Can Socialized Healthcare work in the US?

Alright Jow Forums I want your honest opinion. Do you think it’s possible to do this or not? What hurdles would we have in implementing such a system?

I don’t think it would work without a major lifestyle shift by the majority of the population in terms of eating healthier and getting rid of bad habits (smoking, drinking). Because as it currently sits every retard boomer who smoked for 50 years ends up getting lung cancer and then the taxpayer ends up funding some 100k a month chemo and radiation treatments to prolong their life for a year. It’s ridiculous

What is the solution?

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No socialized healthcare cannot work. Socialized healthcare means reimbursement cuts for doctors, and that means doctors will get together and opt out of free subidized plans. So if you get free healthcare you will be issued a half retarded affirmative action nig doctor who is an immigrant from Africa. Do you honestly think that Doctors are going to treat millions of poorfags who can’tpay for their services for free?

Also there will soon be 400 million people in the states. To give everyone free healthcare or Medicare for all would bankrupt the country in a matter of months. Takes would also need to be raised five fold to scratch the surface of the costs. Medicare is already going bankrupt. Every person needs to have their own health savings account..and stop demanding free fucking shit because I’m not paying for your shitty fucking healthcare bills through higher taxes. Now fuck off

Couldn’t you keep reimbursement rates relatively unchanged? Most of the costs of healthcare aren’t doctors salaries. It’s the huge cost of medications and overcharging by hospitals

Not without closed borders.
Our NHS worked for a while but it's a clusterfuck today. Try to get an appointment, nope most of the fucking EU is ahead of you in the queue.

No, reimbursement cuts are the first thing liberals talk about when advocating for universal healthcare. The cuts would be necessary for it to work. Doctors will never go along with it

Yeah its called medicare.

Doctors have to treat Somalis for free if they want government dollars from old people on medicare. The questions is do we need more socialized medicine.


For socialized programs to work you need an efficient, prosperous nation where you have just as many people as you need. The US has allowed too many people in while not improving conditions internally. Socialized programs such as social security are all doomed because you can't just import people to prop them up. You require efficiency. Uneducated, untrained individuals who are already rendered obsolete by automation that's been around for decades but which isn't being adopted due to the cheapness of illegal alien labor doesn't improve anything. It just creates further strain on the system and ensures the failures will be that much more grandiose.

people need to accept death like god damn

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No. Get fucked.

Medicade or care or whichever one it is to saftey net the poor and the old people who fell for the Jewish lies of FDR. That's it.

Works here. Covers at least the essentials. Got a gallbladder surgery and I paid nothing yet received outstanding service and follow-up. Don’t believe in nay sayers Canada’s healthcare is not perfect but it works.

Similarly, Europe has fucked itself in totality. They're now in a position where unless they engage in a purge or a reclassification of personhood to undo what their politicians have done they'll suffer a downward slide in quality of life and services. They've rendered their own societies unsustainable. Good job.

Socialized healthcare has never "worked" in the history of humanity. Tribalism is the closest we got before the market opened up and made it impossible.

It is actually the plan. Run the debt up to $100 Trillion in 3 years. Then blame Trump. Profit!

US doctors won't make nearly as much as they do right now in a socialized medical system. >Physician shortage will grow at an increasing rate
>Medical school admissions and licensing boards will become more lax to improve doctor in-flow
>Quality of care, already a larger problem in a socialized medical system (bye malpractice) will suffer greatly at the hands of the newly-retarded practitioners of our socialist medical establishment
>Government oversight arising from single payer system will reduce efficiency even more still - see NHS model
>World class healthcare, literally the best in the world, will have become naught but a relic of the past.

You can abuse the hell out of Medicare though. The top earning doctor in the US last year was an opthalamologist who treats exclusively old people and bills to Medicare. The guy made 27 million

Socialized anything fails both in the long term and the short term compared to free market solutions. If you want better healthcare, then stop propping up the hospital cartel and let Mutual Aid Societies outcompete them like they were when the hospitals bought government power to squash them.

