>18 and already balding
it seems like a hair loss is quite exclusively
white mans problem
i dont see as much hair fucked asians or blacks as i see my fellow white men dealing with this issue
How to stop balding among white men
it's a stress related issue.
there is a cure for it that hasn't been released.
I'm almost certain there's something in the food that we eat.
Welcome to the club faggot
All balding people i ever meet are old and doesn’t lift, and the whites are all stressed sheep that live an office job bullshit.
Quit stressin
Already a thread about this
Just stop looking at porn it makes you gay. This is why go you bald too.
who cares.
templars, as a counter to the foppish long haired fag knights of their day, took vows of poverty and shaved their heads.
if you can't deus, then don't vult.
just shave it
Shave your head and start lifting.
That's because these are slide threads, dumbass.
>falling for the templar meme
Why are there multiple threads on this
Lazy NEET here. No stress ever and still have all my hair in my 30s. Coincidence?
>i dont see as much hair fucked asians or blacks as i see my fellow white men dealing with this issue
Because you are imagining things. Women go bald to, they just wear wigs.
There's a thread for this bucko.
What's up with all these balding fags?
See: High Frequency Devices for hair loss
I'm 19, I have a stressful and unhealthy lifestyle. I don't work out, I eat fast food everyday and I don't really take care of my hair (I only wash it once two days with normal shampoo). I have long, thick hair every girl could be jealous of. It's just genes or problems with hormones which damage your hair. Get some diagnosis, check your hormone levels etc. Btw if you're almost bald/you have weak hair it's better to cut it completely. There's nothing more pathetic than balding men who desperately try to save their shitty hair. You'll look more alpha without hair if you also go to the gym and get some muscle growth.
Hair loss is a combination of stress, diet, and genes.
If you eat like shit, and have a shitty lifestyle, surprise, surprise, you're going to look like shit too.
Stress has nothing to do with it, faggots. You usually start noticing baldness around the same time life gets stressful, that's all. You are predisposed to becoming bald and you'd rather believe that you could reverse it if you somehow "reduced stress" instead of accepting that you would go bald even if you lead a carefree life.
stop using shampoo
avoid sulfates, research sulfates
use organic castor oil once a month at least
Asian men will wear wigs a lot.
not true
onions cure baldness
Eating them or putting them on your hair?
I've shaved my hair a few times and now doing it for good, every time I do it I get a woa why'd you shave your head reaction.
I have a weird skull shape and a baby face , but I feel like everyone else is crazy, I can't stand the receding look, it all grows out the back and leaves a giant dome on the front, id rather just be a strange looking bald man.
Never seen a bald homeless man. Thus, showering causes baldness.
It's easy user. Just change your DNA so that your hair follicles are no longer sensitive to DHT or take fin.
>Fellow white man
>Hapa shitskin
eat one raw onion a day to stop balding
Sucks to be white lmao. I'm Polish so I don't have to worry about this.
I'm not sure why people think baldness is an issue. Bald heads look just as well as a head of hair. I've been raised around a bald men though, I'm used to it. Why the insecurity?
I have that resting mean face so whenever I shave my head I end up looking like a concentration camp guard.
Not true. In most cases, it's purely genetic. Mine is one of those cases. No amount of diet, exercise, or money spent on hair care products makes a bit of difference.
It's because genetics get shit when people raise up 2 children
We must return to having >10 children and the ones with shit genetics should die in their childhood
It is the only way to save white race
Yes, that could easily be a coincidence; you're a single individual. For all we know you've just got good hair genes.
This. I havent used shampoo for over 2 years my hair looks great. Either that or its genetics probably 50/50
How's torrenting pirated movies related to baldness?
>tfw hairpiece at 24
Getting transplants soon lads
That's my hairline, but I'm 39
33 year old boomer, my beard is starting to get white hair in it, but my hairline is still better than that OP pic.
Next step is death by your mid-20's
See you space cowboy, FAGGOT!
