Are zoomers even salvageable?

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babyboomers suck in a lot of ways, but i think the problems are even worse with the younger generations.

oh. "Z"oomers. no. i get you now. yeah, whatever. i hear you.

Not at all. They completely lack normal social skills, they started flooding my university this year and I doubt that the capitalism will last after they enter workforce. It will be hilarious to see how they are going to handle the mandatory military service trough.

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>that second video

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We live in a society, my friend

Zoomer here. Op's pic is more accurate than I'd like to admit

And so the degeneracy continues. Modesty is no longer a valued trait.
How many zoomers reject this kind of behavior?

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zoom zoom

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What's the age cutoff between being a millennial and a zoomer? t. 26

Thanks op wtf. Fuck these people.

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I think they’re about 18 now

lmao this sucks man

Really wish this nigger music trend would stop. It's pushed to make white girls race mix and do xanax.

Nick the Knife will save us

Music doesn’t turn women into coalburners, user. You just associate with degenerates

The influence is very strong. Consider how smart the average woman is. Come on now, user.

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consider how low your standards are

Same here shit needs to stop.

I live in an 85% white state. All the white kids i know only listen to rap. Ive lost friend after friend from this and im not even white. There is something there, yoyre just choosing to ignore it.

I live in California and am surrounded by nigger-hating whites

You are the problem

Zoomers are only a taste of things to come.
Have you spoken to a six year old lately?
Try relating to or holding the attention of a child raised by YouTube, and accustomed to be able to flit between "let's play" Mario videos, countless Five Nights at Freddy's and Cuphead inspired amateur rap and sketch comedy videos, "unboxing" videos of randomly packaged cheap plastic "collectible" toys, and the infamous Elsa videos.

The End is Nigh.

How am i the problem? Cuz im tired of seeing this image promoted for the youth to look up to drug dealers and killers? I know rap can be poignant and intelligent but thats never what charts or is popular. Its always degenerate shit.

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Was uncle ted right?

Why are we talking about rap, it's terrible but hardly for political reasons, it just sounds bad.

It’s popular because most people are stupid and you associate with those people willingly


He doesn't have the full picture but he didn't say much of anything that was wrong.

Yeah well you're just an asshole.

so is zoomer the new divide and conquer meme?
>oy vey be sure to shit on this group of ppl Jow Forums, dont redpill them or anything

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boomllennials are useless poor dropouts
zoomers are poz'd and due to weapons-grade GOOGLE brainwashery will be good workers for the ZOG

If you only knew how bad things really are.

Unlike faggot Millennials, we know how to make money.
The zoomer in the video monetized the fuck out of fucking a gesture lol
Millennials are the faggots of our society, all they do is cry injustice and oppression and blame their miserable life circumstance on it.
Zoomers on the other hand were born in this new world of start ups and self made millionaires.

Millennials = poor depressed fags
Zoomers = ambitious profit-oriented fags

Hate on us as much as u want, but while you lined up to buy Iphones, we lined up for yeezy and supreme drops to resell them.
While u use social medias for memes, we learn to monetize our content and create ad revenue.

We are the Zoomers, and you will work for us.

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I'm 21, what the fuck am I

Zoomers just means the divide between those millenials that remember the days before the internet and those that do not.

what makes you think they ever had a chance in the first place?

gay lol

you’re not a millennial, zoomcuck

>We are the Zoomers, and you will work for us.
the neet generation works for no one

you don't know shit little fella

impressive D&C post, I'm saving this for the future

ZZ brothers

>you will work for us.
Millennials also BTFO since we inherit Boomers over valued property also

I’m 21 too, I identify slightly more with Gen Z than with Millenials though, so I usually consider myself Gen Z

I feel the other way. I hate both of them though.

Can someone post some of that zoomer music? With the kids that have rainbow teeth and what not?

I'm 30 and I love my life.

We love the neets, more job opportunities for us!
I don't mind paying a contribution to your pension, as long as it's still a tax break for me....

Thanks man, sometimes I feel like it's just me, bots, and Israelis here

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>I don't mind paying a contribution to your pension, as long as it's still a tax break for me....
>typical retarded leaf doesn't realize he won't be paying into shit in the united states
i thought you guys were smart

>5 seconds into the second video

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No, they will be the shocktroops of the Anti-Christ

I'm talking about the neets in general, your race isn't exclusive to the US, dumbfuck..
No wonder you're a neet

Idiocracy wasn't a prophetic mov-

Eugenics are ba-

WE have to create and raise the generation capable and worthy of inheriting the west. We have to do it.

Make babies, ffs!

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Kek, try ys kiddo.
We will drag you into wars you can’t even imagine.
Enjoy making money selling ciggies to fellow inmates in PoW camp 245 in Chinese ricefields

I clicked on the second video without reading the title mr alphabet

>i was talking about neets in general
>I don't mind paying a contribution to YOUR pension
>thinks neets are a race
dumb leaf

>comments disabled
I wonder if it's because they were called degenerates or because literal boomers commented 'so pretty I'm in love' like they do on those russian 'day month year' pedo vids

If it's brown flush it down.
Prepare for the day of the rake leaf.