I don't understand why Healthcare insurance can't be just like car insurance. You pay for the oil changes and minor stuff while the insurance pays for the large shit with an out of pocket deductible. The problem to me seems to be that insurance companies started raping the system and hospitals started charging way more for shit because they could because faggots were using the ER and then not paying their bills. In my opinion, socialized health care only works with relatively small populations (5-20 million people) where the population is mostly homogenized and there's a common ideology among the populace. Here in America there's too many niggers, illegals and leaches who ruin it for everyone.

Depends on how efficient you can run it. I believe that it's workable if done right. But that sort of huge upheaval in the US would be nearly impossible to roll out from a logistics point of view.
I work and have a few close family members that work in the NHS and it's not an exaggeration to say it's a few years away from collapse because of how inefficient and poorly run it is. Way to much admin, middle and top management rather than actual front line staff. Huge money being wasted on computer systems that don't work and a complete lack of communication between departments even in the same hospital.

Socialized medicine only works in homogeneous societies. People are prepared to pay tax for free healthcare if if it’s benefiting members of their community that they feel connected to. It’s a tribal thing, people will help members of their tribe without question, but are not happy with tribal resources continually being funneled away to other groups

I can go to my doctor right now, wait 10 minutes to be seen, drive to my pharmacy, take my medication, and go back to bed while you are still filling out paperwork at a clinic to be seen.

Get fucked.

Also there’s this problem

>be me
>want to become a doctor
>bust ass in undergrad for 4 years
>bust ass in med school for 4 years
>bust ass in residency for 3-7 years depending on speciality
>now at age 30 can finally begin my career
>almost 400k in student loan debt
>Government forces me to use my vast wealth of knowledge to take care of illegal Somalians who into the ER because they have a cold
>government cuts reimbursement rates
>kill self because unable to afford anything due to debt

My wife had her gall bladder out and it cost us $6000 out of pocket, plus the biweekly premiums. Fuck our shitty system.
BTW wife works for a bank and has the “executive level” insurance.

Socialized healthcare would only work if we taxed the shit out of processed food industry thats helping america get fat.

You know, the rest of the world eats butter, bacon, red meat, cream, cheese, wine. But they don't have the obesity that America does.

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>work for a bank
>don't know how to use insurance

It would have to be on a state level, not a federal level, so that leftist shitholes like california can fuck over themselves without fucking other states.

Here, the federal government has to tax + print money to make sure that desolate northern villages get the "same" standard of care as they do in a big city. If they can't, they have to be flown in. Hospitals here also have a lot of bloated management and inefficiencies, yet they try to save costs on things so when combined, it can be a nightmare.

When you’re right, it’s hard to see that you’re actually wrong.

I filled no paperwork and get to see my MD (or another if my MD is away) on the same day.

Now I see why Trump hates Canada.

Socialized healthcare already exists for veterans the poor and the elderly and it’s shit.

The big lie from euros online is that you don’t need to pay for healthcare, you do through a high tax rate like10-15% of income just for health services

AND THEN just like with Medicare anyone wanting and who can afford better than the bare minimum state provided care pays out of pocket or gets supplemental private insurance.

All those leddit kiddos from Europe thinking they get full coverage from the state kek no. All of their middle class German and French parents buy private health insurance too unless they are poor as fuck.

And that’s not even getting into the vast ethnic, wealth and lifestyle disparities in the USA

It’s one thing when you have a system covering 7 million Danes that are basically the same and have the same diet and lifestyle.

In the us you need to cover everything from Rocky Mountain health nuts to obese southern blacks to aging Italian New Yorkers and Jews.

How are you going to plan centrally for such a wide range of issues and circumstances?

