.
I know. That's why it hurts. I can't think of a solution to this problem, and I'm reminded of it every time I hear EMJ's name.

Lol why does this exist?

Well that is how he thinks. He identify's more with his ethnic nationality than he does with other white Europeans. Guy is half German/Irish.

>mfw this is real

my sides

He isn't identitarian because he rejects genetic determinism and a lot of the race realist shit. He says numerous times that Africa's problem is the Benedictine monks didn't teach them how to work.

I love EMJ, but he's not in sync with a lot of what Jow Forums accepts with race and identity.

This EMJ is right on everything except for race.

He looks like John Kerry

>In his groundbreaking book, Le messie et son prophète: Aux origines de l’Islam, Edouard-Marie Gallez lifts the veil and lets us see the historical roots of Islam. He shows it originating in a vast movement of messianic Jews called “Ebionites” or “Nazareens.” These non-rabbinical Jews accepted Jesus as the messiah, but not as the divine Logos. Gallez shows how the scrolls and fragments found in the Qumram caves by the Dead Sea and in the vicinity of Massada illuminate the ideology behind this movement of Jews, who were eager and willing to follow the messiah into holy war, believing they would thereby save the world. Unlike rabbinical Jews, who looked to the past, these men looked forward to an earthly utopia that would come only after mass exterminations. Like the later Muslims, they believed that the messiah had not died on the Cross but had been taken up alive into heaven and was ready, whenever the conditions were right (i.e., when Palestine was no longer in the hands of the impious and the Temple had been rebuilt), to return to the Mount of Olives and lead them to the subjugation of the entire world. The Nazareens, like the Muslims, forbade pork and wine

I once downloaded an audiobook of Degenerate Moderns linked to by Jow Forums. It was recorded by VNN and I swear to god the narrator kept interrupting the reading to rant about this very point. I never did finish that audiobook, having given up 45 minutes into the ranting.

remember that racism was invented by Jews.
I heard an interview whereby EMJ mentioned that the german notion of Volk is more true than Race (which he says was invented in the 19th century). In addition he also mentioned Max Weber had a notion of true identity as people co-located in the same area.
He's a strong believer in nationalism, in the form of the German Customs Union to increase the value of labor, and Catholicism as an overarching structure to promote harmony between nations.

> he wasn't white, he was Catholic

This honestly just exacerbates the confusion. I was raised Catholic, went to private school and everything. What's the appeal? Why on earth would someone choose tone-deaf chanting over flesh and blood?

It's great that Jones recognizes the importance of ethnicity, but the issue of race is pretty much the only blind spot I've found with him. Otherwise he's great and few authors can match the material his books cover.

"The Alt-Right is the flip side of the black lives matter... so the first movement, in other words...and both of these taken together are an attempt to start the race war in the united states. I think that the race war narrative is something that the oligarchs want to pursue because it's the opposite of the Trump narrative -- I'm talking about the narrative that got him elected, which is basically the people vs. the oligarchs. They don't like that narrative at all because it names who the real enemy is"

EMJ basically just breaks down how intel agency are provocateurs trying to stir up shit. White nationalism is a psyop. Get right with Jesus

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>Why on earth would someone choose tone-deaf chanting over flesh and blood
To have your flesh and blood made eternal by the One that created them and said they were good.

I can only guess, user, because I never went to any catholic institution, but I would suppose that nowadays they keep the illusion that being Catholic is more akin to being member of a social club than anything else.

There's this
The History of the Race Idea, by Eric Voeglin (political scientist)

I didn't read it myself, but it was well recommended, and might be helpful for anyone here building a bibliography.

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No, Catholicism is definitely marketed as a lifestyle. My parents (crazy Italian mom) paid thousands of dollars to make sure I would go on to brainwash my own kids. I loved the stories about wizard-saints, but mostly I resented the inexplicable dogma, like

>To have your flesh and blood made eternal by the One that created them and said they were good.
This means nothing.

>Lol why does this exist?
two guys with opposing views talking without trying to virtue signaling left or right... not a bad addition, user
(but I mislead you, it's just EMJ's account)

this is his best one

I agree in a way, but what about white genocide? It's happening and fuck that.