>it seems like a hair loss is quite exclusively
>white mans problem
i dont get how anybody could come to that conclusion
Because some nignog made the thread?
not that dht sweetie
Hormones, our food and water are loaded with hormones from farms, industry, and artificial flavorings.
>tfw 27 and already seeing grey hairs
better than going bald desu
Yeah could be. My dad is nearing 60 and still has all his hair. Then again he's pretty chill too
My grandfather used to do this and he was bald already in his late 30s
i am a former security guard. i have the record of kicking out homeless people. over 1000 over the span of 2 years.
there is something to what you said. i dont remember a single bald one. maybe its the shampoo
Me too
>i dont see as much hair fucked asians
all asian men older than 50 are bald.
just means you have high test levels, why would you be against that?
Not white and I have the same problem.
I agree someone needs to find a solution though.
fucking just cut the cunt off man....
Nigger they literally slaughtered Jews before crusading?
>just means you have high test levels
lol nope. your scalp just can't handle what you have.
Superior Persian genes here.
I'm 36 and still have a full head of long hair while most of my male coworkers are balding even if they are younger than me.
So what do you wash your hair with when you shower?
Not a shill, go to keeps. Com and get a prescription for finesteride like I did, it stoped my balding before I turned into some desperate looking fag, also us Nazoprol shampoo, it’s non prescription and if you use it 3 times a week it will help
-t. Balding fag who’s hair has already started growing back thicker
yeah. ive seen lots of high hairline poos and nogs. rare to see a balding asian tho
Black men shave their hair, why would you see when they go bald?
Grey soap would be good I guess
sounds good
If yer balding, just shave it off completely
bald looks better than balding
shampoo does not make you go grey. it's a gene expression issue, which can be exasperated by poor diet, but you were going to go bald anyway.
Must be a slide
Wonder what happened today that they're covering up
just shave your head faggot
>OP is a faggot. this isn't politics
Have you thought about wearing a hat?
like most of irrelevant shit thats talked about here nowadays
fuck off nigger
Most Persians have ultimate balding heredity. Our women go bald from ingesting nigger semen.
he lives in poland and has no idea about the worlds races
>lots of irrelevant shit gets posted
>i'll just add more
kys OP
It may sound ridiculous but putting raw eggs on your head and massaging it for about 10-15 minutes will strengthen your hair.
if you want to talk some stupid shit and serve no purpose for discussion fuck off
just cut your hair short, start lifting and up your sense of style
youll be okay bro
t. same shit here
based and redpilled
Are you on pharmaceuticals? Amphetamines ssri
just hit a genetic jackpot in every way other than hairline bro
burger education everyone
Shave it off and grow a beard, then you still have hair.
Problem solved.
I had hairline like this from childhood
just shave your head and be done with it. I did it last year and its great.
I think it's happening because people don't drink cow milk, who here drinks cow milk everyday and is still balding?
slide thread. op is a faggot shill
Is there a quiet bioweapon going around doing this?????
Cow's milk (when not raw, organic) contains xenoestrogens, it is literally the worst dairy product you could ingest. Drink Goat's milk or Raw milk instead.
Medical guy here... its heredetary. If the dad of your mom was bald you will go bald and vice versa.
There are treatment options which will slow hair loss but not prevent it. Only solution is transpöantation.
what if grandfather has all of his hair but fathers balding?
I dunno I consume it everyday am Jewish and not balding, everyone I know balding is very health conscious and don't drink cow milk
I don't believe it's necessarily related as baldness is almost always hereditary -- I was just letting you know that processed Cow's Milk you can just buy at any store is heavily saturated with medications and xenoestrogens. Ever wonder why young girls hit puberty a lot earlier now rather than decades ago? Milk.
I was doing fine until I got sick with mono and went from nw0 to nw3 in like 5 months.
I'm sorry dude. Perhaps you can try cremes or hair transplant?
>general health condition
>white mans problem
Can you stop?
You haven't even given any evidence.
Neck yaself
y stress related hormonal imbalance, poor sleep and bad diet. the magic is if you get rid of the cause, you will get the hair back. it takes as long as it took to lose it but it comes back