Henry Kissinger: ‘We are in a very, very grave period’

The grand consigliere of American diplomacy talks about Putin, the new world order — and the meaning of Trump
>“The mistake NATO has made is to think that there is a sort of historic evolution that will march across Eurasia and not to understand that somewhere on that march it will encounter something very different to a Westphalian entity. And for Russia this is a challenge to its identity.”
>“I do not think Putin is a character like Hitler, he comes out of Dostoyevsky.”
>“I think Trump may be one of those figures in history who appears from time to time to mark the end of an era and to force it to give up its old pretences. It doesn’t necessarily mean that he knows this, or that he is considering any great alternative. It could just be an accident.”
>“Zbigniew Brzezinski was almost unique in my generation. We both considered ideas about the world order to be the key problem of our time. How could we create it? We had somewhat different ideas. But for both of us, we were above all concerned to raise diplomacy to that level of influence.There is no debate today, it is something we need to have.”
>“In the 1940s, the European leaders had a clear sense of direction. Right now they mostly just want to avoid trouble. One eminent German recently told me that he always used to translate tension with America as a way to move away from America but now he finds himself more afraid of a world without America.”


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How did he outlive zbignew?

Fuck that turd

daily blood infusions from healthy children. also I think Zbignew died from am autistic fit when he saw his plan for Eurasia fall apart since the 2014 Ukraine crisis

>putin single handedly kicking the asses of every NWO cheerleader
shame he won't be in office for much longer

A divided Atlantic would turn Europe into “an appendage of Eurasia”, which would be at the mercy of a China that wants to restore its historic role as the Middle Kingdom and be “the principal adviser to all humanity”. It sounds as though Kissinger believes China is on track to achieve its goal. America, meanwhile, would become a geopolitical island, flanked by two giant oceans and without a rules-based order to uphold. Such an America would have to imitate Victorian Britain but without the habit of mind to keep the rest of the world divided — as Britain did with the European continent.
Kissinger is more circumspect on AI — a subject, he concedes, with which he is still grappling. But he is troubled by the unknown consequences of autonomous warfare — a world in which machines are required to take ethical decisions. “All I can do in the few years left of me is to raise these issues,” he says. “I don’t pretend to have the answers.”

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Based Kissinger. He will be sorely missed in the future. We need bold and bright people like him if we are to prosper

that fuck is responsible for millions of deaths

he's alright

Worse. With all the fucking US Taxpayer aid to third world shitholes he is responsible for billions of LIVES that should never have happened.

>Based Kissinger
neck yourself

He’s a war criminal and should be deported or put to death

>Trump's influence is an accident
>Me and Ziggy on the other hand
>We knew what we were doing

what a horrifically ugly creature

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well, they did manage to pull America through a systemic economic and geopolitical crisis in the 70s, thought I wouldn't give them credit for winning the cold war, that was 90% the result of Gorbachev's incompetence as a leader.

Do these old jews ever fucking die?

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i remember after the debate when clinton said she was proud to call kissinger her friend, even dyed-in-the-wool card-carrying democrats cringed over that shit. pretty fuckin' funny.

Hang him!

>still thinks shillenger is relevant

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imagine a timeline where Hillary won the election

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>Kissinger is more circumspect on AI — a subject, he concedes, with which he is still grappling.
Spoiler alert: the first fully autonomous AI will turn into Emily Youcis and nuke Africa.

all i see is fire and suffering. i must be doing something wrong

found the jew

In the article he basically says Trump is the only leader in the west capable of taming Putin, since he hasn't deluded himself that trying to force European globalism on Russia is a good idea.
He actually makes some pretty good points and basically says that Europe has been antagonizing Russia since the fall of Die Mauer and Trump is the only guy that realizes that Russia would steamroll Western Europe should America pull out of NATO and the EU keeps pushing Russia sanctions.
He also touches on the fact that Trump has all the bargaining chips: the EU is petrified America will pull out of NATO, Poland is standing on its own two feet, and Putin wants his country to be respected and sovereign, not part of the New World Order.

Kissinger's right.

Trump is the end of the globalists and there's nothing they can do about it.


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fuck off shlomo

Based baby raping satanic mass murdering psychopath.

relevant article


It really is funny how the author can't seem to understand what Kissinger is saying even in retrospect.

stopped right there

>“I do not think Putin is a character like Hitler, he comes out of Dostoyevsky.”
kek based Putin

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>I think Trump may be one of those figures in history who appears from time to time to mark the end of an era

Only thing I agree with.

