Are all the sin taxes on cigarettes a secret ploy to emasculate men? It's been proven that nicotine raises testosterone...

Are all the sin taxes on cigarettes a secret ploy to emasculate men? It's been proven that nicotine raises testosterone. What else could it be?!?

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People who are high T are more likely to engage in risky behavior in general hence higher probability to be a smoker.

It actually drops it and makes you skinny fat.

all i know is that i was chad back when i smoked. bitches loved me. i was fit, successful, beautiful. i stopped and immediately developed anxiety problems, which progressed into other health problems, and all sorts of other shit. if i could go back in time, the one thing i would change is that i would tell myself just to not fucking stop smoking. i smoked over a pack a day for more than a decade.

i need to quit em boys

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You can start back up smoking any time you want.
Ironically, knowing that makes it easier to quit and stay quit.

i'm already having the voice of a 40 year old at 28, and thats not good i think.

hey an art bell pepe, cool.


I fucked up lads. Quit for 8 months after 15 years of smoking. Started again about a month ago.

Honest question did your orgasm intensity differ between the two stages or it stayed the same?

It's easier to not start a bad habit than to get rid of one

Same question please be honest

>Doesn't smoke cigarettes

Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?

>b-but it kills you

And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?

>it's addicting!!!

It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation

>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!

Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel

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In a way I feel like my sexual appetite is curbed, but more intense when I'm smoking if that makes sense. I definitely get more restful sleep when I'm not smoking and less stressed (more able to roll with the bullshit). I honestly shouldn't be smoking though because tobacco is a nightshade, and nightshades fuck me up health wise.

El bumpo

Is there a relation between smoking and orgasm intensity? Postive or negative or non at all

Thank you my friend!

Noooo. Been smoking since 1980 , pack + per day. I should be Sasquatch by now. Nope. Doesnt raise testosterone.
Other note, i quite drinking alcohol 1985, got injured 1990 started high dose opiates that led to heroin in 2014 i managed to kick heroin/opiates.
Sad jpeg.. Smoking way harder to kick than the big H.
"Been thru a desert on a "H"orse with no name".
Dont fall for OP's lie, smoking does NOT raise testosterone.

Started when I was 14 in my 40s now, no serious probs. But I will tell you a true fact, the rise in bed bugs is because people don't smoke, bed bugs hate nicotine in the blood, (((They))) want you covered in parasites.

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jesus christ bud.
nah it didn't intensify. i masturbate less now than i used to actually, and i never have sex.
i used to have regular girlfriends, sometimes more than one at a time, and still i masturbated 5 times a day. now don't ever get laid and i only beat it a couple times. sometimes just once. it fucking sucks. total shit.

You're welcome comrade.

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quit cold turkey and just purely browse Jow Forums

Thank you for your contribution!

Nicotine is an aromatase inhibitor so it literally stops testosterone from being aromatized into estrogen.

I have access to a wholesale license so I get good shit at a good price. I vape mostly menthol, and either have it high nic, or low. I'm fairly young considered a baby in my friend group. They all go ape shit when I turn it into a disco light vape box. It strobes hard in the pit. Clean that shit though.

Wrong pops.
Anyway, I've been thinking of quitting smoking but continuing chewing nicotine gum indefinitely, so I still get the boosted T and better mood, but without the lung damage.

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just quit smoking two weeks ago.
WAY better. Started exercising and running again.
Do it, lads. or at least switch to a juul or something. smoking is degenerate

smoking daily lowers your blood oxygen so much that you become sluggish and weak. Any testosterone boost is overshadowed by your poor circulation and energy levels.

What about vaping?
other than smoking robot cock

That is likely good, as in demonstrably. Moderate stimulant use in general is good for mind and body. Key word here being moderate. Don't start a meth habit or down 9 coffees in a day.

The tax should go to into a fund to treat lung cancer patients. They smoke and we pick up the bill for their self inflicted wounds, make them pay before they end up in the hospital.
Or just don't tax it and give smokers no free medical care and let them die. I don't care either way.

wtf man, just wtf.