Are coal burners with mutt offspring allowed into the ethnostate?

What should be done about them?

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Day of the rope can't come soon enough

DMZ until they have something along the lines of Nazi proof of sufficient ethnic applicability. That's fair. There's no reason to have to sterilize them or say we can't ever have any external genetic input.

they have cuck genes so kill them both or make a little country for them and use it as sex tourism

No her front hole is blacked

into the coal mines

oh my god that 56% face on the kid


obviously not you twat. god knows they would try though.

kid goes into the catapult, mother is forced to pull the release string to gain entrance. only then will she have proved herself and gained our trust again. second offenders will be loaded into the catapult themselves. it's a one time option to chuck all your mulatto spawn.


they burn with their disgusting offspring

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Yes. BBC is hot :3

Yes, we should bring their BULLS too

This sounds eminently fair and reasonable


I'm 5% native American am i allowed in the ethnostate?

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The only place for a Whyte Woman with a Black Baby is a Black country

>external genetic input
you are a cuck

>That California shirt
Lmfaooooooo calicucks

>implying they'll want in
when they US balkanizes they'll be staying in shitsville

if you're 95% white and fascist, i'd let you in.

No. They can live in a black country.

This board has gone to shit

They are, but their kids aren’t.

Inbreeding doesn't work m8. There are always small admixtures introduced from exotic conquered women or whatever. The point is that they provide some value rather than just being coal burners who waste it all on getting dicked by a nigger or osmething.

Based poo

Bring a kike scalp with you and you are in

Confine them all to California where they belong.

Thanks user

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Based poointheloo

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it would be retarded to deny entry to someone who is almost completely white and ideologically compatible.

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if i had my way, that child, that thing, would be executed.

Poor 56%'er. Afraid of the rope? You should.

kike scalps aren't a bad idea though if you think about it.

like an entrance fee? for every drop of non-white blood you must present 1 scalp. for our 5% native friend that would be 5 scalps and so forth.

>kike scalps
Kek the jew fears the red man

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This. And they lose they right to vote by default.

I mean, hey, let's say you got to land in the ethnostate where taking out a few kikes isn't a crime but rather the entrance fee?

And now what's the worst you could do but hook up with somebody else who's genetically similar if you really want that 5% native to be a point of pride and uniqueness in your family? I don't really see the downside.

This is unironcly a good idea

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They get the rope

>tfw ethnostate gets better everyday
>mfw i'm still awaiting the day of the rope

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The only half breeds that can join the white ethnostate are asians that are less than 50% this also applies to jews whom are less than 10%. Anyone else isn't allowed in.

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White enough.

>allowing non ethnic europeans in

america please

Yes, but only as slaves known by their disfigurement.

>women can be cucks
>implying women own anything
Nice try Jude.

her frontholoo is blackoo

Why in the living fuck would we give holes the vote again after how it turned out every other time? They would just immediately turn around and vote for Jewish immigration so the could get usury credit cards and (((equal rights))) and gibs me dats. Then they would tell us we need to be more tolerant and start inviting shitskins in. Barefoot, pregnant and, barely literate. Anything else is asking for a repeat. It's literally the one thing that the muzzies do right.

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Some days i doubt if the day of the rope or ethnostate is even coming some days i find it hard not to give up hope but i think i didn't give up hope i think hope gave up on me

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>women choose superior cock
>so they're not allowed
So these are the actions of rational White men?

>women made one mistake
>therefore they can burn in hell
Doesn't Original Sin mean most convservatives have all sinnned?

Fuck hapas

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>voting right
>in the ethno state
Every married family with kids has as many votes as kids under the age of 18.

>votes increase with burden, not productivity

Votes should be weighted by taxes paid, full stop.

woah JIDF, can't even bothered to change ip?

>be some rich asshole
>have no kids
>fear no consequences
>fuck up the voting system

Except in this case the mistake was fucking a nigger, you'll get the rope too, Schlomo.

What the fuck do you think?

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Execute the abominable offspring regardless of age. Sterilize the women and turn them into public cum dumps.

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>you should have no say in the government you fund
>those with the most say should be those who burden it most

>disobeying God is better than fucking a nog
Are you saying that God hates nogs? If so, citation required.

>What should be done about them?

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Fuck off Shlomo.

Nobody believes in the Jewish egregore you call "god" anymore

Simply end welfare and they'll be fucked.

we will leave all prisons and immigration matters to the germans, of course.

I think they should also be relegated to being strictly pleasure wives

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no jews, not even one percent, anyone who in any way is identifiable as a jew gets burned at the stake, im ok with hapas, dont really even mind poos, but they have to live in thier own lands or be 75% euro at minimum .... but jews and niggers, absolutely not, no fucken jews, no niggers. all jews and niggers get dumped in africa, every last one of them. the jews are absolutely the worst traitors of them all, they get dumped in middle of congo! let the apes rape the jew out of them


no, stop thinking with your cock your dirty git. their ideas/values run parallel to that of any ethnostate.

Children can be used for experiments. Parents for labor after sterilization.
No need for radical or violent solutions

Burn yourself to death

they are but their niglets and niggers arent

someone has to clean the toilets

And her back door is already brown. Literally no reason to let people like this in the future white ethnostate

has elsa hosk been bl*cked?

This civilisation isn't a matriarchy, and will collapse becoming one. It was built by men that controlled womens stupidity via socialisation.
Theres a reason niggers have no civilisation.

No coal burners in the ethnostate, they can go live among the niggers with their mongrel offspring