Universal healthcare is a meme, it’s bottom tier garbage care and your just promising that when you are 50 you’ll be paying for an insurance plan through the state and one privately

Wooo weee how sick is that?? /s

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This would help a lot, also selling across state lines, unlimited hsa’s. And generally less government regulation

Also Medicare not paying insane prices because they don’t give a shit causing price inflation

State lines seems like a nice idea from a
>wtf why not?
kind of mindset, but then when you grow up you realize that if they can't make it work in one state (which is a country) then just going toward larger cartels isn't going to do shit.

it could work, but you have to get banks (insurance companies) out of the decision process, you'd need to mandate that they must cover everything, and no one fucking cares if it affects their bottom line. put medicine back in the hands of doctors. from there you'd have to regulate costs, since everythings a get rich quick scheme anymore, even real trades. so after all that, you'd have to get americans to pay for it, which i certainly wouldn't be happy paying for someone's diabetes or cancer or bariatric surgery. so we'd have to penalize people for being slobs, which would piss off a bunch of sjw trash. so we'd have to tell people sticks and stones fatty no one cares you did this to yourself and we'd have to impliment a system like the japanese have where a group comes around and measures people to make sure they comply with health standards.
so in short, no it wont work, because one cunt will get pissy that someone is going to tell her that she's 55% fat and it'll be the end of the world, because denial and women and all, after that you'd have a billion special cases that would want to be super special and then the whole socialized system fails because if you want collectivist principles, you need a more homogeneous population, of interests but also homogeneous in its fitness and eating habits. and since everyone has to be satisfied and their little feelings insulated from whatever 'hurts' them, you're essentially fucked with any potential socialized system. unless the gov just says fuck off give me your taxes i dont care if you dont like it, that would happen anyway.
first thing we need to do toward actual working socialized healthcare is getting rid of ALL wellfare and assistance, we need to thin the herd a lot, there are so many fat fucks walking around on food stamps, we should starve a bunch of people first to see who's even fit to be given such privilege as free healthcare, and then what about people like me that earn good benefits, i want cash

Even a forced socialized healthcare system like in Switzerland will fall appart
>mandatory to pay about 400chf/month for it
>you can choose from many different insurer
>they have to accept anyone for the basic plan
Every single year there's more cuts to what is covered in the basic plan and costs usually go up by 5-10%
>imagine going to the hospital and the insurance charges YOU 25CHF per day because you don't have to buy food at home on top of the costs
>specialist appointments are largely NOT covered at all
>some even go as far as you have to call a shitty call center before you can go to the doctor

If you want actual good coverage you need private insurance, means you pay something close to 1000 CHF per month + your deductible but wait there's more, to get accepted into private coverage you can't have had any serious illness or have been hospitalized in the last 5-10 years.

tl;dr it works but there will be endless cuts till you have coverage that actually covers nothing.

No insurance is a pool right now if you live in say Alabama all of Alabama has to pool and pay for itself

Alabama is poor and full of fat people

If Alabama could instead pool with healthy people in western states their rates would go down

Every other insurance type can sell nationally and even internationally it’s only healthcare that’s limited and it’s retarded

T. Insurance fag

>t. communist
If Alabama sucks then Alabama sucks.

It’s not communism to let private insurance companies sell policies in both California and Alabama

It’s arbitrary state limitations not too you fucking retarded mongoloid

>Not without closed borders.
This is the true answer.
I stick to my guns, the NHS is a great concept, and it DID work for a while before it was flooded with abusers and deadweights.
Alcoholics and druggies are not the problem, as some burgers suggest. They actually cost VERY little between them because they don't tend to go to doctors very often...
The elderly are a huge drain, but the system is theirs, they built it, so you can't deny them the fruits of it.
That only leaves the foreigners and greedy pharmas, and as overpriced as pharmaceuticals are (due to inflated salaries and bad management/middlemen issues as well as an element of pure greed) the foreingers are an issue in other areas too.