This is the end of the globalist era and the dawn of the nationalist consensus, united only by trade and mutual respect. The fallacy of "bigger is better" is at an end.

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Best headline I've read all year something must be going right

You shouldn't have.
It's an amazing piece of writing.
And written by a former Mi6 chief.
~keep more of an open mind, user...

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>“I do not think Putin is a character like Hitler, he comes out of Dostoyevsky.”

Ok so what did he mean by this? Just from the few books of him Ive read there are at least 50 characters in them. Or did he mean the evolution of his works from having done physical labour, something unheard of by a man of his class.

>team up with russia to fuck china
Is this is the first reasonable and good thing he's advocated for, ever?


Ministry of Piss Tapes

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He smells like a liberal trying to see everything Kissinger says through a "fuck blumpf" lens:

"Russia doesn't like foreign nations challenging its centuries-old identity and its sovereignty as a state"
>s-so you're saying Putin is a crazy bastard and we provoked him by trying to bring glorious diversity to Russia
"No putin is a romantic out of dostoevsky who loves his country, not LITERALLY HITLER"
>I cannot shake the feeling that Kissinger is trying to tell me something but that I am too literal to interpret it
"If America tells the rest of the world to fuck off, they will get steamrolled by Russia and China, and Europe will balkanize"
>b-but thats mean
"Europe is doing a horrible job of not burning every bridge they have with the rest of the world
>I cannot shake the feeling that Kissinger is trying to tell me something but that I am too literal to interpret it
"Trump is the end of the era where America supports the rest of the world
>I cannot shake the feeling that Kissinger is trying to tell me something but that I am too literal to interpret it
>I cannot shake the feeling that Kissinger is trying to tell me something but that I am too literal to interpret it

He simply cannot shake the feeling that Kissinger is trying to tell him something but that he is too literal to interpret it

(yes you)

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Kissinger as an Individual is pretty based. He achieved a lot in his life. Not sure I agree with his foreign policy but otherwise I like him as an individual.

Oh, are they the guys who took our fanfiction and made it into a huge scandal?

He's referring to Putin's belief that the Russians are a people apart, with quite a different character from the rest of Europe. This is true but nothing exceptional about a European nation, which is unironically the most diverse group of closely related peoples outside of India.

I don't know how much I should hate Henry Kissinger. On one hand, he's a warmongering kike and one of the most awful people ever. On the other hand, he drops some of the best redpills ever about his tribe.
>“If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be anti-Semitic,”
>“any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.”

>the measure of the quality of a person is their utility as a unit of economic output
lolberts, everyone.

He meant that Putin operates with a completely different mentality that any western leader has. Putin was molded by the culture he grew up in and cannot be easily quantified or analyzed by an outsider. He is complex, and his moral compass gravitates around his own understanding of what is right or wrong. Putin is the embodiment of the mysterious and elusive "Russian soul"

Henry Kissinger you can go ahead and die already you worthless sack of shit


B-but he did it for muh capitalism!

Makes you want to strap these people into the matrix and make them play vidya for the rest of their lives, don't it? Apparently that's all their absentee TV-driven upbringing prepared them for.

this kissinger is the boomer you have to defeat after you have defeated all the other boomers

>I ask him which period he would liken to today. Kissinger talks about his experience as a freshly minted citizen in US uniform serving in the second world war. He also reminisces about what brought the young German refugee to these shores in the first place. After Germany marched into Austria in 1938, Jews in Kissinger’s home town were told to stay indoors. His parents left for America when they could. “There was a curfew and German soldiers everywhere,” he says. “It was a traumatic experience that has never left me.” His reminiscence is carefully chosen.
the oracle speaks, saying Trump is hitler.

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You can't deny that he was an outstanding diplomat and statesman. I read two biographies on him which made me respect the man.

Kissinger is way older than the boomers. He's 95.

Definitely not based, but definitely redpilled
>“If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be anti-Semitic,”
>“any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.”

he is their spiritual father. from him all boomers emerged.

I don't know how Oceania will make a deal with Eurasia to fight against Eastasia-... Sorry, I mean, I don't know how the US will make a deal with Russia to contain China when it looks like the American president wants it and the rest of the government does not.
And, like he said, Europe can be a fourth player if they decide to stand by themselves.