I used to like Canada before Quebec ground her into powder.
>b-b-based quebec
Your nonce P.M. is obviously a frog from there.

this guy sounds like a religious nutjob... too bad if he makes sense or not he's a hard nope for me.

>The Alt-Right is the flip side of the black lives matter.
Is the flip side of wickedness not righteousness?

>a papist so fruity that he shortened his automatic handle of "anonymous" to "user," i.t.t.
You can't make this stuff up. Still not surprised though, pic. related.

Vatican-Romanism is a cult, user. Learn to distinguish.

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>White nationalism is a psyop
This is true, but it wouldn't be such an effective psy-op if there wasn't something there.

> No, Catholicism is definitely marketed as a lifestyle.
Here if it is marked at all is for old people. I myself was raised like potatoes, and without any care to impart me with anything. But I got on with the trads by a somewhat long succession of lucky events.

>This means nothing.
that's pretty easy, user.
Instead of dying and dying and rotting, you get raised from the dead, and the whole world gets destroyed and remade as well. Not to live an endless sequence of moments, like living this life, but rich and pretty and healthy, but to something else and better.
I don't count on me being capable of describing, or convincing you, but I suppose that if you end up caring about such things you will find someone more suitable.

Don't get me wrong, I am deeply, deeply religious. However, I don't believe that Christianity is the Way that Jesus taught.

>for old people
Naturally. Young people aren't typically concerned about their immortal souls.

>I myself was raised like potatoes
Look, just because my parents fell for a scam doesn't mean I was raised well. Anyways, that got a laugh out of me. I can only imagine what it's like to have to run around in the sweltering neighborhoods of Brazil in a pair of flip-flops. My only insight into Brazilian culture is Kingdom of Heaven, and videos of favela rats stealing jewelry during the olympics.

pope speaks from mouth of a snek

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Maybe I need to do more research on this subject.

hes specifically talking about not knowing your ethnicity within whiteness. one of his speeeches:

>"i didnt know i was white until they bussed the blacks north. i thought i was irish!"

>My only insight into Brazilian culture is Kingdom of Heaven
Oh no! That is Rio. One of the places I least wish to go.
I grew up in a place and time that was great and safe to be a kid. The only gun I ever saw was my father's .38

I hope you get to see the Church for yourself, user. Things will get a lot worse before getting better. If they don't then joke is on us, but I don't think there will be anyone with the heart to laugh. :|

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Here, I changed it just for you. Never, ever call me a papist again.

>I grew up in a place and time that was great and safe to be a kid
Ah, good, I was beginning to feel guilty about not having to pickpocket for a living. What did you mean by
>I hope you get to see the Church for yourself
Did you mean a specific church, or just getting back to Catholicism?

Can't remember the context at this point. As a standalone statement, it was quite profound.

They deleted it because they are kikes, plane and simple. This is the antidote to blacked threads by the way.

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God daaaaaaaaaaaaamn....

This is bullshit. He's smart and well read, but there are people of all ideologies who are smart and well read.

He makes good points but he tends to wrap everything around Catholicism - which is logical for him... but it's not always a good fit. Not every idea will neatly fit into his paradigm and it's kind of lame when he tries too hard to make it all align with his pre-existing religious convictions.

That's a criticism from someone who isn't catholic but I do have a lot of respect for the institution and feel bad about where its heading.

If you can't address HBD honestly and in a forthright manner, and deal with the explosive population growth in Africa within a Catholic framework, you are not worth even listening to. We can no longer afford to deal with phoney moralism - real morality is going to be VERY difficult, and you won't get a pat on the head for doing what is 'right' it in the coming decades. Being nice won't cut it. Being nice won't be the Moral move.

If he can't or won't accept race differences he is merely a coward hiding behind an ideology. IQ Differences are REAL and this is a very real problem that you just can''t weasel out of and still be taken seriously.

If Catholicism doesn't have a plan or a dogma that accepts this reality and develops a framework of how to morally deal with it... I'm sorry, but it's worse than cowardly... it's imoral. You can't hide from nature and you can't dodge the truly vital questions. It a part of logos... and logos will bitch slap the fuck out of you if you try to avoid it.

