NatSoc and ethnostaties, can you please describe to me your economical model...

NatSoc and ethnostaties, can you please describe to me your economical model? Preferably one not based entirely kn war and expansion like Germany was? I hate unrestrained capitalism, and Hitler himself warned that Demcracies would always end up as Corporatocracies inevitably. But I hate socialism far more. I hate authoritarian fascism too though.

So anyway, give me your economical model please. The has to be a third way. Unless that's anarcho primitivism, which I'm starting to lean towards, but that's unrealistic on any scale.

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Anarcho primitivism is he most realistic system on a large scale you pleb.

bumping for wanting to know too

Innovation and agriculture. We'd streamline and revolutionise everything we touch like always. We would remember those who helped save us and build our ethnostate when it comes to sharing this knowledge with the rest of humanity. I would be willing to trade with the first-world oriental asian countries and perhaps the hispanic and low% white mixed. They wouldn't be allowed in, but we'd trade fair.

It's simple logic: whites have money, and know how to make money. If you get rid of all the shitskins, all economical problems will be gone. Probably a superpower the size of China in less than 5 years.

Not without a reset or a Messiah.

These are not answers

How exactly are they not answers?

Oh it's coming don't worry.

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I think it's probably a good idea to copy the US model of the economy as it used to be. Where the printing of money would be explicitly controlled by the government.

I think welfare programs should take the form of government jobs instead of just giving out foodstamps.
Maybe the exception should be that you can get foodstamps if you don't have children and agree to be sterilized. Something like that.