
What is your general opinion of Australia?

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200 beers before 8 am.

sounds awesome don't let it get any less White

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90% plus of chazwazzers I have met have been pricks and cunts. But I have never been to knifey spoony land before.

Are all the ones who work and travel abroad the complete rejects who have fucked up too many times and have to start anew in a foreign land?



i loved an aussie girl once
we met on an erp site and somehow she turned out to be super hot
we torrented anime and shows and watched stuff together every day
she made me feel less alone during a hard time in my life
she became kind of a floozy for a while but thats normal for aussie chicks
she was always a really good person and i think shes semi successful now with her own artsy business venture
likely very liberal these days and wouldnt agree with me about much
but she will always be kind of special to me

australia as a country? took a turn for the worse


Aussie women look pretty damn hot.No idea how they compare to American chicks. I feel like they're probably more based than Canadians

It's pretty full

Everyone lives in the cities, the outback is full of wild animals
and serial killers, and the aboriginal people are fucking weird. And Australians say cunt a lot. Tourists die a lot.

As long as they keep up the bants we'll keep em around.

Australia is great!!!.............If it was the year 1977

Now its just whinging liberal mothers, Idiot politicians on a power trip, niggers, chinks and terrorists fucking everywhere, and everything is too fucking expensive. We have some fairly decent weed tho, but only if you come to South Australia.

australia is like your overweight retarded cousin that steals other peoples beer at a party

No they are really not. As most of them may look decent but have the personality of a dish cloth, a drug habit and a false sense of the world.

Or they are just fucking immigrants looking for a handout.

Is nice.

White people with a lot of skin damage from the sun

>Bitching about Australia
Adds up

Some of the shittiest building stock in all of the European bred countries. Good people though.

>retarded sellout politicians
>no guns
>chinks taking over
>no culture like burgerstan or canada
>worst natives of any colony
Would make a solid ethnostate if it wasnt for the current crop of retards there.

Cunt we dont say cunt a lot, that cunt is just a cunty misconception, cunt.

Go pick up some rubble you coconut cunt

Bunch of ignorant assholes with annoying nasally accents. Also they're punk mother fuckers who'll try and troll you but once you say shit back to them they get triggered like little children.

might be time to come up with your own flag design you thieving cunt


It does seem like they can dish it out but they can't take it.

The only Australians I've had lengthy conversations with was in S. Korea.
They made some jab about Mexicans pouring into the USA and I made some quip about how shitty their immigration situation is and they got real quiet until another American changed the subject.

backwards testing ground for social engineering. the people here are the worst collection of braindead sheeple, barely literate, arrogant in their ignorance and generally useful only as debt slaves - buried under an unpayable debt for the illusion of owning an overpriced house, buying everything on credit and whining constantly about the need for government intervention to fix the catastrophe of their lives. Oh, and it's either hotter than Hell or cold, wet and miserable - Spring and Autumn do not exist here.

See? The cunts get triggered so easily. They want to run their mouths and talk all tough but fold like a cheap whore.

it's generally an opinion

Fuckin this cunt

>and they got real quiet until another American changed the subject.

Exactly, they're little pussies who want to take the piss but don't like it when anyone does it to them.

The Aussies I've met and worked with were nice people. Was in a bar abroad once and there was an Aussie couple in it and the fella came up to me and said I looked the double of a guy he knows in Oz and I out of curiosity asked who he was and the Aussie fella told me and the person he named had the same surname as me which was weird.

you are a crypto sjw warrior naiton being slowly eroded of and conservatism, and being bought by chinks

Have you been here? Because that's exactly what it's like...

Tow it out into the middle of the Pacific Ocean and sink it. It's just as feminized and cultural Marxist as the U.K. and Canada.

Yeah, and my dad's australian. I'm not ignorant like you cunts.

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Nice greenbelt around a wasteland.
I like it, it's like my country; a few cities and a whole lot of places that will kill you quick if you're not prepared.
I spent a few weeks in the outback, I like places where I don't see other people or fences and there are not many countries where you can do that, AND meet civilized people when you DO run into folks.