The solution?
Either closed borders as user suggested, or a minimum pay-in before you can access the NHS (it would take at LEAST five years of living wage salary to qualifiy).
Also sort out greedy pharmas, although our NHS is hostage to them so I'm not sure what the solution for that is.

It's communism to think the solution to a pool that doesn't work is a bigger pool.

this already happens to a significant extent--in fact, totally contrary to your post, it's part of the reason for pic related. ironically, i agree with you for the opposite reason, i think the world needs less trumpcucks so we should continue to allow them to live in the 3rd world squalor they create for themselves. it's just a bonus that these people also ENJOY working for peanuts for their feudal superiors, so that rich yankees can just outsource all of the shitty bitch labor to these hellholes while high paying tech jobs flock to new england and the west coast.

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No. Our healthcare will always be horrible. Western medicine is designed to make a profit, not treat anyone properly for medical conditions. We don't treat the cause of symptoms in this country, just the symptoms. We treat people until their bodies give out. Western medicine almost cost me my life.

whats the criteria for that? i live in that area and all i can see in common is large cities, so if that's a mark of anything 'developed' its just concrete waste land development, not actual human development, the majority of people who live in concentrated areas in those top states are complete nog shit bags who are literally just a drain on the people who go to work every day. and that's a boots on the ground first hand knowledge opinion. the ghettos of the east coast are simply holding pens for voting blocks that can be activated based on bullshit outrage.

You are so fucking dumb it’s not even funny

Who has your car insurance? State Farm? Geico?

You are pooled in a national bucket for accidents it’s not just people in your state you fucknugget

You must be poor with how retarder you are

Our healthcare is literally the best, profit motive makes services better in all casses

HDI benefits highly urbanized euro style societies.

Rural states end up down the list highly urban states end up on top of the list

It’s a good measure for QOL if you like urban living

>Who has your car insurance?
That has nothing to do with anything. Do you want to try making an argument that makes sense?

It has everything to do with it. Being able to sell insurance nationally vs just in the state allows the carrier to spread the risk and pool high risk groups with low risk groups


It’s the same for health, auto, home, liability etc

You said that increasing the size of an expensive pool won’t help when it quite literally would help

who's this hottie?

>What is the solution?
Why would I want commie healthcare?

Only if America kills off ALL minorities. White people don't abuse free shit unless they're liberals. Minorities on the other hand, we take all the free shit even if we don't need or want it.

of course it fucking can. The US has the money and the infrastructure to pull it off without any problem. If you don't believe in it for ideological reasons, than fine, but don't come here with your regurgitated demagoguery.

Like I said, you just want to operate on the belief that a bigger pool and communizing the costs further is the magic trick to it all. You don't have a solution, but rather a mind adherent to communism.

You're a loser. You can't make it work no matter how big your pool is.

Please do not feed the birds. It creates a dependent population which is a health hazard and a costly mess.

Yes if your country's hospitals can afford to pay all their doctors a three day trip to China, Canada, or Brazil every week to earn the 80% of their supposed income.

t. literally how the healthcare here stays afloat.

EEEEEEEEEEW I HAVE TO HELP POOR PEOPLE!!!! Why the fuck would you become a doctor if you don't want to do this? Holy fuck what a stupid fucking thing to say.
If you are in it for the money or to help rich white people than chose another profession

How is your birth rate doing?
Socialism kills the family

Nothing can work in the US. It's a very sick society due to the Jews controlling everything.

Depending on your zip code, your car insurance rates can go up or down because it's based off the area and how prone to insurance claims a particular area is. Yes Geico and All-State are nationwide insurance companies but their rates are very localized.

Where does socialism work?

white countries

To many people
we already have a social security system in place
taxes are already to high
salaries in the nation are to high
we don't have a health "culture"
we are not a homogenous
there are to many people in the nation period
fast food serving sub par borderline toxic waste food
this isn't nordland where the land is no contaminated
these are just some factors that are reality

name one

>What is the solution?

