“Slavs aren’t white”

Where did this shit come from? Pure D&C nonsense? I get that Hitler thought Poles were subhuman but other than that I don’t get it. Slavs are fucking huwhite.

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From mixed nigger muts

some butthurt ziokikes. give it no thought, they always attack the truth.

Slavs are racial Mongoloids dressed in white skin. Nazi scientists measured their heads and they were all Brachycephalic, which is unique for the Mongoloid Race.

Angry and jealous non whites

Thank God we have more than half of a brain not to associate with them

Batic is not slav it's baltic

Slav(e)s, medoids and celtshits do not belong in EVROPA

It's actually a method of protecting us from blacking. Also, it's not 1941 anymore and Russia today is Asian. Sad

>Where did this shit come from?
Butthurt germs. They were too pathetic to go crusade in the middle east like the french/english and instead started bullying eastern europe. Then we had to endure hundreds and hundreds of years of their inferiority complex, until they were ultimately chased out in 1945.

>I get that Hitler thought Poles were subhuman

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