Just live your lives holy shit
Why do you all care so much?
Because my girlfriend and I plan on getting married and having kids, and we don't want to grow up in a niggerfied and muslimfied dystopian hellhole.
> Just live your lives holy shit
That dumb attitude is what got the west in the situation it is now. And if we continue sitting around and letting the "cultural enrichment" continue what it does right now, there won't be any future for our descendants.
For the children, user. For the children.
because if you're allowed to be a fluid gender kin jewish satanist trans-sexual pedophile then I'm allowed to be a straight white Christian male
>Just live your lives
that's what I'm trying to do but politicians won't let me
Because regardless of what the left says, life has meaning. Working for something is better than sitting on your ass trying to feel as much pleasure as physically possible. Having a purpose for the sake of it is better than sitting in your room angry and nihilistic because "nothing matters" while valuing things anyway, becoming more and more bitter when your life stays shit, while everyone around you works to improve their lives.
But no at least you're a tortured genius who knows it all and "needs no one" until you're crying in your bed at 3am.
Because I have lived around niggers in my youth and I seriously dont want this evil feral race to outnumber us.
Most ppl on this board are scrawny or overweight suburban white kids that couldn't heart a house fly if they tried.
They act tough online but have spotless clean records.
Let them yell and moan and bitch in their little safe place.
There is nothing they could do to stop it at this point anyway.
Not only stealing from a comedian but a famous comedian in his most popular special.
Why do you care about how much we care? Get your shitter stretched by mohammed you useless cunt.
I don't understand why you white people are so paranoid with us Africans especially the west africans. Most of us are not even interested in race mixing with you degenerates. I only care about brown girls since I'm Nigerian.
>Just choose to be ignorant
>Just life your life and not fight back
Fuck off kike.
Faggot. I would crush you without breaking a sweat. #deadniggersnow!
>People on Jow Forums have lives
That's the thing, they don't. Most of the people here just larp on a board full of neet autists who take people like Alex Jones and CTR Ghost seriously. Fucking Ghost. Ghost is a 50-60? year old man who caters to trolls and has childish temper tantrums for views while shilling shitty products. Just like Alex Jones, a troll who shills for expensive "survivalist" products that no one should use.
People on Jow Forums live in an alternate reality nightmare that they created. Most of the information they get is from fake infographs or pictures shared here when just a simple search would reveal that a lot of them are faked.
The biggest problem though is the_donald. The_donald invaded this board and it went from a fun shitposting board to laugh at hood niggas rioting to a board full of fucking nutjobs. The only thing that's never changed is the "MUH JEWS" shit. Before the election, if you disagreed with anyone, you were called a JIDF poster. Today, you're somehow being paid by leftist elites like George Soros.
The funniest part about this board is, most of you aren't even white by your own standards and you're not saving shit. Most of you couldn't get a woman's attention to save your life but you all sit on here and larp about "saving the white race".
Why are you not in nigeria? We want you to segregate and fuck brown/black all you want, just without gibs. Or no help from yt is too much to handle?
NAP was violated.
All Jews have to die.
Whites are not becoming a minority. Stop reading the garbage posted here and all the interracial propaganda. White people aren't going anywhere.
>Just like Alex Jones, a troll who shills for expensive "survivalist" products that no one should use.
you would think it's pretty difficult to shill against somebody the Jews have singled out, but you gave your best effort, so bravo
>$0.02 has been deposited into your account
We don't give a fuck about race mixing. We want our own white countries, just like you have your own African countries. Get it faggot? Go back to Nigeria.
You're a Grade A fucking moron if you take him seriously. He's a hyper-sensationalist that runs a product shilling show. Even he doesn't take the shit he says seriously nor are psychic vampires from outer space abducting children and taking them to Mars.
>Hurr durr you're being paid to post here
It's called disagreeing. I know that's probably a big word for you so I'll try to help. When you "disagree" with someone, you have a different opinion.
Niggers and Jews can't seem to grasp the fact that we want to be left alone. They follow us WHEREVER we fucking go and can't live without us...literally. War is always inevitable due to them.
nigger detected
If only. Unfortunately, PC has spread ever since his election as a counter measure and non-stop mainstream media propaganda.
No one cares about you, for as long as you stay in your country.
>Why do you care so much?
I seriously don't care. It's all a bag of laughs to me so long as I'm not personally affected.
Of course i want to live my life but not in a crime ridden 3rd world shithole caused by niggers and mohammed's
Dude, it's never about race. Never. It's not about black, white, yellow, brown, whatever. It's seriously about character.
I had a decrepit aging hippie for a teacher I couldn't stand. She was an old childless whore who thought she was charming us by wasting class time regaling us with stories of her whorish youth. She would never shut up about her SJW opinions. She was there to teach, not seek our approval and the forced laughter of the class.
Thing is, I didn't even disagree with her views. It was just her, her and the fat, bearded ignorant fools walking around with their guns, along with the overly aggressive fags, all lying, empty, ignorant, many of them decrepit, garrulous, irritating. Even as a kid I understood that I was better than that decrepit cunt and I couldn't wait to get older so that I could assume my proper role in society and garbage like that would have to show me the respect they owed me.