Is there any country better than the Netherlands?

Is there any country better than the Netherlands?

>no terror attacks
>booming economy
>dominating water
>dominating global markets
>didn't take the """refugee""" quota
>no white guilt
>globalized slavery
>feminism is a laughing stock
>tall people
>social housing gets destroyed to build new expensive houses
>inventions that launched the west into the future

prove me wrong

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Has an islamic party
>Atheist majority country

Tiny and irrelevant nation full of ugly people.

>implying spain is relevant in any field

You forgot
>Mohamad the most popular babyname

No matter how good it is now, you will live to see it go to shit in the coming years.

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You are only more relevant than us in: pot related tourism and orange flowers. Wow so amazing.

Also Amsterdan is full of niggers. We should have externinated you all when we could.

Ultimately this.

What right do I have living in Scotland to comment on fucked countries? Well I live up north. I go months at a time without seeing non whites. It's too cold and too much of a shithole in our cities the foreigners just stay in England. We aren't worth travelling to. Countryside is comfy and probably will remain that way until the day I die so I'm happy. Netherlands most likely has its quiet areas too. But the migration and ghettos there are nothing compared to what Scotland has.

Are you full?


>Implying living in a rowhouse with an acreage the size of a stamp is desirable

I see my town get browner every day and I'm not sure that's a good thing.

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