Go to every college in the country ask every teacher if socialism works and fire everyone who doesn't immediately say no.

Socialism kills the family and lack of prayer in school is the reason for school-shootings.

Americans on pol are so fucking stupid that it is sad. What a pathetic and irrelevant argument to make.

Btw, birth rates are pretty much the same in Norway and the US. Fail to see how this is relevant in the least bit though.

California almost tried single payer healthcare aka Medicare for All but found that it would bankrupt the state even more it already is. If Commie California can't pull it off what makes you think the Federal government with boat loads more bloat and inefficiency can?


We already have free healthcare for the poor, vets and old fucks

It’s shit

You are so incredibly fucking stupid, you might be the biggest retard I have ever interacted with on Jow Forums it’s actually shocking to me the level of idiocy you are spewing.

You clearly have no concept of how insurance, buisness, health care, or our interstate commerce actually works.

Please get off line and go eat glue or watch cartoons or something because trying to explain basic risk management processes to you is like talking to a wall

Yes they do charge based on zip code because of likelyhood it accidents but the money to pay for those accidents is not drawn and spent in your local area or state its drawn nationally

If insurance was based on zip code it would be unaffordable.

I do know how interstate commerce works. It means my car insurance and most of my other costs went down by a third when I moved out of a retarded state and into a less retarded state. But you can't come up with any kind of a business model or solution that depends on anything other than feeding your insurance ponzi scheme.

Kikes are really annoying.

It’s not about not wanting to help poor people. It’s aout an overburdened system that racks up high costs because people are retarded

So you are saying you can't cover the cost? You are the richest country on the planet. You could cover the cost without raising a fucking eyebrow if you wanted to.

This is about prioritizing, and the US are not very good at that. Whatever you think the outcome would be, it would still be MILES better than the fucking joke of system you have set up now.

of course. other countries spend less and get better results using socialize practices. end of that discussion.

pharma r&d will def take a hit tho.

>prayer in school is the reason for school-shootings.
It is not christians shooting up schools
>birth rates are pretty much the same in Norway and the US
We are also a shitty socialist country
>Fail to see how this is relevant in the least bit though.
The government safety net replaced the family

Usa invents basically all modern medicine. Social healthcare leeches off that fact through generics. If usa drops it , china will pick up advanced med game

I think Norway needs more Jews. btw. don't ban genital mutilation.

we should reduce military spending, deport all illegals, close the border, increase education spending, and have a socialized healthcare. this is all common sense. if we had been doing this we would unironically have colonies on mars. easily. we spent trillions in iraq, try to wrap your head around that and realize how retarded our gov is.

but we are not a shitty socialist country. We have the best living standards in the world and the happiest population.

"Free" healthcare works. It's an objective fact. If the US were to implement a similar system thinks would be better for majority of the population. Might not be perfect, but still much fucking better than the absolute joke of the system you have in place now. A prime example of free marked ideas run amok.

Considering that your only argument is MUH FAMILY VALUES tells me exactly what kind of person im talking to

I don’t think you understand how different people can be from yourself.

Bear in mind that the US is not a country but a union. Do you want to share your Norwegian system with the rest of the EU? Probably not.

So you can't quite make a direct comparison about what works for you working for somebody else.

To every Euro here that says it is possible - consider that what you are proposing is the same as if the European committee would take over and decide about healthcare program of every single country. Would you really like that?

>you do through a high tax rate
Very true. Every healthcare shill would squeal like stabbed pig if they were slammed with taxes that people pay for the Free healthcare in the rest of the West

> All of their middle class German and French parents buy private health insurance too unless they are poor as fuck.

Also very true. If you are not a complete stuttering retard you will pay for private healthcare, even if the public healthcare is free.
People don't know the true meaning of pain until they go to public paid dentist.

