Neil Degrasse Tyson supports Space force again

Will liberal soifags start supporting the space force now that Tyson has endorsed it as a good idea?
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Neil deGrasse Tyson want's a Truth Force as well to protect his job since he's a fraud and THE EARTH IS FUCKING FLAT.

Wow you've redpilled me bro...

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who knows but he will look bad when years pass and we only have the logo for trillions spent. i mean $700bil this year i would expect the same amount spent next year and the year after that if not more given all those tariffs

2 tril and some change for a logo. no way to put people into space still. having to ride with russia to the international space station. our space force would be riding with theirs. thats awkward as fuck. why dont we shoot them before we take off being he number one question of space marines

If we go hard with establishing it as a legitimate branch with it's own set mission and area of responsibility it will definitely worth it.

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You know we already have military satellites in orbit, and you may have heard of it, though I doubt you use it since you never leave the basement. It is called GPS. Then there is the fact that three military branches already have groups that are related to operations in space, and all creating the Space Force does it unites them, much like the Air Force was not in existence until after WW2 when it was deemed necessary to create it's own structure outside of the Army.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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Tyson will now be considered a racist old white man. Reddit will turn on him, and vote to the front page his stupid tweets over the years to discredit him. Then it will spread to twitter and instagram

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>liberals: "i fucking love science nasa is awesome we should do more space stuff"
>trump: "i agree let's do a space force"
>liberals: "WTF i hate science now"