Memeflags = JIDF hiding Israeli flags = peak stupidity

You do not think that an organization capable of dismantling the Iranian nuclear program from a thousand miles away with a line of code would not have proxies to pick a national flag of their choosing? Seriously how stupid can you be?

I would bet a hefty sum of money that no official JIDF operative has ever posted one single comment on Jow Forums. You are not significant enough.

Attached: pol.jpg (224x250, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This place is indeed drained and most posters are long gone, but at times this place has the capacity to peak above most major news outlets.

Attached: MEMEFLAGS.png (724x610, 4K)

Attached: shh.jpg (600x600, 58K)

Ok rabbi. Whatever.

Attached: Not An Argument.jpg (598x792, 63K)

Attached: kike.jpg (720x541, 36K)

Attached: Albert's advice.jpg (1330x1170, 228K)

Feeling embarrassed at your levels of stupidity?

vpn costs a monthly subscription, and we're talking about jews here
>game over argument