Socialists will defend this

>socialists will defend this

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>inb4 not real communism

lmao just print more chickens.

Well, it isn't. But that's just another proof that communism is not viable, since nobody even managed to actually implement it to begin with.

Communism goes against human nature, literally impossible to implement without some serious preparatory eugenics

your roads, schools, police, fire, etc. are all available due to socialism. shut the fuck up you sound retarded.

we're getting there soon. technology will finally allow the communist fascism utopia to become a reality. you will no longer have to feel bad for flipping burgers all your life. its what was assigned to you at birth in order to become the most efficient contributor to society.

>the public agrees that essential services are worthwhile investments and consents to taxation in order to provide them

thats what socialism is. u sound dumb af.

It really isn’t m8. You sound dense as fuck.

>your roads, schools, police, fire, etc. are all available due to socialism.
to make yourself sound correct you've expanded the meaning of the word 'socialism' so far that it means virtually nothing
a country having roads is not the essential quality of socialism

and what if the state decides that burgers are bad?
You become literally useless. does the state have the right to kill you then?

>"every government system that has ever existed is actually socialism because a meme explaining Bernie can still win told me so"
>you sound retarded
Holy fuck

is it? why are our tax dollars going towards roads? let the people decide who the best road builders are.

>What's the matter? Socialism is just roads and stuff lol ur dumb

Eh, socialism is putting effort in being more socialist. Police exists because the state needs to police the people to obey the laws. Schools exists to educate children to be the best versions of themselves so they survive better in this system. Roads are literally made because of trade.

You can argue that fire men exists stop a fire from spreading to a whole city, and therefore being socialist in nature.

yes. you contribute nothing. what are you even doing here then?

Real communism doesn't exist and can only exist when a society manages to transition to it from socialism. And socialist societies have existed. There was a lot wrong with the Soviet Union and countries like East Germany but they did try to implement a socialist economy, in other words transitioning to a state run economy rather than a private one.

You might dismiss these countries because they had massive deficits when it comes to democracy and human rights and that's fine but saying that they didn't actively try to build a socialist economy is incorrect. That's something you can accuse modern China of, sure, but not the Soviet States.

Fact of the matter is, socialism is not a cure for every societal ill. Corruption can exist in a socialist society, dictatorship can exist in a socialist society, discrimination can exist in a socialist society and these problems have to be dealt with by much the same means they're also dealt with when they occur in capitalist societies.

In Venezuela you can fill up and SUV 9000 times and it will cost the same as one cup of coffee.

are you seriously bringing up the topic of money?

>who's going to pay for the free healthcare?

hahahaha u sound retarded

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Well If I wasn't about my disfunction in society, If I fall without work I could still learn a different trade.

by his definition every government world-wide throughout history would be 'socialist' so yeah, it's a useless definition unless you're trying to convince middle schoolers to feel the bern

why dont we let the people decide who the best police force is? why is this standardized government regulated police force being thrust upon us? u should be a communist by the sound of it.

u sound retarded

Can someone explain to this fella that roads and police services have been around for a thousand years before socialism was theorised.

yeah like I said

dude why are you blaming corruption for socialist countries not working? blame the libs like everyone else.

You know they don't bust into your lawn to check your shit, right? they only arrest you when you did something against the law. If you find laws annoying just go live in africa or something.

dude he even said roads
he thinks having roads is socialism

>he thinks socialism and communism can work
>he think human beings are a hivemind insectoid species like the chinks
>he think human beings are altruists be nature

its not socialism though

dude i even said roads

>a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

what is anarchism?

socialism is already working. thank god for your tax funded police department. pussies like you would be dead in the streets if it wasnt for socialism.

u sound retarded.

I know it gets thrown around on here a lot as a joke but I legit think you might have sub 80 IQ

You've gotten salmonella all over my potential robbins'.


t. bootlicker

do we have our own privately owned police forces in which the best ones are paid for by the people? no. no we dont.

we have tax funded police who are assigned to your city.

>government does anything at all
>this is socialism!
What a fucking idiot you are

u sound retarded

i mean this website listens to ben shapiro, and likes Jow Forums so...

if we already have socialism then what are socialists complaining about?

to an actual retard caveman smooth brain like yourself everyone probably sounds retarded as life is being filtered through your retard brain into retard thoughts you can grasp

Til romans were socialists

im glad socialism is working already. it has done wonderfully for our police and fire departments here in california at least where wildfires are yearly. once it expands to healthcare we'll finally be free.

if we already have socialism then why are people in this thread saying socialism doesnt work?

>le public invesment is socialism lmao
Why are amerimutts so fucking retarded? Both left and right?

thank god for socialism. i dont want to have to pick and choose which privately owned security forces i want to hire to protect my home. just have the police department be funded by tax dollars and let the state regulate it.

he's californian, that doesn't count as american or even as human

california pays the most taxes out of any state in America. hes more american than you lol.

you listen to ben shapiro and probably hate rap music hahaha u get no bitches hahaha fucking faggot

>the more taxes your state pays the more american you are
tell me more, oh wise one

>/television and film/

why does god smite wetbacks so much?

>this thread again

You're never going to convince a euroneet that socialism is bad, and you're never going to convince an American with a good job that low taxes are bad

im just trolling you faggots. its too fun and easy. look how mad and retarded u all sound lol.

haha thread moved, mission accomplished. good work mods

>implying everyone hasn't been aware of this since you kept writing 'u sound retarded'
>implying this wasn't your actual opinion with your first post and then you tried to spin it into le epic rusemaster when you realized how dumb you sound

yes yes, everything i write on Jow Forums is my true beliefs. i have studed politics and socialism extensively and care very much to tell the people of Jow Forums about how great socialism is and how it is the best way to run a country

>television and film

Uh no sweetie.

oh fuck, u can actually see the post quality downgrade once it gets moved to Jow Forums. they start using "sweetie" unironically here. im out lol it was fun while it lasted.

>I care so little that I responded 100 times and followed a thread across boards! I am le epic puppet master, dance puppets! TROLLED! I was merely pretending to be an idiot!

film is ideologically loaded
there's no reason that those ideologies shouldn't be discussed in the context of film

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this is fun for me. i think you underestimate how much free time and boredom i have. im also currently in a video game, watching a podcast, and a stream right now all at the same time. dont flatter youreself thinking my 100 posts on a Jow Forums thread means im giving you lots of attention

>and wasting my and everyones time
>let's rise up everyone!
wtf i hate Jow Forums now haha

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Socialism means workers owning factories inside a state and comunism means one world without states with workers owning factories wich to be created first needs a giant state controling everything until everyone is brainwashed and then the most powerful state in the world would disolve for some reason and no new nations would arise for some reason
Its retarded but it is what it is

Public infrastrucuture however is not socialism, never was, never will
If statism can lead to global comunism thats a separate issue

no way man