Living in China, I was friends with a Catholic priest who had gone to Africa. He was pessimistic about the situation. His mission was to help revitalize the top soil and educate the natives on why trees were necessary for the process, and to teach them how be sustenance farmers. He said their attitude could be summed up as
>If we starve, that is the will of God. There is nothing to be done.

So, what's the problem here? FAGGOTS.

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The only guys I like in this whole movement and the fucked up world is EMJ and Jay Dyer. A lot of people criticise Jones because he doesn't believe in the 'white' construct, but if you understand more carefully by watching more videos you begin to understand that there is no inherent 'white culture'. In his interview with Luke Ford, he basically signals that he wouldn't want his daughter marrying a black guy. He's the most based of all.

>I was beginning to feel guilty about not having to pickpocket for a living.
pickpockets remind me more of Oliver Twist
here's the brute force method is preferred.

> just getting back to Catholicism?
yep. True catholics want everybody catholic.
But since you've been through the institutions, I think only you know what a convincing argument would look like.

Identitarianism is not a tacit conclusion of acknowledging human biodiversity.

>What's the appeal?
You're beyond hope if you must ask this. You should truly seek God because you never found Him.

I personally love the way a children's catechism puts it: "God made me to know, love, and serve Him in this world in order to be happy with Him in the next." Those are some of the choicest words ever. Pure poetry.

> thread not shoa'd
well, that's an improvement

You aren't any closer to God than I am, I don't care what you spend your Sunday mornings doing. Catholicism is good for society, but it never brought me any closer to God.

>I think only you know what a convincing argument would look like.
Quite the opposite. I always viewed Catholicism as preying on the fear of the afterlife, and the judgement to come. Christianity is not the way Jesus taught. EMJ is smart enough to realize that Mohammed and Jesus taught the same Way, which is why you won't ever hear him badmouth Islam- but he doesn't know what the Way is, and neither does any other scholar.

He lacks an understanding of forensics anthropology. But he is correct that the "White" identity, is just a rootless le 56% American identity. Catholic Europeans never identified as White until they were ethnically cleansed in Jewmerika.

And just to clarify, no, Islam is not the Way either. But remember: Jesus' 72 disciples have met Mohammed's 72 virgins in heaven.

He's already written books about European's being ethnically cleansed in America. The White identity is part of the ethnic cleansing, you're rootless to your metaphysical foundation. Jews don't need to identify as White, they know who they are. The real European identity is based within The Catholic Church, that's why The Jews have been out to destroy it.

And Orthodoxy, which is why they hate the Russians

>the judgement to come
In fact I liked the Judgement thing.
There's a religion here that is like a background noise, it's called Spiritism. It's kinda like the New Age stuff, with reincarnation and such, but without ever going backwards (turning into a frog, or something lesser). Me and a great many people just assumed that it should be the right thing: it was not demanding, and no matter what you did, your soul would progress to godhood. There was Judgement Day, but it was just a "planetary leap", a purge of the primitive/anti-social souls.
Only in adulthood I payed attention to real Catholic doctrine on Judgement and I perceived that it was the only way my choices meant something, because in the other spiritist system the outcome was always the same.

The Protestant Anglo's in collaboration with Jewish oligarchs overthrew The Tsar. Russia came close to returning to The Catholic Church, the real one. Now the "Orthodox" larp around as Christians, while supporting Muzzies flooding in to ethnically cleanse Russia.

The formation of identity in Europe reminds me of a talk about Julius Nyerere and the formation of the nation of Tanzania, with Catholicism making it possible to forge a shared national identity. EMJ also compares the failed attempts of the neighboring nations, where the leaders always thought of themselves as tribesmen first, and took advantage of the other groups.

I suppose this was what Europe was outside the borders of the Roman Empire, and perhaps it would drown again in warring tribes after it fell, if it wasn't for the Church.

