She refused to shake hands with her male employer and when she didnt get the job because of it she sued for religious discrimination and was granted ca4500 USD in damages
Guess the country
Other urls found in this thread:
>guess the country
>and she was granted ca4500 USD
Based, which to had a GF like that.
Converting currencies to a more common denominator is a thing you know bub
I worked with a Muslim who got every Friday afternoon off so he could attend Friday prayers at his mosque. I know for a fact that he never goes to mosque - he just likes having a 2.5 day weekend. I would have blown the whistle on him but I didn't want to preclude the possibility of my own conversation to gain that same benefit. I definitely would love to get paid 40 hours while working only 36. The fact that the time off happens to be on a Friday afternoon is just the cherry on top. Do you think I should do it?
When I get asked to remove my hood in stores I say it's a religious requirement. Only one lil soiboy clerk ever chimed up and I just told said "bro are you discriminating against my religion" and he stfu and served me.
>remove my hood
You can't wear hoodies in stores? Is this an Aussie thing?
He only listed Canada dollars because he's in Canada. Didn't you see him posting under their national flag?
Rat out the dune monkey and then kill yourself. Please.
In gas stations I believe it's explicitly against the law to wear a bike helmet but every so often they will ask in a store, probably so they can get a good shot on their cameras. I don't take my hood off in gas stations anyway.