Why the fuck arent we promoting Black ethno nationalism in africa, arab ethno nationalism in the middle east...

Why the fuck arent we promoting Black ethno nationalism in africa, arab ethno nationalism in the middle east, asian ethno nationalism in their respective countries, ect ect.

Easy as pie. "you nazis are racist" No. we support black people and think black people know whats best for black people.

Fucking meme that shit, tell black Americans they can take advantage of the "white education" education they have had on the american taxpayers dime and take that education back to africa.

Prove we aren't hypocrates. Like seriously, I fucking love the natural order of things.

Fuck it give a few states to the native americans to do whatever the fuck they want with. Let them govern their own people.

This kills the jew, as they are the only ones that decided that it was more important to influence other countries than build up their own homeland.

Do you really give a shit if we give the nogs a state or two, if it means we get control of a few of our own.

I legitimately dont want to see any race eradicated from the planet, as much as I dont want to see another animal go extinct.

Ffs Id extend an olive branch to the neanderthal jews and give them some fucking useless land in aus or something. (if it comes down to the kikes living in the us then nuke em)

Am I missing the point or something? Are we not fighting for the natural order?

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Why aren't you cleaning your room?

You're an idiot.

Blacks aren't just going to pack their bags and move to shithole Africa.

Blacks have got it made mooching off whitey.

Also non-whites don't have as much of an incentive to be ethno-nationalists because they are shittier than whites. Them mixing with whites is a win for them so why should they preserve their shitty brown genes?

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Who the fuck cares. what matters is the end result.

Even if you convince 15% of nogs of this, that in turn puts a hell of a lot more work on their handlers keeping them in line

Tribal americans traded their land for guns and horses. America is European homeland as much as mainland europe and we must promote this.

lol you wont even convince 0.1% let alone 15% you're a fucking retard.

Because giving some land to the few native americans left to do what they see fit with is just too much to ask?

you may want to look up the non jewish side of the civil rights movement.


>America is European homeland
No, you lost that claim when you forged a nation from rebellion against the European Tradition. You're a new monster.

Again who cares. Creating disruption in the black community is reason enough to see this through.

I am. I promote the genocide of all boers in SA

It wont work.
Blacks and arabs just want an easy life, they dont even want to build anything, they certainly don't want to do any work. Just look at Africa and the Chinese who are building the continent.

The only way you will see a rise in African nationalism WHICH YOU CAN THEN BOOST, is if you provide funding to political groups who want power, and who are prepared to use the ethnonationalism meme in their respective countries. You cannot manufacture these political movements, you can only boost them when they occur.

Thankfully they are occurring already.

Oc. Nationalism for everyone, in their own countries.
Wether it thrives or perishes is one people's responsability.
Anyone with a decent iq in our ranks knows it.
But it also means remigration. For example, blacks in America must be sent to Africa. Most are not even descendants of slaves and came since the immigration reforms. And some countries, like most of south america, are fucked up beyond repair, having no identity in the first place.
But for whites, asians, arabs and africans, its achievable. It may be difficult, it may require some amount of violence, as little as possible, but it can be done.

why am I getting a fuck ton of resistance on this? my 8pol post got deleted 3 times

There has been plenty of revolutions and things in Europe and the subsequent countries were european.

We are European descendants, mostly homogenous, using european law, military and economic strategy, european language, etc.

We are a European people and we won't have that taken away from us. There are enclaves of other races in our country but they stick with their own and all we have tok do is switch our immigration and national welfare budgets to benefit the majority(european people) again.

The land is worth too much to the people who need it and the Indian population is very low.

Cities and infrastructure are extremely expensive and FUCK YOU for even suggesting we give up anything for nothing in return. You are probably so me communist sjw

An ethnostate for every sub-species of human would indeed be the most favourable outcome for the species as a whole.

But most people today don't see that.

Whatever dude. I'd fight and die for the 14 words. But we don't need to own the world. a majority of the us and europe is more than enough to see our people properly taken care of

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Thanks for the bump man. Be vocal about this. Otherwise we become the Jews, when we can be so much more.

That's a lie. We will give up NOTHING after the world had been showered by OUR GIFTS(modern technology, government structure, media, giving up colonies to people who obviously have not been able to run their countries) and still be detested and expected to secede more.

You are bullshit get out of here we see through your stupid trick

Our gifts have been tainted and used to destroy most of the world under jewish control, which the generations before us allowed to happen.
Giving up a few states is nothing compared to only having a fraction of control of all of them as we do now. If this tactic does not work then fucking genocide them I dont care. We will not become the jews.

We give up nothing to tribesmen who don't know how to appreciate what we give them.

How about after we've found earth type planets we divide things fairly instead? The current situation is non negotiable because the european share of the population needs to grow to a more sizable percentage.