>I'm not ignorant like you cunts.
Story checks out.

Just like your bogan dad checked out of your mums life when you were born.

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I love Australia. Vienna is a beautiful city but they speak really weird German

nothing like what is advertised to americans on tourist propaganda for example.

in the last 2 years, african and meth related gang violence has been OFF THE CHARTS in melbourne.
if you try to walk just one block in the city after dark, you have a HUGE chance of being robbed or assaulted.

ALL of the main tourist areas in melbourne are full of africans and white meth heads who directly target american tourists for robbery or assault.

i have been to central american countries that feel much safer than melbourne after dark.
you can get randomly hacked to death by niggers with machetes in melbourne and it will not even make the local paper.

and for some reason our government decided its response would be to buy a multi million dollar advertising spot in the 2018 superbowl, to get even more soft targets on melbourne streets (american tourists with their families, expecting a first world nation and getting mexico or brazil).

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Kek. I'm not Australian - you're the one that's half mystery meat my friend of dubious pedigree.

My australian side is 100% white and of german aristocratic descent. You're probably just a chink or a wog.

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Irish actually
>German aristocratic heritage
Fucking Kek, my sides

its shit

also the average police response time in melbourne would shock the average american to their core.
if you are being assaulted by niggers and call the police, it could take up to 2 or 3 hours to even get a car to show up.

think of how much more brutal assaults can be, when your assailant does not even need to run, (in something like 95% of cases in victoria where the assailant leaves the scene of the crime, they will get away, the police do not bother giving chase, and they will not even check nearby CCTV footage).

niggers in melbourne can AND WILL knock you out, then stand around your unconscious body smoking a cigarette and kicking your head around like a football while raiding your pockets.

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thought it was great
went a few times as a tourist
moved there to go to uni
bought property developed it
finished uni
found a job
went on backpacker trip across asia for 6 months applied for visa to return
moslem immigration agent decided i shouldnt be allowed in
after a few years they finally admitted i was put on a stop list (wrongly)
now say it ok i can come over
too late, those fags exposed themselves as being sjw retards who let low iq subversives run their border and let in third world dregs by the boatload but bar people who never broke any laws and provided massive amounts of money to the country
a bunch of bogan cunts who let wogs run their shithole cities
the country is nice the cities are a bunch of pretentious cunts

>Fly to Bermuda
>End up 60 years in the past
>Go back to Australia and reinforce the white Australia policy

If assault is such a problem, and the police don't show up until hours later, and they don't check CCTV footage, why don't you just shoo-
ooohhh that's right

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the rule is 1 before 11 and 11 after 1

i am white you cunt
and i went to tassie
the whitest corner i could find

I went to thailand and ordered a "victoria bitter" like a dumbshit. Thai bartender didn't know wtf I was talking about. Then I realized to rephrase that to a "VB".

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If a white person has two heads are they twice as white or half as white?

This is actually accurate.

A bunch of kangaroo fucking nutjobs

you should have ordered a thai or loatian beer
leo= normal
chang= drunkards
singha= upper crust
beerlao= connoisseur
beerlao dark = autist

every year tassie moves a little closer to melbourne
because victoria sucks

I did. I had Leo, Tiger, Chang and Singha. I think Tiger was probably my favorite

Kek, that's a good one. I don't travel out of Vic much, so unusually miss out on interstate bants. Got anything else?

ah forgot about the tiger
thats from singapore though and its sold everywhere through se asia

pretty as hell, banger music, shit everything else.

sorry ive been gone too long mate

LOL as a South Aussie i have to use that one and so true!

I found some Tiger canned beer recently in the States and it tasted like complete shit. The bottled stuff in Thailand was much better.

Giving up our guns was the worst mistake we ever made. I fucking hate our reactionary government, I wish we could just do away with them and start again. My Auntie has told me stories of growing up with guns and how you'd drive down the street with a shotgun on your back and everything would be fine.
Our other massive mistake was starting to let foreigners in, I fucking hate the Chinese and all real Aussies (who don't live in the cities) do too. Also the Poms bringing their Jewish propaganda, I wish they'd stay on their sinking ship.