Kissinger actually advised Trump to make his trip to meet with Putin. He hoped it would be a coming to China moment. Geopolitically it would split the Russians from the Chinese. Unfortunately that didn't work because of "muh Russia" hysteria making any diplomacy tantamount to treason.

Kissinger is a Jew and involved in some shady shit. That being said Neocons hate him because he doesn't use moralitistic justification. He's a Machiavellian. He's also a student of Spengler. He gave Nixon a copy of The Decline of the West. The reason Kissinger has been so successful is that he understands how to use comparative history when most academics believe comparative history is bunk.

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nice reference

Wait did he actually say this?

Very, very grave period

nicely done.

It is possible to respect Kissinger as extremely effective yet see him as among the most evil people still wasting oxygen.
Americans sometimes have trouble holding both those thoughts in mind at once.

Lol this turbo kike rothschilds stooge has destroyed this country.

>not all boomers

Yes, he 100% did.

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Kissinger is Rothschild level evil.

He looks like a groyper frens.

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sucks for you, I'm not Jewish!

Not hating jews =/= jewish

You think Kissinger tossed this autistic fag a bone at the end with the easy analogy to Hitler...how would you fit this comment with your interpretation. seems to me the crescendo of the piece

the kikes fear the chinks

We'd probably be balls deep in WW3 right now.
Syria would have been the flashpoint.

>muh Russia

Your globalist world is just as poisonous as any of the others, faggot Jew.

If you agree with Kissinger so much and aren't Jewish, you should hate Jews though. Kissinger himself said he would if he wasn't Jewish.

>not realizing kikes are gonna intentionally bring down the economy
>not realizing that trump is hover 2.0
>not realizing that they wI'll bring in someone way worse than king nigger to "fix things" like that cripple faggot roosevelt

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The US successfully kept China and Russia apart, and Russia and Germany apart via the EU.
Obama's fuckup in Ukraine in 2014 threw 70 years of geopolitics in the trash.
Read TASS, read RT... Russia and China are integrating and aligning rapidly.... And bringing Turkey, Iran and Germany with them.

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kys zionist scum.

I still can’t believe the correct proportion of 62 million voters got it right.


I don't agree with everything the man advocates for. I respect him as an individual and some of his achievements and contributions.

As for the jew thing. I'm very neutral about it and don't really care. Jews do not affect me.


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they are gonna blame Flumpf for the collapse of the economy the world markets and of the inteernational stability and alliance system since America will lose all of it's allies to Russia and China and Turkey will withdraw from NATO Flumpf will take the hit for that

Kissinger was the architect of returning diplomatic ties with Red China in 1972 and the replacing of Nationalist China (Taiwan) as UN security council member with PRC. How couldn't he see this coming?

And I thought 115 IQ Ashkenazi were were masters of 4D chess.

Permanent security council member I might add.

>Zbigniew was unique alright
>let's arm the mujahideen
>that's a bad idea z
>let's arm them
>repeat this idea ten fold
>US do it
Fast forward to 9/11

Can someone give me a quick rundown on Kissinger? I only know that he worked with Nixon and was behind the South American juntas. Why does everyone hate him? Did he shill for the kikes when he had his White House pass?

I suspect there are more than a few Jews who hate Jews. Just like there have to be such things as “poor Jews”. If I were a poor Jew atm I would be terrified.

Unironically every bit of that would be a good thing.

Not a bad article. The author is correct at the end though. Kissinger wanted to talk about larger issues and trends but the author wasted his time by talking about Blumpf gotcha garbage over things already since forgotten.

he literally created the trilateral commission

wait nvm that was Brzezinski

the drink little boys penis blood to extend their life.

You may have just hit on a path out of this mess for us. The entire world hates us so why bother? Cut Military Spending in half, cut taxes in half. Throw up an “Iron Curtain” around the US and let the rest of the fucking world burn.

To be fair to you, they were evil twins together.

It sounds like Kissinger is one of the rare self hating kikes

Damn. We could have had that instead?

>imitate Victorian Britain
We'd have to ditch the niggers and spics. Or put them to work building the wall. If only.

He's not my favorite person but I do wish I could read his mind and explore all the crazy shit he knows as if it were a cosmic library. His views are of interest, certainly.

I think they will use the next crisis as an excuse to implement full on cyberpunk dystopia and media censorship it's already starting

ah haha

He was never attractive. Wasn't he one of the models for Dr. Strangelove?