>eu·nuch >/ˈyo͞onək/ >Sounds like "you nick" >"a man or boy deprived of the testes or external genitals."
Benefits of a mandatory eunuchism program applied to the negroid population:
- longevity (nigger males currently have short lifespan compared to humans) - no over-population of unwanted nigger babies (currently nigger fetuses are the ones most often eliminated through abortion) - no testosterone-crazed niggers (niggers are currently very rapey and violent, inconveniencing many white people) - leaner niggers (currently many niggers have grotesque hulking physiology that makes them lethargic and sweaty, irritating humans that come near them) - improved demographics over time (currently low IQ niggers are are 13% of the population, but after mandatory eunuchism this would decline precipitously)
Is Eunuchdom the ultimate solution to the nigger problem?
Not gonna happen. We were too dumb to take the Arab route.
Justin Williams
>the Arab route Is that what they did?
Jackson Reed
Yes. Thats why the overall African DNA in the Arab is only maternal. They made eunuchs of the Africans they captured and kept the African females as concubines. I'm surprised this isn't touched on more in USA History classes, but oh well. I'm not gonna downplay the brutality we put on Black people, but the Arabs were infinitely more sinister than us.
Even in North Africa, Gulf States, and Iran, Africans are called Zanj or Abeed, which means slave. The Arabs began using regular castration after the Zanj rebellion in which contingents of Sub-Saharan slaves lead a 12 yeae revolt raping and killing the Arabs. It was a bigger chimp out than Haiti.
Alexander Jackson
The willams are manly women. They get whooped by their no name male trainer all the time
Colton Ramirez
We need to work on implementing a based "White-Sharia" form of Christianity.
Leo Turner
I wish she would sit on me but instead she does it to some beta redditor.
Caleb Evans
>manly women Their dad adopted two boys and had them transgenerdated and put on hormones because he knew they could bet all the girls and make him millions of dollars.
Carter Thomas
The best case scenario is just convert to Islam itself. Muslims regardless of anyways race CANNOT resist a white Muslim. They cannot. Even highly protective patriachal Arabic fathers want whitened genes in their daughters to an Islam following white guy. Catholicism and Protestianism pretty much ruined the Christian world, its irrecoverable. Behead all Jews and free Palestine
Brandon Ortiz
>African DNA in the Arab is only maternal. Male DNA dominates, but having nigger concubines must have screwed up the population.
I knew a Moroccan that looked very Arab, but his sisters and other random people in his family look white. In the past centuries Morocans were pirates and kidnapped so many white slaves for ransom or harems that their population today has these random lucky people where enough white genes converge that they could actually pass for white.