Have you ever considered they dont want what we have to offer them? they may not want to wait in line for iphones, hear the newest pop song, and see the latest movies? possibly like us they may just want to be left alone to live as their people decide.
Seriously. Try for one second to think outside your own head

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>I'm_butthurt_my_great_grandad_traded_land_for_guns_to_kill_other_tribesmen instead_of_doing_something_productive_so_his_descendants_could__have_land_and_wealth_but_instead_I_drink_mouthwash_now.jpg

Sounds good bud, I'll check the papers tomorrow for when you lead the genocide, or by all means provide something useful to the conversation.

You'll never get any land back. Try Canada instead for now before we annex them too.

Dude in case you are confused, I am full European, and full 1488.

Sure thing Sitting Bull

>support other
we need to worry about ourselves first

This is our battle. this is how we will win

>just give shitskins a few states
Fucking this. I've been saying this for months. It would solve everything. Niggers get Louisiana and Mississippi, injuns get some state or other, spics get NM and a small band of Texas connecting it to Mexico, whites get the rest. They'd call that racist because we're not sharing equally, and I don't think we could ever actually get to the point that we'd seriously be discussing it as a solution anyways.
Honestly what I'd rather see happen is a popular white uprising that ended in fucking shitskins going the fuck home.
I enjoyed going to Cozumel Mexico, and I'd probs enjoy marveling at the retard natives in Africa, but they DO NOT belong in Western civ. Niggers are basically bioweapons and spics are generally so trashy that you can tell a white neighborhood from a spic one on sight. Not to mention, any time a white person moves in to one, they make a little bubble of niceness where once was shit like all the other spic hovels.
I just want a home for my people and to know that my children will not be hunted down for being white.
I want a home for all peoples.
I want to be able to visit a foreign country, not travel through them block by block in cities my people built.
It's all so tiresome.

Great post, you nailed it. Thanks for the bump.
Please share these ideals.
Glad to hear I'm not alone. I don't want to visit the India version of New York or LA. I want to see how other cultures have lived and evolved for their surroundings, then come back to my home country.

Because white ethno-nationalism is the only ethno-nationalism that doesn't include colonizing and killing everyone else.

They may be dumb but they're also a lot smarter than you're giving them credit for. They have it made right now. Why would they want that to change?

the back to Africa movement started in the 1930's and went nowhere. If blacks didn't want to leave during Jim Crow, why would they leave now?

Because shit will get more heated than it currently is.

>caring about being called a "nazis"
Fuck off back to R*ddit

Sorry, user, but the answer is NOT more moralizing to non-Whites. It's time Whites cut that bitch shit out. Right fucking now. You start acting in White interest, and you make it well known that is the root of your motivation. This is about what is good for YOU and YOUR PEOPLE. This has NOTHING to do with non-Whites. They have NO RIGHT to be here. They get NOTHING. Understood? Maybe it will be more painful for wannabe martyrs with their pathological altruism, but it's time we put a stop to that for good. This is that chance.

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Incorrect. Get my kind to South Africa and it will be fixed.

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we tried, that's where liberia came from, but the nogs just fucked it up and all their ancestors have no idea that the country was set up for freed american slaves to gtfo. seriously how can these people bitch when they literally have a whole country made for them, just them, yet they stay here in this apparently racis country, who just had a 2 term black dude as president but whatever, but they just stay and bitch. lazy fucks


They are already Black Nationalist, just only in white countries.

Shut up, you retarded mutt fuck.
This is what happened to Liberia. YOU fuckers refused to consider the difference in Hybrids and nogs so when ethnic clashes happened, we got shoah'd by the majority and they got shoah'd by Africans. Hybrids should have had their own state.

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>Why the fuck arent we promoting Black ethno nationalism in africa, arab ethno nationalism in the middle east, asian ethno nationalism in their respective countries, ect ect.
why should we do the work for them?

>Fuck it give a few states to the native americans to do whatever the fuck they want with. Let them govern their own people.
>Do you really give a shit if we give the nogs a state or two, if it means we get control of a few of our own.
>Ffs Id extend an olive branch to the neanderthal jews and give them some fucking useless land in aus or something. (if it comes down to the kikes living in the us then nuke em)
really fuckin dumb. land isn't something that should be given away carelessly. they'll just be asking for more and more later down the road.

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Ask me how I know you are stupid. Ask me. We had a mutt Ashkenazi-Kenyan as President. Some Black fuck from off the corner is genetically incapable of being President.

This is what pro white nationalists should be proclaiming, every race shoud get their own ethno-state.
World fixed.

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Them mixing with Liberal sluts is a win for you all because Hybrids are smarter.

Nogs needs to go into the ground and racial alchemy should be applied to rewrite the genetic code of the race for adaptation to live near Antarctica.

How about we actually get repatriation passports as reparations to get Hybrids and Blacks to Africa?

Except this time, Instead of Liberia/Haiti 2.0, we bomb the nog's plane and then depopulate African territories for our kind.