Time's up whiteboy, your era has ended. KARA BOGA is destined to take over the world and there is nothing you pussy's can do about it.
Yes there is, fight you even if we die, I will not die without a sword and a gun upon both hands and I will kill you niggerd and use you BBCs you so cherish as trophies
Wont be long and she will be transferred to the adult monkey zoo.
Impressed by his self control. Good thing that he sensed other nigs in the vicinity would have have no doubt jumped in had he retaliated. He shall bide his time.
Guaranteed he called her a nigger and knows he "deserved it" even though what she did is wrong. Whatever happened to Indian burns? Please bring these back.
>be thought of as an animal
>behave like an animal
it is all so tiresome
Where is this clip from? Who is the woman?
Why does this webm turn me on so?
The only reason is because your injecting white dna with you low iq kang dna
I bet that mayosapien will never run his mouth again.