Reckless spending by government is already out of control. Why the fuck would we place another larger burden on the federal government when we can barely keep the government open due to spending bills as it is. You should read the article and some other sources as well. It's complicated as hell but I believe the first step is for a Lefty state ie. California to make it work first as a proof of concept experiment without going bankrupt in 10 years. Most crucial part is funding (higher taxes) and de-coupling businesses in California paying for their employees health insurance. Until then, it's all bullshit.

>We have the best living standards in the world and the happiest population.
>how would I be better than eliminating the entire government safety net
The Amish are able to take care of their own with out it and their population is doubling every 20 years
>Considering that your only argument is MUH FAMILY VALUES tells me exactly what kind of person im talking to
Someone that believes the government should not pay for degeneracy

Free healthcare for your people would not be reckless spending. Your military is reckless spending. You could easily divert some funds for a much better cause.

It's not my opinion, it's facts.
You can't compare the goofy Amish people to the entire US population. Things are not that black and white

Your intentions are good, but you are making the common mistake of not identifying that the system itself is the problem. You can't just dump more free fake Jewish money into the medical system any more than you can the military.

The basic problem we face is a distorted system where you have a top-heavy central control run by people who are not your people and don't give a fuck about you except to make shekels and gain power.

best living standard and happiness are opinions
>You can't compare the goofy Amish people to the entire US population.
Why not
If they can take care of their own without the government why cant everyone else

No god damn it. We are not being forced to pay for nigger babies, fat fucks, and trannies. Fuck off. Don't tread on me

Not without strict rationing. Healthcare is backward in the US, public funded healthcare should be for ages 0-70 after 70 your cut off and on your own. If you spent your life fucking up your body you should be responsible for it. Keeping terminally ill and dying patients alive especially the elderly are the bulk of costs for US health care. Obese, and addicts should also be kicked from the system.

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>t. Ezekiel Emmanuel, son of a famous Israeli terrorist bus bomber

socialized healthcare means government allocation of resources for healthcare.

Of course it won't work.

>Fuck off. Don't tread on me
Stop being such an impotent libertarian cuck and maybe someday there won't be any nigger babies, fat fucks, or trannies to pay for.

Nope. You will have to directly adjust doctor reimbursement for the system to be remotely sustainable. It's a straight fact that not everyone has the money to pay for healthcare, so the cost per-person will have to get leverage from someplace. That's going to be directly from the employees (Physicians and support), causing them to either take the cut or sell their service elsewhere.
The whole reason the US has good healthcare service is because the competitive professionals know they can make bank here. We bait them in with these high costs of service. Compare the doctors of a socialized nation to a privatized nation. Look at the differences between lifestyle and skill. There's expat pros here in the states that come from all over... There's much less expat American pros elsewhere.

Top of it all... there's a kind of reverence for the system we have as a survival of the fittest scheme. I don't know if it's a subconscious malevolence here. But there's a certain attitude that goes along with healthcare here. "If you can't cut it, you never deserved the life you have anyway." It's dark but it's also eugenic. A type of overrighteous pride born of Protestant culture that tells people if they can't live on their own they don't deserve life. A fucked up dog eat dog demeanor that people don't want to let go of.

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There will always be degenerates


Gas the kikes

Why should I have to pay for them?

>Free healthcare for your people would not be reckless spending. Your military is reckless spending. You could easily divert some funds for a much better cause.
The military is something the Federal government is obligated to do. Universal healthcare isn’t an obligation.

>Can Non-Socialized Healthcare work in the US?
It has not done a good job so far.

>but it's also eugenic
That's why we're the fattest country on the planet, right?

Because you won't stop being an impotent libertarian cuck and tolerating them.

Agricultural advancements are keeping up with medical advancements.

I am not a libertarian


Even if you believe that some nations can do it successfully, the US has proved it can not.

I see you’re actually Canadian...

I’m JK, many are great doctors, but yes, what you’ve just said is indeed exactly what Canada has now.

Why did you reply to me?
And as a result people are fat disgusting pieces of shit? That's the opposite of eugenics.