E. Michael Jones on the Canonization of Julius Nyerere of Tanzania

>background noise
That background noise is our natural instinct to grow into something better, which you will not nourish with any "real" religion. They might not actually teach you how to do it, but the sentiment is correct. When I was in Indonesia, I remember talking to the taxi driver about a 'mah-jeek toke-tar' while we drove around. Westerners would call him an ignorant, superstitious fool.... because his heart has not been corrupted by our evil. You are right to assume that the Spiritists are probably full of shit, but their hearts are in the right place. Jesus Christ taught the true Way, which is why people paid attention to him.

Bump for /EMJ/ - E Michael Jones General.

Srsly we need more memes of this guy.

If Catholicism is the true deposit of the faith, then your statement would be false. That's not meant as some boast, but as a simple fact. But I wasn't addressing such matters with my comment. I was commenting on what appeared to me as rank materialism on your part by your confusion as to why, say, religion might take priority in a person's heart over racial concerns.

This just became a humor thread

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>why, say, religion might take priority in a person's heart over racial concerns
Yeah, It's not hard to see why, upon further reflection. Nor is it difficult to understand why EMJ might not be as sad as myself to see godless 'whites' bite the dust. Anyways, since you brought it up, what would you say constitutes a unit of deposition of faith? A bead on a rosary, perhaps?

how do you figure that?

Also, I would like to clarify- Catholicism CAN be enough for most men, because they marry and the voice that calls to them grows quiet.

>7I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that.

>1Cor 7:7

I'm sorry for coming across a little harsh. Take care, user.

No one wants to see even godless white bite the dust btw.

You weren't harsh, you had a valid point about the rank materialism. G'night fren, and may God be with you.

well i'm happy this thread didn't die.
I was literally posting EMJ threads a year ago and would get 1 reply at most.
Maybe now that the racist Spencer alt-right has been shown to be a dud his ideas will get more attention.

Damn! This man is based as fuck!!

Added for the next /catholic general/

Eh, maybe I misread you, but it sounds an awful lot like you're saying "race" is meaningless because "racism" is meaningless?
I mean sure, racism is a word invented or at least promoted by 19th-20th century revolutionaries (who by a strange coincidence all happened to be Jews) purely for political reasons in order to demonise what for all of human history up to that point had been considered normal and good behaviour.
Yes, racism is meaningless.
Race, on the other hand, is a term that goes back much, much further.

E Michael Jones has covered in many of his books and talks the fact that the Catholic Church and its institutions (especially the Jesuits) were wantonly undermined by the CIA. This is about a power struggle between the three opposing ethnic groups in the USA: Protestants, Catholics and Jews. That's why the Church became so pozzed.

He means 'white' is a contrived term. You're not white, you're Irish or Hungarian. He explains that allowing yourself to be put under the umbrella of "white" is how you've let them define your identity.

Just imagine EMJ as Tony Montana, but instead of falling face first into a mountain of cocaine, it's a bible.

White is a shorthand that everyone understands, but increasingly people have been baited into identifying as White, which is absurd because there is no such thing as a White identity. This is generally his critique of White nationalism. Of course, it appeals to certain socially isolated, atomised individuals who are mixed themselves (maybe some German and some English with a pinch of Scandinavian and Slav) and are confused about who they are and where they come form. The problem in the US really began when social engineers after WW2 basically destroyed all the ethnic neighbourhoods and communities in major US cities. He chronicles this in "The Slaughter of Cities". In the current year there barely is such a thing as a community anymore, even in small towns, let alone ethnic neighbourhoods. These problems are exacerbated by immigration and globalism.

If White Americans cannot look to the colour of their skin for comfort, they must look to their flag and the values and traditions it represents. And, hopefully, rebuild healthy parishes and work to restore the Church to its former glory by drawing out the putrid scum that have infected it.

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Best E Michael Jones video:

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bump, E. Michael Jones is essential watching, he is a great man, highly intelligent, always names the jew and he is high energy

I agree.

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we must secure the existence of E Michael Jones and a future for Logos

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They deleted it because they are literally kikes, user. The jews have been trying to prevent EMJ from becoming popular by ignoring him in the media and by censoring his youtube channel. They're terrified that Jow Forums will make him big.


Can someone help me understand what Logos is?