Same and when i read it i was disgusted

KYM fag

it will only stop when we've reached rock bottom. The "Nigger Music Trend" began about 100 years ago when Jazz music started becoming popular. Then right when Jazz was falling out of favor and/or getting too weird, rock n roll was invented out of blues and took the world by storm. Once rock n roll was dying, some niggers in detroit used electronic instruments to create techno. Then when techno/disco faded away Hip Hop and rap were created in the 80s.

Since then it's been all forms of groid music on blast.

Even the implicitly white musical forms like Jam Bands, Bluegrass, and Punk, and of course country, all technically have some degree of negroid influence. Bluegrass is probably the most pure given that it is descended from Scots-Irish hill music. Even so those are the only white forms of music left. Jam bands have super white crowds and play intricate music but the root form of the music is rock n roll which is black invented. That's why there will never be a greater jam band than Phish. They reached the peak of what you can do with rock n roll. Of course it takes a white man to reach higher than a negro ever could at his own music, but the fact remains.

To get away from nigger music you must go to the mountains and to the locales that negros fear to tread. Snow and high altitudes are naturally scary for him. That is where you ride out the storm. Seriously there is a lot of good non nigger music out there that young people actually do listen to. They just have to be turned onto it by a friend or family member, kinfolk, because they'll never play this on the radio.

Of course it's still a mostly liberal crowd that listens to this kind of stuff, but yeah there's great music out there if you just look for it

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Fuck you and fuck this divide and conquer CIA nigger meme. Everyone who uses the words "boomer" or "zoomer" or "millennial" should be in a concentration camp.

Memes aside, that's the only reason why boomers scare me...
As someone who works in the fashion industry, I know if somehow I don't get drafted, I'll still be forced to enroll so I can pay the bills because industries like luxry and entertainment (which most Zoomers live off) don't really do well during wartimes...

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good chunk of them are tards at least anyone into tekashi 69 is

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>started flooding my uni this year
hate to tell you but if you're not a grad student you're a zoomer too
if you don't remember 9/11 you're a zoomer

>tfw 25 and among the last of the millennials
Gotta be up at 6am to wagecuck, why tf am I still on Jow Forums

I was born in 1995, naturally I remember 9/11, it happened during my first year in elementary.

typical kike-brained niggerspawn, unwilling to read at all. This board has gone to shit. It used to be filled with long-winded posts full of information

ok this is sad, wtf

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>that "flossing" song
JUST fuck my whole day up senpai

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Oh my fucking god this is great

I know way too many freaks that need to be punched in the face for this shit. Usually just speak to them in a language they understand and kill them without being a weird faggit in fortnite

Realisitically the only people who should be breeding are far far FAR outside of the urbanized zones. Anyone born into an urban region will likely contribute to further harm than good. We need to let the cities fall. Form small groups of like minded individuals, buy land outside the suburban areas, buy rural land and put up a fence to keep the niggers out.

We need to go full M. Knight Shamalamadingdong on this one and start building Villages where we, the Whites, have the supreme authority to control what the next generation is exposed to.


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This is the worst shit I have ever seen

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Shut the fuck up you paranoid boomer

Good thinking. Hey everybody- let's team up with the piece of shit 60 yr olds who sold our souls to the NWO because they're mostly dumb as fuck.. heh. That'll teach the nwo a lesson

You do belong in a concentration camp though for being jewish

25 year old boomer here ( I drive a tractor for a living and support a wife and three children if you want to dispute that statement) did the flossin dance come from fortnite? I heard someone call it the fortnite dance multiple times and want to stay current on the memes. Pls respond


What the fuck are you doing on here? Teach your fucking kids NOT to follow the ways of this zoomer shit. Remember the days of the PS1 being cozy asf playing vidya all day? We still got out and played in trees as well. Have your kid play FF7/8/9/10/12 for fucks sake. Have the kids eat HEALTHY as well and get the boys training fighting quickly.

All the best.

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what the fuck is wrong with his legs

He got polio because his parents were anti-vax lol

Zoomer is a state of mind

My damn sister as been brainwashed by Nigger music and she listens to it all the time. I dont think shes saveable lads.

Which movie are you talking about?

zoomers are fucking inter dimensional invaders I swear to god they're not human

I am barely gen Z. I don't think the generation can be saved. I'll probably kill myself in a few years, maybe sooner.
Just hope that gen Z will leave the world in such a sorry state that the generation after them will have to grow strong and get their shit together.

shut up faggot

>Those videos

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It will be over by then. It’s close to over now.

I have bad news for you

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How is that not grooming?

Pretty based. In France also they seem to be more and more right wing for some and more and more degenerated for others. A great divide is coming

Me too fuck my life.

i just turned 24, am I millennial or zoomer? not sure which is worst

Its not just white girls that listen to nigger music its also young white boys that want to seem cool and hip to their fellow middle class white boy wanna be cool kids
T. Zoomer

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