What wil happen in a few decades once there are billions of nigger subhumans in the world?

What wil happen in a few decades once there are billions of nigger subhumans in the world?

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race war

Mass starvation

there are not many whites in their shitholes and i think the world will report but wouldnt act in south africa

The Chinese invent a new sport.

Really sad.

I've thought a lot about that lately.

Imagine a world of stinking African niggers?

That was a chess move that people didn't expect from the kike bastards.

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there already are

Niggers are the Great Filter

whites will move north, everyone else aill die to agw

we have "only" 1 billion of these subhumans on earth

All non-niggers disappeared from the world using time machine to undo the shieeeeeeeettt

Billions will starve and we will get blamed for it.

world peace

They'll start to kill each other, that's what they have been doing since white people discovered them. Imagine handing out nuclear codes to literal monkeys. Once there's no white people they'll hate each other. They already do by either calling each other niggers or uncle Tom's.

White people will be out-competed due to our own hubris.

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With the fall of infrastructure, hundreds of millions will die because there won't be a white man coming from the outside to help the starving and dying people. So a lot of people will just die.

western white women have a busy future

They will find another war for us to die in unironically

step 1: invade all economies and banking systems
step 2: force white nations to accept billions of niggers
step 3: ???
step 4: profit

Let God figure it out. This shit hole is his mess ..

the population number the UN projected are absolute horseshit. They just project exponential growth in africa literally for the next 100 years, that's not how population works. They're forgetting they don't have any fucking food. There's carrying capacity issues, inability to feed/house/etc, all kinds of stuff that stop that shit from happening. If the population did grow like they project they'll just all end up starving.

Attached: Food Security.jpg (2264x1300, 378K)

This bitch loves resting her forearm between her buttcheeks

big butts and big boobs

ay dat isda monkey butt yo

There won't be enough white farmers to support them and they will start dying of starvation

>What happens when the population is constituted only in 80iq mutts and niggers?
>Brazil does

Disease and pestilence will cleanse the world again.

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Only 13% of Brazil are niggers.

The mongrels are a mix of whites, natives and some nigger. That's not nigger.

Flag checks out.

All of your family members, girlfriends, sisters, daughters and grandchildren will be BLACKED!

Holy fuck it's happening

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Oops wrong graph. Niggers collapse UN aid system. Niggers starve.

The best professional athletes in the world. Whites will no longer be allowed to take part in sports. Whites will be busy toiling away doing the jobs that the Jews and negros won't do.


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can't wait for that to crash when they realize their food comes from farms and not from the supermarket

There will not be such an occurrence.

The reason why Africa's population is exploding right now is because the west gives them so much foreign aid, also known as international welfare. This allows for African babies not to die of diseases or malnourishment, like would be the case without the foreign aid. Additionally, it creates a dysgenic effect in the sense that Africans who do not have any good genetics can breed and also because almost all of the Africans will eventually lose their abilities to survive in the wild and on their own. So what we have is basically a bunch of low IQ, no ability, good for nothing Africans who are surviving off the spoons fed to them from the west.

However, as we all know, the west and its ridiculous ponzi schemes will crash at some point. When that happens, there cannot be any more foreign aid to Africa.

Then, when the Africans, many of whom are unfit to survive on their own as aforementioned, do not have their international welfare, there will be a ghost genocide all over Africa.

We have seen this already on a smaller scale in Zimbabwe when the Rhodesian farmers left and many Zimbabweans starved to death. A similar thing will happen when the Boer leave South Africa.

Another way to think about this is to think about animals in captivity being released into the wild. Not many survive since they have lost all their naturally selected traits in captivity.

So I actually support as much welfare and benefits to Africans as possible because it will only make the ghost genocide greater and will kill more.

Real question is, what will Jews do once 90% of the world's population is niggers?

Disinfo shill

Open Borders
Continue Funding Africa

A Malthusian Catastrophe

>Disinfo shill
What was disinformation?

>they'll just all end up starving.

nice lardal limbosis